Yankovic перевод на французский
40 параллельный перевод
"Weird Al" Yankovic is on the plane.
Al "Weird" Yankovic est sur le même vol.
Here are two, "Weird Al" Yankovic and Vanna White.
En voilà deux, "Weird" Al Yankovic et Vanna White.
Vanna White and "Weird Al" Yankovic. OK!
Bonne soirée.
"Weird Al" Yankovic.
Weird Al Yancovic.
- "Weird Al" Yankovic.
"Weird Al" Yankovic,
- Weird Al Yankovic...
"Weird Al" Yankovic,
Frankie Yankovic was his favorite.
- Frankie Yankovic était son préféré.
Frankie Yankovic was not his favorite.
- Ce n'était pas son préféré.
So here's what we're gonna do, we're gonna play Frankie Yankovic and Herbie Hancock.
Alors, on va passer du Frankie Yankovic et du Herbie Hancock.
Your... Weird Al's Yankovic.
Weird Al s Yancovic.
For the perm, would you like... more Shirley Temp ringlets or more of a Weirdl Yankovic?
Pour le relooking, vous préférez... les boucles de Shirley Temp ou le genre Weirdl Yankovic?
You're like Weird Al Yankovic if he only wrote Christmas songs about banging my sister.
T'es comme Weird Al Yankovic * s'il parodiait des chansons de Noël sur comment se faire ma soeur.
Did you think of it because it's in your favorite movie, UHF, with Weird Al Yankovic?
Est-ce que t'y a pensé à cause de ton film préféré, UHF, avec ce bizarre Al Yankovic?
Jackie Chan and Weird Al Yankovic... you start a fight at the bar.
Jackie Chan et Weird Al Yankovic... Vous commencez une bagarre au bar.
Yes, a benefit concert. Like "We Are the World" or Weird Al Yankovic's
Un concert comme "We Are The World".
less successful parody benefit, "We Are the Pizza." Tell Pete to start building a set.
Ou la version moins connue de "Weird Al" Yankovic, "We Are The Pizza".
We want "Weird Al" Yankovic to come sing a hilarious song for us.
On veut que "Weird Al" Yankovic vienne chanter pour nous.
We want "Weird Al" Yankovic to come down here and sing a hilarious song for us.
On veut que "Weird Al" Yankovic vienne nous chanter une chanson drôle.
I got "Weird Al" Yankovic here, he wants to sing a parody song for you.
J'ai "Weird Al" Yankovic avec moi, il veut vous chanter une parodie.
- "Weird Al" Yankovic has just been shot.
- "Weird Al" Yankovic vient d'être tué.
You killed motherfucking "Weird Al" Yankovic!
Vous avez tué "Weird Al" Yankovic, bordel!
Well, tonight, we're doing the same thing, only with "Weird Al" Yankovic's Greatest Hits and Apocalypse Now.
Eh bien, ce soir, nous allons faire la même chose, avec le best-of des "Weird Al" de Yankovic et Apocalypse Now.
Our favorite wacky songster, "Weird Al" Yankovic.
Notre chanteur déjanté préféré : Weird Al Yankovic.
It's Weird Al Yankovic.
C'est Weird Al Yankovic.
" Dear Mr. Yankovic,
" Chère Mr. Yankovic,
- Weird al yankovic parodied your song.
- Weird Al Yankovic a parodié ta chanson.
- Sid, how long will it take to get a cease and desist order Against weird al yankovic?
- Sid, combien de temps ça va prendre pour obtenir une ordonnance, contre Weird Al Yankovic?
- Yankovic!
- Yankovic!
Weird Al Yankovic.
Weird Al Yankovic *. * ( parodiste )
Now, what do you say we all sit down and watch this Weird Al Yankovic documentary?
Et si on regardait un documentaire de Weird Al Yankovic?
This one, Vladimir Yankovic, runs drugs on the Lower East Side and Staten Island.
Celui là, Vladimir Yankovic, domine la drogue dans le Lower East Side et Staten Island.
It's called a parody, like weird Al.
Ça s'appelle une parodie, comme Weird Al Yankovic.
Weird Al Yankovic, and finally, the one I fell in love with. "
Weird Al Yankovic. Celui dont je suis tombée amoureuse. "
Well, at first, it was a real brain-twister, but then I remembered a quote from a renowned poet from my Earth, Alfred Yankovic...
Au début, c'était une vraie énigme, mais ensuite je me suis rappelé une citation d'un poète renommé sur ma Terre, Alfred Yankovic...
You have to combine the concise verbiage of Kennedy speechwriter Arthur Schlesinger with the witty wordplay of tunesmith W.A. Yankovic.
Tu dois combiner le verbiage concis de l'auteur des discours Kennedy, Arthur Schlesinger avec le jeu de mots spirituel du chanteur "Weird Al" Yankovic.
He was like the "Weird Al" Yankovic of church.
C'était le parolier parodique de l'église.
Let's see.
Vanna White et "Weird" Al Yankovic.
I mean, who would you rather be :
Weird Al Yankovic ou Dido?
Weird Al Yankovic or Dido?
Al Yankovic.
- Al Yankovic.