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Translate.vc / английский → французский / [ Y ] / You'll know what to do

You'll know what to do перевод на французский

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Because you won't know what to do or where to turn. And they'll pick you up in minutes.
Tu ne sauras pas quo ¡ fa ¡ re et tu te feras prendre.
Do you know what life will be like? You'll never wish to die.
Elle sera si belle qu'on la vivrait éternellement.
It will just be that "something". And I'll know that you've done, what.. What I've tried to do and..
Ce sera juste cette chose qui me prouvera que tu as réussi, là ou moi l'ai échoué, en essayant de t'aider.
Why, you'll be making so much money, you won't know what to do with it.
Vous allez faire tellement d'argent, vous ne saurez plus quoi en faire.
You know what they'll do to me.
Tu sais ce qu'ils me feront.
You'll never know what she going to do?
Vous savez ce qu'elle va faire?
You know what you can get for this? What they'll do to you?
Vous savez ce qu'ils vous feront?
I don't know what to do. If I stay, I may lose the cast. - If you don't, you'll lose your backer.
Si je reste, je risque de perdre la face.
Of course, as I know more about what they're going to do... than you do at the present, I hope you'll excuse my back.
Comme je sais ce qu'elles vont faire à présent, je dois vous tourner le dos!
That's right, but I'm not going to be a "yes" man. You know what I'll do?
Mais je ne vais pas jouer les beni-oui-oui!
You know what they'll do to you.
Vous savez ce qu'ils vous feront.
You don't know what you'll do when those guns start to roar.
Tu ne sais pas comment tu vas réagir quand ces canons vont gronder.
And you know what he'll do to you.
Et vous savez ce qu'il vous fera.
When your precious underprivileged really get together.... Oh, boy.... That'll add up to something bigger than your privilege then I don't know what you'll do.
Et quand tes précieux défavorisés seront unis... tes privilèges ne pèseront plus lourd!
Now, if anything should happen to me... read this letter and you'll know what to do.
S'il m'arrive quelque chose... lis cette lettre.
You know what they'll do to you?
Tu sais ce qu'ils vont te faire?
About them two cows you wanted to sell. I know you ain't got money enough to pay for an ad, but tell you what I'll do.
À propos des deux vaches que vous vouliez vendre, vous n'avez pas les moyens pour une petite annonce, mais voilà ma proposition.
Well, of course, you'll know what you want to do.
Eh bien, tu sais ce que tu veux faire. Viens.
But he'll never be able to go back and do the kind of work... you know, darling I don't think I understand what kind of work he was doing.
Mais il ne pourra jamais retourner faire le travail qu'il... tu sais, ma chérie, je ne comprends pas bien quel genre de travail il faisait.
I don't know what you'll do about it, but I'm going to throw her right out on her ear.
Je ne sais pas ce que vous allez faire, mais moi, je vais la virer d'ici illico.
for a long time... long and dangerously... you'll know how it feels when you believe... that in a little while... in a little while, you'll finish what you have to do.
pendant longtemps, longtemps et dangereusement, vous savez ce qu'on ressent quand on croit que bientôt... que bientôt, on va finir ce qu'on avait entrepris de faire.
- You know what that'll do to him?
Ça sera dur.
How do I know what devilment you'll be up to when me back is turned?
Que ferez-vous dès que j'aurai le dos tourné?
What are you going to say? I don't know, I'll do something.
- Il vous attend.
I know what you're trying to do, and I'll stop you.
Je vous empêcherai de poursuivre votre dessein.
- Do you know what you'll discover? - No. - That you will not be able to leave me.
tu sais ce qui t'arrive non tu ne peux plus me laisser tiens oui, oui. c'est bien pourtant c'est ta faute.
- I know what they'll do to you.
- Je sais ce qu'ils vous feront.
You know what'll happen to all of us unless you do exactly as you're told?
Tu sais ce qui arrivera si tu n'obéis pas?
Do you know what'll happen to me if I drink that?
Vous savez ce que ça va me faire!
I don't know how you'll solve this or what good is going to come of it... but whatever you do, Vic, I wish you all the happiness in the book.
J'ignore comment tu t'en tireras et ce qui en résultera mais, quoi que tu fasses, je souhaite ton bonheur.
Whatever, Lemmy, just for advice. Don't try to screw us. If Rudy asks for your wireless code, you know what you'll have to do.
En tout cas Lemmy, un conseil, cherche pas à nous doubler si Rudy fait appel à ton numéro.
For if you fails to silence me, you'll know what I'll do.
Contre le silence, je peux agir.
One of these days, you know what we'll do? We'll go to Venice.
Il faut qu'on aille à Venise.
I'll tell you now, I just rightly don't know what to do.
Croyez-moi, je ne sais vraiment pas quoi faire.
And now all you got to do is tell us what we want to know, and we'll let you out and you can go home.
Maintenant, tu nous dis ce qu'on veut savoir et tu pourras rentrer chez toi.
Next thing I know you'll be telling me what to do.
Me direz-vous ce que je dois faire?
No, i don't but i'll tell you what i do know - i got to go out and do a job.
Par contre, faut que j'aille faire mon boulot. Faut que je troue cette vieille peau sur la 38e rue.
Do you know what the newspapers'll do to us?
Tu sais ce que feront les journaux?
I don't know what you're talking about. I'll pay you double to do the same thing for me. - To...
Harry n'a tué personne, il n'était pas là, hier soir.
Then you'll know what to do.
Ensuite, tu sauras quoi faire.
If they take him alive, you know what they'll do to him.
S'ils l'ont vivant, vous savez ce qu'ils lui feront.
But until you know what you want you'll do what I want you to do.
Mais tant que tu ne sais pas, tu feras ce que je veux.
You'll know what to do when the time comes.
Vous saurez alors ce qu'il faut faire.
Well, young lady, I suppose you'll want to know all about me and what I do and think and all of that blarney, huh?
Alors mon enfant, je suppose que tu veux tout savoir de moi?
If you're not there and they catch me, you know what they'll do to me.
Si tu ne viens pas et qu'ils m'attrapent, tu sais ce qu'ils me feront.
If they get her, you know what they'll do to her.
Et tu sais ce qu'ils lui feraient.
You know what that'll do to a fellow?
Un sacré mélange. Tu sais ce que ça fait?
Do you know what they'll do to me?
Sais-tu ce qu'ils vont me faire?
Do you know what they'll do to you?
Tu sais ce qui t'attend s'ils voient ça?
They'll know what to do about you.
Ils sauront quoi faire de toi.
- You'll know what to do.
- Vous saurez quoi faire.

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