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Translate.vc / английский → французский / [ Y ] / You're going to love this

You're going to love this перевод на французский

120 параллельный перевод
Oh, you're going to love this place, Johnny.
Ah, vous allez aimer cet endroit, Johnny.
You're not going to tell me we went through all this trouble for a silly love affair? Looks that way.
Aurions-nous perdu notre temps pour une stupide histoire d'amour?
You're going to love this.
Vous allez vous amuser.
You're going to love this latest development.
Ah oui! C'est la meilleure. Ecoute-ça, Ned.
You're going to love this shirt.
- Tu vas l'adorer. - Vous n'avez pas- -
You're going to love this.
Tu vas adorer.
You're going to love this one.
Tu vas adorer ce coup-là.
If we're going to do this, I want to be only as much in love with you as you are with me.
Si on doit le faire, je veux être amoureuse de toi autant que tu l'es de moi.
you're all going to love this episode, i promise.
Vous allez adorer cet épisode, je vous le promets.
Well, no, Steve, but you're going to love this.
Buck, je ne voulais pas.
Well, no, Steve, but you're going to love this.
Non, mais tu vas aimer ça :
You're going to love this.
Vous allez adorer.
You're going to love me for this.
Tu vas m'aimer très fort.
You're going to love every minute of this.
Tu nous lècheras là où on se rejoint.
You're going to love this guy he's a genius.
Tu vas adorer ce mec. C'est un génie.
- you're going to love this movie.
- Salut! Tu vas adorer ce film.
Man, you're going to love this ride. I got you a whole stack of tickets.
Come on, you're going to love this.
Allez, vous allez aimer ça.
yes! I'm sure and I'd love for all of them....... millions of people watching tonight, that you reenact this historical moment You're going to kiss!
Je suis sûr et d'ailleurs j'aimerais que devant des....... millions de téléspectateurs ce soir, vous restituiez ce moment historique et émouvant Vous allez vous embrasser!
You're going to love this, I swear to God.
Tu vas adorer, je te le promets.
There's a lovely little island off the coast of Surinam and... ( Laughing ) They have a couple of tribes there, you're going to love this.
Il y a une charmante petite île au large de Surinam et... Il y a deux tribus, vous allez adorer.
In that case, you're going to love this.
Par conséquent, je sens que vous allez adorer :
Well, you're not going to love this one, sir.
Eh bien, vous n'apprécierez pas celui-ci.
Man, you're going to love this!
Mec, tu vas adorer!
Hey, have I told you about my bunions? You're going to love this story.
Je t'ai raconté mes cors aux pieds?
You're going to love this one.
Celle-là, vous allez l'adorer.
A much better idea. Oh Bev, you're going to love this.
Bev, tu vas adorer ça.
You're going to love this, Colonel.
Ca va vous plaire, colonel.
But if you so much as make one more even slightly disparaging comment about the woman I love, you're going to be policing this town from a hospital bed, you hear me?
Mais si tu fais la moindre remarque désobligeante... sur la fille que j'aime, je te jure... que tu joueras au shérif sur un lit d'hôpital.
And there are these dictionaries which you will carry at all times because in this class, we're going to learn to love words and their meanings.
Et voici un dictionnaire pour chacun de vous Parce qu'ici nous apprendrons à aimer les mots et leur sens.
You liked that thing, you're going to love this.
Vous allez adorer ça.
You're going to love this one.
Vous allez adorer cette chanson.
You're going to love this stuff.
Vous allez adorer. Notre toute derniére collection.
Well... you're going to love this.
Vous allez adorer ça.
You're going to love this.
Vous allez adorer ça.
You're going to love this.e
tu vas adorer ça
Les éclaireurs sont revenus.
You're a wonderful woman. And this guy, Andy, is going to love you.
Tu es quelqu'un d'exceptionnel et je sais qu'Andy va t'adorer.
You're going to absolutely love the birds at this restaurant.
Tu vas adorer les donzelles de ce restaurant.
Agent Sharpe, you're going to love this.
Agent Sharpe, vous allez adorer.
Well, then you're going to love this.
Alors, tu vas aimer ça. Accroche-toi!
Oh, you're going to love this.
Vous allez adorer ça.
Oh, you're going to love this.
Oh, vous allez aimer ça.
Mm, you're going to love this one, I promise.
Celle-là, tu vas l'adorer.
You're mother's going to love this.
Ta mère va adorer ça.
Well, if you like that, you're going to love this.
Eh bien si vous aimez cela, vous allez adorer ceci.
Then you're going to love this!
Alors tu vas adorer ça!
You're not going to believe what I just stumbled across- - this show I used to love when I was a kid, I Married a Mind Reader.
Tu ne vas jamais croire sur quoi je viens de tomber, cette émission que j'adorais quand j'étais gamine, "J'ai épousé quelqu'un qui lit dans les pensées".
- You're going to love this one.
- Vous allez adorer.
What is it? Oh, you're going to love this, Roger.
Ça va te plaire, Roger.
You're going to love this place. It's perfect for newlyweds.
Vous allez adorer cet appartement, il est parfait pour vous.

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