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Translate.vc / английский → французский / [ Y ] / You've been lying to me

You've been lying to me перевод на французский

184 параллельный перевод
You've been lying to me.
Tu m'as menti.
Steve, you've been lying to me all the time.
Tu m'as menti pendant tout ce temps.
Could it be that it isn't just his gold you're interested in... that you've been lying to me?
II se pourrait que ce ne soit pas que son or qui t'intéresse, et que tu me mentes.
You've been lying to me about that, too.
Tu m'as aussi menti à ce sujet.
You've been with me for 5 hours, and you've been lying to me every second of it.
- Que sais-tu de la vérité? Tu as passé 5 heures avec moi à me mentir!
I understand you've been lying to me ever since I got here.
Je comprends que tu me mens depuis mon arrivée.
What I do mind is that you've been lying to me right along.
Ce qui l'est, c'est que vous m'ayez menti.
And you've been lying to me.
Et tu m'as menti.
But I can't. And believe me. If you've been lying to me about this or anything else, Frank I never wanna see you again.
Et si vous m'avez menti, je ne veux plus jamais vous revoir.
Then you've been lying to me
- Tu m'as donc menti.
- You've been lying to me.
- Tu m'as menti.
All of a sudden you're lying next to this woman... whom you've been married to for... excuse me, "X" number of years... everything's wonderful... and one night she rolls over, looks at you and says :
Tu es couché à côté d'une femme avec qui tu es marié depuis... x années tout est merveilleux... Une nuit, elle se retourne vers toi et elle te dit :
Oh, my God! You've been lying to me my whole life, haven't you?
Je rêve, vous m'avez menti toute ma vie, n'est-ce pas?
- I admit what I did was wrong, but Joey you lied to me. You've been lying to me.
Je reconnais que j'ai eu tort, mais tu m'as menti.
You've been lying to me?
Tu m'as menti?
I've been lying to you for three days and now you're all screwing me.
Je vous mens depuis trois jours et vous me jouez ce sale tour!
You've been lying to me!
Vous nous avez mentis!
You mean you've been lying to me?
Tu veux dire que tu m'as menti?
You've been lying to me, Katie.
- Vous m'avez menti, Katie.
Like you've been lying to me.
Comme vous.
You've been lying to me.
Mais tu m'as menti.
I know you've been lying to me. My question is this : Have you been lying to yourself because you can't see past Mia?
je sais que tu m "as menti. je te demande si tu t" es menti à toi-même parce que tu ne vois pas plus loin que Mia?
You've been fucking lying to me!
Tu m'as menti!
Except you've been lying to me, my mum and my mum's friend.
Sauf que vous m'avez menti à moi, à ma mère, et à l'amie de ma mère.
You've been lying to me?
Vous m'avez menti?
How can I know what you believe when you've been lying to me?
Comment savoir ce en quoi tu crois quand tu mens?
I want to know why you've been lying to me!
Je veux savoir pourquoi tu m'as menti!
- All this time, you've been lying to me.
- Pendant tout ce temps, tu m'as embobiné.
But it turns out you've been lying to me from the first day I laid eyes on you.
Mais tu m'as menti depuis le jour où nos regards se sont croisés.
You've been lying to me since the moment we met!
Tu me mens depuis le début!
- You've been lying to me.
- Vous n'arrêtez pas de me mentir.
- You've been lying to me since we got here.
- Vous mentez depuis votre arrivée.
Zak, you've already been lying to Werner. You're not gonna be lying to me, okay?
Zak, tu as menti à Werner, mais tu ne me mentiras pas.
- This whole night you've been lying to me.
- Tu m'as menti toute la soirée.
- For five months you've been lying to me.
- Vous me mentez depuis 5 mois!
You've been lying to me, my whole life, about who I am.
Tu m'as menti toute ma vie sur mon identité.
You've been lying to me for months.
Tu me mens depuis des mois.
So you've been lying to me all this time?
Tu m'as menti pendant tout ce temps?
You've been lying to me for all these years.
Tu m'as menti toutes ces années.
I think you've been lying to me, Zora.
Je crois que tu m'as menti, Zora.
I think you've been lying to me all along.
Je crois que tu me mens depuis le début.
I don't know what you want, or why you've been lying to me, but stay away.
Vous feriez un bon inspecteur. J'ignore ce que vous voulez, mais laissez-moi.
So you've been lying to me?
Tu m'as menti alors?
You've been lying to me.
- Tu m'as menti.
- You've been lying to me!
- Tu m'as menti.
You've been lying to me and you shouldn't lie to those you love.
- Tu m'as menti. - Tu ne dois jamais mentir à ceux que tu aimes.
Yeah, and you've been lying to me, Danny.
- Ouais, et tu m'as menti, Danny.
Yeah, and you've been lying to me, danny.
Ouais, et tu m'as menti, Danny.
So you've been lying to me all along.
- Donc tu me mens depuis tout ce temps.
You've been lying to me.
Vous m'avez menti.
And you've just been lying to me all this time?
Et tu m'as menti pendant tout ce temps?

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