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You're going to need it перевод на французский

215 параллельный перевод
You're going to need it.
Vous en aurez besoin.
But Monsieur Vicomte, you're going to need it.
Vous pourriez en avoir besoin...
But you're going to need brains to get it.
Vous aurez besoin de neurones pour le choper.
Here, have a drink because you're going to need it.
Tiens, bois un peu, tu en auras besoin.
- I still have the rabbit's foot. - You're going to need it.
- J'ai toujours la patte de lapin.
I'm gonna leave you one, just one because you're going to need it, pal.
Je t'en laisserai un. Tu vas en avoir besoin.
You're going to need it.
On en aura besoin.
You better. You're going to need it.
Vous allez en avoir besoin.
Bill, we all know you're not guilty. But we're going to need help to prove it and need it badly.
Mais il va nous falloir beaucoup de soutien.
You're going to need it.
Vous allez en avoir besoin.
- You're going to need it.
Vous en aurez besoin.
Cause after that one shot, all you're going to need is another. And then another and another Take it!
Parce qu'après ce fixe, t'en auras besoin d'un autre et puis d'un autre, et puis d'un autre.
But don't let me stop you. I think you're going to need it.
Ne vous en privez pas, vous risquez d'en avoir besoin.
You're going to need it, all of it, when we find him.
Vous en aurez bien besoin quand on le retrouvera.
What do you need it for? You're going to work.
Oublie donc ta sangle, tu es en âge de travailler!
If we're not going to make love, why do you need to give me it?
Si on fait pas l'amour, pourquoi t'as besoin de me le donner?
And save your strength,'cause you're going to need it. Tomorrow.
T'en auras besoin... demain!
You're going to need it.
Vous allez voir.
You're going to need it!
Tu en auras besoin.
Yes, you're going to need it.
Oh oui, tu en auras besoin.
You'd best save it for my sister. I'm afraid you're going to need it.
Gardez-la pour ma sœur, vous en aurez besoin.
- Well, you've got this huge place. You're going to need someone to run it for you.
Il te faut quelqu'un pour tenir cette immense maison.
- Uh, yeah. You're going to need it.
Donnez-moi vos papiers!
Muscle relaxant. You're going to need it.
Relaxant musculaire, tu vas en avoir besoin.
Not that you'rE going to need it.
Mais tu n'en auras pas besoin.
I've a terrible feeling you're going to need it.
Tu vas en avoir besoin.
They're going to need you now, boy. It's up to you to look after them now.
C'est à toi de t'occuper de ta mère et du bébé maintenant.
Because, God knows, you're going to need it!
Parce que, pardon... t'en auras besoin!
You will need help if you're going to make it to Tucson in that.
Vous aurez besoin d'un coup de main si vous voulez y aller avec ça.
If you're going to scale a mountain, you need the right things to do it with.
Pour escalader une montagne, il faut le matériel adéquat.
Come on, Jimmy, it's not going to be that bad. we're going to get you everything you need.
Ce ne sera pas si dur que ça, tu auras tout ce dont tu as besoin.
Because if we're going to Rex's Bar, you're gonna need it.
Parce que si on va au Rex Bar, vous en aurez besoin.
It's too kind of Igor to take care of it to bother to paint a bit of metal just to make you happy. Since you're here, we don't need to stay. We're going back to Paris.
En fait, vous ne recevez personne.
If you're going to L.A. for money, you may not need it.
Si tu vas à L.A. Pour l'argent, ce n'est peut-être pas la peine.
It's eight to five you're going to need root canal.
Vous allez sûrement avoir besoin d'un canal dentaire.
And believe me, you're going to need it.
Et crois-moi, tu vas en avoir besoin.
Because you're going to need it when we hunt this girl down, And watch her, and weight for her to become heavy with child,
Vous en aurez besoin pour retrouver cette fille, la surveiller en attendant qu'elle tombe enceinte.
But that dragon is so bloody enormous, if we're going to lift it out of here, we need you healthy.
Mais pour emmener le dragon On a besoin de toi
They're telling me it's going to take six hours, but I need to make a rendezvous with a Tholian freighter in nine hours and you know how they are about punctuality.
On me dit qu'il y en a pour six heures, mais j'ai rendez-vous avec des Tholiens dans 9 heures. Tu sais ce qu'ils pensent de la ponctualité.
You're going to need it.
Tu vas en avoir besoin.
Even if we do give you the technology now, you're still going to need time to develop it.
Il va vous falloir du temps pour développer cette technologie.
You're going to need it at some point.
T'en auras besoin à un moment ou à un autre.
You're going to need it.
Tu en auras besoin.
I sense you're going to need it.
Vous en aurez besoin, je le sens.
Face it, you're going to need a little help.
Admets que tu as besoin d'aide.
I understand how you all must be feeling... and I know it's going to be difficult... but we need to ask questions regarding today's events... while they're still fresh in your mind.
Je comprends votre douleur et combien ceci est pénible, mais on doit vous interroger sur ces événements.
You're going to need it more than me.
Tu en as plus besoin que moi.
Okay, while you two do that, I'll go remake the potion because we're going to need it.
Pendant que vous faites ça, je refais de la potion.
- Good... because where we're headed, you're going to need it.
- Bien, car vous allez en avoir besoin.
Glad to hear it. We're going to need you.
Ben alors vous me rassurez, parce qu'on aura besoin de vous.
You're going to need to get it up and running. Aye, sir.
Vous allez le réactiver.

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