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You're gonna kill me перевод на французский

618 параллельный перевод
If you're gonna kill me, hurry up. I have to take my tonic at 2 : 00.
Si vous devez me tuer, allez-y, je dois prendre mon fortifiant à 2 h.
You're not really gonna kill me, are you?
Vous n'allez quand même pas me tuer?
And you're really gonna kill me?
Vous allez me tuer?
- You're gonna kill me?
- Tu vas me tuer?
- You're gonna kill me, huh?
- Vous allez me tuer, hein?
If you're gonna kill me, get it over with now.
Si vous comptez me tuer, finissons-en.
If you're gonna kill me, get it over with.
Vas-y donc! Tue-moi sans état d'âme!
If you're gonna kill like me, you might as well drink like me!
Si tu dois tuer comme moi, tu peux aussi boire comme moi!
If I don't the worst that can happen is that you kill me and you're gonna do that anyway.
Si je refuse... Tout ce que vous pouvez faire, c'est me tuer et vous le ferez de toutes façons.
You're a-gonna kill-a me?
You're gonna kill me!
Tu vas me tuer!
The next thing, I suppose, that you're gonna ask me to believe is this phantom accomplice, who never killed anybody in the first place, of course, comes back the next night to kill my wife. Is that right?
Et vous voulez me faire croire que ce complice fantôme qui n'avait jamais tué personne avant serait revenu pour tuer ma femme.
You're gonna have to kill me, or I'll kill you.
Il faudra me tuer... ou je vous tuerai.
They do this to me... they're gonna kill you!
S'ils m'ont fait ça, ils te tueront!
Now, you may kill me, but if you don't come to your senses and throw it down, they're gonna kill you.
Vous allez peut-être me tuer... mais si vous ne revenez pas à la raison... c'est vous qu'ils vont tuer.
Vous allez pas me tuer.
You're gonna kill me.
Il va me tuer.
You're amazing. If you tell me that one more time, I'm gonna kill myself.
Redites-le et je me tue.
You're gonna have to kill me.
Vous devrez me tuer.
Kill that son of a bitch! You made me bleed, motherfucker. You're gonna pay.
Tiens, fils de pute!
If you're gonna kill me...
Si vous voulez me tuer...
If you want my land, you're gonna have to kill me.
Si tu veux mes terres tu vas devoir me tuer.
If'n you don't kill me by missing'me, you're gonna get me with your poison cooking'.
Si tu ne me tues pas en me ratant, tu le feras avec ta cuisine.
You're gonna come here and get me, and that means... you're going to kill me, and that means they're going to go too.
Tu vas devoir venir me chercher... tu vas devoir me tuer, et ça veut dire qu'ils devront partir aussi.
You're gonna get my seats wet, and my boss is gonna kill me.
Tu vas mouiller les sièges et mon patron sera furieux.
You were going to kill me, Khan. You're gonna have to come down here. You're going to have to come down here.
Il va falloir que tu viennes me chercher.
Then you're gonna have to kill me to stop me.
Alors, il faudra me tuer pour m'arrêter.
- You're still gonna kill me?
- Vous voulez toujours me tuer?
You're not gonna kill me the slow way by leaving cigarettes in trees.
Tu ne m'auras pas en laissant des cigarettes dans les arbres.
You're gonna kill me.
Tu vas me tuer.
You killed my sister, and now you're gonna kill me. And I don't care, Mr. Piedra or Gray or whatever...
Vous avez tué ma soeur et vous allez me tuer, mais je m'en fiche, M. Piedra.
I just told you they could kill you. You haven't told me what you're gonna do about it, you fuckhead.
Je vous dis qu'ils peuvent vous tuer.
No, you're gonna kill me!
- Non! Tu vas me tuer!
You're gonna have to kill me, Ace.
Tu vas me tuer, Ace.
- Pike, you got to help me. They're gonna kill me, for God's sake.
Ils vont me tuer, pour l'amour de Dieu.
Or else what? You're gonna kill me?
-... vous allez me tuer?
If you're gonna kill me, go ahead and get it over with.
Si vous voulez me tuer, autant en finir tout de suite.
If that's not enough, I guess you're gonna have to kill me.
Si c'est pas assez, je suppose que vous allez devoir me tuer.
You want any of this, you're gonna have to kill me for it.
Si c'est ça que tu veux, va falloir que tu me tues d'abord.
You're gonna have to kill me.
Plutôt mourir.
You're gonna have to kill me to keep me away from Lula.
Il faudra me tuer pour m'éloigner de Lula.
You're gonna have to kill me.
Il faudra me tuer.
And even though I might be perturbed you're gonna kill me, I gotta salute your toughness.
Même si je suis un peu inquiet à l'idée que tu vas me tuer, je dois boire à ta ténacité.
But if you're gonna kill me...
Si vous voulez me tuer...
So, you're not gonna kill me.
Vous allez pas me tuer alors.
You gotta promise me you're not gonna kill anyone, right?
Tu dois me promettre de ne plus tuer personne. - Bon.
You're not gonna kill me.
Tu ne vas pas me tuer.
You gotta promise me you're not gonna kill anyone, right?
Tu dois me promettre de ne plus tuer personne.
I said, "If you're gonna kill yourself, do it already and stop bothering me."
J'ai dit : "Ecoute, si tu veux te tuer, vas-y et fous-moi la paix."
If you're gonna kill me, get it over with.
Si vous voulez me tuer, finissons-en.
They're not gonna let that guy out and you're gonna have to kill me.
Ils relâcheront pas votre type. - Et vous allez me tuer.

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