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Translate.vc / английский → французский / [ Y ] / You get away from me

You get away from me перевод на французский

781 параллельный перевод
Before I let you get away from me, I'll break you in two.
Je te briserai d'abord en deux!
The sucker himself. Yes, I was a sucker to let you get away from me but not this time.
Oui, j'ai été idiot de vous laisser m'échapper.
Don't you get away from me.
Ne vous sauvez pas.
Get away from me you venal creature...
Loin de moi, créature vénale...
Thought you was going to get away from me, didn't you?
Tu croyais m'échapper?
- I tell you this... Please! Get him away from me, would you.
Je vous dis- - Lâchez-moi!
Dwight, all he says is, " Don't run away from things. Don't hide. Get out in the middle of life and if the wind blows you over, pick yourself up again.
Il me dit seulement de ne pas fuir, de ne pas dissimuler, d'aller au-devant de la vie, et si le vent m'emporte, de me relever.
I'm not gonna carry you screaming from the hotel, but you can't get away from me.
Je ne t'enlèverai pas, mais tu ne m'échapperas pas.
I'm after Joe Helton, I tell you, and he can't get away from me on this boat.
Je cherche Joe Helton, et il ne m'échappera pas sur ce bateau.
I'll take it away from you unless you get me a canoe right away!
Sinon, je le reprends.
I want to get away from here, from you, just as fast as I can... and as far as 100,000 francs will take me.
Je te quitte au plus vite, mais avec 100 000 francs!
You're not gonna get away from me again. - We've got things to say, you and I.
Je ne vous laisserai plus m'échapper.
- I'll tell the world who's a fake. You are! - Get away from me!
Le monde entier saura alors qui est l'imposteur.
Roy here tells me that you were in an awful hurry to get away from that cemetery.
Roy m'a rapporté que vous étiez extrêmement pressé de quitter ce cimetière.
You can't get away from me.
Tu ne m'échapperas pas.
I had to fight to get away from you.
Tu ne voulais plus me lâcher.
Get away from me, you little turkey buzzard.
Éloignez-vous de moi, espèce de rapace.
Well if you really want to know, I took the boat to get away from somebody who's trying to shoot me.
Si vous tenez à le savoir, j'essaie d'échapper à un tueur.
Margaret, I believe you want to get away from me.
Vous voulez donc me quitter?
Get as far away as you can from France. - And from me.
Eloignez-vous le plus possible de la France... et de moi.
You'd like to get away from me, wouldn't you?
Tu aimerais me quitter, n'est-ce pas?
I think you're right. I think he should get away from me.
Oui, je ne lui vaux rien.
You stay away from guys like me. You'll only get hurt. I'm clearing out, tonight.
N'approche plus les gens comme moi, tu ne ferais que t'y brûler.
You asked me a while ago... how I happened to let anything like your father get away from me.
Tu m'as demandé pourquoi j'ai laissé ton père partir?
Captain, you don't mean to say you let him get away from you?
Capitaine, ne me dites pas qu'il vous a échappé!
It makes you feel pretty good to get away from me, doesn't it?
Tu es bien content de te débarrasser de moi.
Get away from me, you two-timing horse thief.
Ne t'approche pas de moi, espèce de voleur de chevaux.
- You thought you could get away from me.
- Vous avez cru pouvoir m'échapper.
With this money I can get away from every rotten thing that makes me think of this place or you!
Oui, je fuirai cette pourriture que tu représentes!
You've got to get me away, to a hospital if you think I'm crazy... anywhere just to get me away from here.
Il faut que vous me sortiez d'ici, vers l'hôpital si vous croyez folle, ou n'importe où ailleurs.
If you can only get me away from here for a few hours, that's all I ask.
Faites-moi sortir d'ici quelques heures. C'est tout ce que je demande.
And the lion said,'Get away from me or I'll eat you too!
Le lion a répondu : 'Va -  en ou je te mangerai aussi!
Get away from me, you traitor.
Va-t'en, espèce de traître.
If he wants me to be proud of him tomorrow you better get him away from those musicians tonight.
S'il veut que je sois fier de lui demain, vous devrez l'éloigner de ces musiciens, ce soir.
You think a squealer can get away from me, huh?
Tu crois qu'un mouchard peut m'échapper?
You can't get away from me.
Tu n'arriveras pas à te débarrasser de moi.
You can't get away from me.
Tu ne peux pas m'échapper.
But first, if you will allow me, I shall get away from this noose.
Mais avant, permettez-moi de m'éloigner de ce nœud coulant.
Get away from me, you little beggar.
Taille-toi, minable!
If you don't get away from me, I'll throw this water right in your face.
Va-t'en ou je te débarbouille!
Get away from me, will you?
La paix!
Get away from me, you big buffalo.
- Éloigne-toi de moi, gros bison.
This time he's not going to sneak a few minutes with me when he can get away from you.
Cette fois, il ne volera pas un moment avec moi quand il pourra s'échapper.
But you have to get away from me.
Mais vous devez vous éloigner de moi.
You'll not get away from me, no matter what.
Tu ne te dêbarrasseras pas de moi.
oh, no, you're not going to get away from me.
Je ne vous lâcherai pas comme ça.
Let's get... You stay away from me.
- N'approchez pas!
You're not about to get away from me.
Tu n'es pas près de t'échapper.
Then believe me, it's very important to me and to you that I get away from here.
Crois-moi, c'est très important pour toi et pour moi que je sorte d'ici.
Get away from me, you farmhand!
Bas les pattes, paysan!
I imagine if he ever found out, he'd get us a booking someplace in South Africa just to get me away from you.
S'il savait, il trouverait un contrat en Afrique du Sud pour m'éloigner de toi.

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