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You don't know what happened перевод на французский

727 параллельный перевод
I don't know what happened between you and Vivian and I don't care, but I do care about your little boy.
Je ne veux pas savoir ce qui s'est passé entre vous deux, mais je m'inquiète pour votre fils. Où sont-ils?
Oh, you don't know what happened?
- Vous n'êtes pas au courant?
You don't know what's happened.
Vous ignorez ce qui s'est passé.
Don't you know what's happened?
Tu n'as pas entendu?
I reckon you children know what happened after God made Adam and Eve, don't you?
Qu'arriva-t-il après que Dieu eût créé Adam et Ève?
- What happened to your face? - You know what! Don't think you can put mustard on my head and burn my nose!
Croyez pas me tartiner le crâne de moutarde et me brûler le nez, et vous en tirer comme ça!
I don't think you know what happened.
Vous ne savez pas vraiment ce qui s'est passé.
Jane, you don't know what happened at Hansford!
Tu ne sais pas ce qui est arrivé à Hunsford.
If anything happened to you, Roxie, I don't know what I'd do.
S'il vous arrive quoi que ce soit, je suis perdu.
How can you sit there when we don't even know what's happened to her?
Comment peux-tu rester là quand on ne sait pas ce qu'il lui est arrivé?
You don't know what happened to her. She told lies to herself and believed them.
Et parce qu'elle s'était forgée des idées, elle aussi.
- Don't you know what's happened? - No.
- Vous ne savez pas ce qui c'est passé?
This isn't a trick Commissioner, I assure you I don't know what's happened.
Ce n'est pas une plaisanterie, je ne sais pas ce qui s'est passé.
You know what's happened, don't you?
Vous savez ce qui nous arrive, n'est-ce pas?
You don't know what happened.
Vous étiez saoul au point de croire que vous conduisiez.
You know what happened to Lot's wife when she looked back, don't you?
Tu sais ce qui est arrivé à la femme de Loth?
You know what happened to Lot's wife, don't you?
Tu sais ce qui est arrivé à la femme de Loth?
I don't know what happened. It started when you spoke.
Je ne sais pas ce qui s'est passé.
I don't know what happened to me when you told me, except that our evening was spoiled.
J'ai seulement compris que notre soirée était gâchée.
You don't know what really happened.
On ne sait pas ce qui s'est vraiment passé.
Non, tu ne sais pas ce qui s'est passé.
I know you're angry very angry with me but don't be harsh I want to get back with you forgive for what has happened forget it and don't be spiteful if you think about it we all make mistakes.
Je sais bien que tu es fâchée très fâchée contre moi mais ne nous trahis pas je veux revenir auprès de toi pardonne ce qui est arrivé oublie et ne sois pas ingrate parce que quand on y réfléchit ça arrive à tout le monde de se tromper.
You don't know what happened.
Tu ne sais pas ce qui s'est passé.
I don't quite know why I did it but I decided to try and find out what happened to him. Did you?
Je ne sais pas pourquoi mais j'ai voulu savoir ce qu'il devenait.
You know what happened, don't you?
Vous savez ce qui est arrivé?
You know, after what happened today, I don't guess we'll be seeing you any more.
Après ce qui s'est passé, on risque de ne plus se revoir.
I don't know what I'd do if anything ever happened to you.
Je ne sais pas ce que je ferais si il vous arrivait quelque chose. 304 00 : 26 : 33,655 - - 00 : 26 : 36,183.
- I don't know what's happened to you.
- Je ne te comprends plus.
He had to be conspicuously brave, you see, because, well, something had happened in training camp - I don't know what - but he was afraid the others thought him a coward.
Il devait le prouver, vous comprenez, parce que... quelque chose avait eu lieu, au camp... et les autres le prenaient pour un lâche.
I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to you.
Je ne sais pas ce que je ferais s'il t'arrivait quelque chose.
- You don't really know what happened in that house.
- Vous ignorez - ce qui s'est passé.
I don't know. Well, you actually did see what happened to Dr. Hallen.
Mais tu as vu ce qui est arrivé au Dr Hallen.
I don't know what happened to you but it's not my fault, for sure.
Je ne sais pas ce qui t'est arrivé mais ce n'est pas de ma faute.
I don't know what happened up in Maine last summer, but whatever it was you have got to put that whole experience out of your mind.
J'ignore ce qui s'est passé dans le Maine, l'été dernier, mais il faut que tu cesses de penser à cette expérience.
I... You know... Sounds crazy, but I don't know what happened to me.
C'est idiot, mais je ne sais pas ce qui m'a pris.
And I don't know what happened, suddenly, everything started to go wrong. - Do you understand?
C'est vrai que j'ai eu tort, je l'admets, mais il faut que tu saches une chose.
Hey, you know what's happened don't you?
J'ai dû attraper quelque chose lors du cambriolage, mardi.
Don't you really know what happened, Mrs. Curwen?
Vous ne le savez pas madame Curwen?
Don't you want to know what's happened to it?
Vous ne voudriez pas savoir ce qui lui est arrivé, hum?
It's better that you don't know what happened to us.
Il vaut mieux que vous ne sachiez pas ce qui nous arrive.
You don't know what happened to her?
Qu'est-elle devenue?
What are you looking at me like that for? We don't know what happened, Karan.
On ne sait pas ce qui est arrivé.
Don't you want to know what happened to me?
Ne souhaitez-vous pas savoir ce qui m'est arrivé?
You don't know what's happened. You don't know if it was him.
Vous ignorez si c'est lui, le responsable.
- You don't know what happened?
Vous ne savez pas?
We all know what happened when I wasn't there to look after you, don't we?
On sait ce qui se passe quand personne n'est là pour te surveiller.
If it weren't for you, I don't know what would have happened to me.
Sans toi, je ne sais pas ce que je serais devenu.
What happened? Hey, man, don't you know how to drive?
Mec, tu ne sais pas conduire?
I don't know what happened before between you two... but here, to cherish Mr. Kawabe's will is the humanity to follow.
De toute façon, il est naturel de respecter la volonté de M. Kawabe.
You don't know what happened.
Tu sais même pas tout!
I don't know what this man was planning on doing on a primitive planet, but assuming one did exist, I can tell you what would have happened
J'ignore ce que cet homme avait prévu de faire sur une planète primitive. - Mais je sais ce qui serait arrivé.

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