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You get what i'm saying перевод на французский

176 параллельный перевод
What I mean to say is, what with the climate, the quicker we get him buried the better... if you don't mind my saying so.
Il faudrait l'enterrer vite. Vous ne m'en voulez pas?
I'm saying we could get together, get married, and you know what?
Je dis que nous pourrions être ensemble, nous marier, et vous savez quoi?
You get what I'm saying?
Tu ne comprends pas, vrai?
All I'm saying is you get out of it exactly what you put into it.
On en retire exactement ce qu'on y met.
You get what I'm saying here, Woody?
Tu vois où je veux en venir, Woody?
A lot of people could get hurt. You understand what I'm saying?
Des tas de gens pourraient trinquer.
Because you and me, we're in this together... you know what I'm saying? If you don't get out, I don't get out.
On marche ensemble, tu comprends?
'Cause I'll get the lawyer, make sure Harry pays... and get you out of this... because your problem is my problem. You know what I'm saying?
Je te trouverai un avocat, je m'assurerai que Harry le paie, et je te sortirai de là parce que ton problème est le mien.
In my line of work, I get opportunities galore, always on the wing, you know what I'm saying.
Les occasions ne manquent pas. Toujours d'attaque.
When Wells was talking me through phasing so I could get the Trickster's bomb off my wrist the way that he described my being the Flash running feeling the wind and the power it's like he was talking from experience. What are you saying?
Quand Wells m'aidait à enlever la bombe du Farceur de mon poignet, la façon dont il décrivait être le Flash, courant, sentant le vent, et le pouvoir, c'est comme s'il avait déjà vécu ça.
If I don't get that damn book and money back, you're not gonna walk off this cell block alive. - Do you understand what I'm saying?
Rends le carnet et le fric, ou tu sors les pieds devant.
- You know what I'm saying, right? - Get your butt a job.
- M. Johnson, vous comprenez?
Kind of roomie you pray you don't get. You know what I'm saying?
Vraiment pas le compagnon idéal.
I think I'm gonna go get me some ribs, you know because, you know, my Uncle Phil likes to eat while he cooks and might not be nothing left for nobody else, you know what I'm saying?
Je vais aller me chercher des côtelettes parce que mon oncle aime manger pendant qu'il surveille la cuisson et qu'il ne restera rien pour les autres.
I think what he's saying, Mr McVeigh, is if you get some fancy lawyer to save you on a technicality, he won't be saving you.
M. Mc Veigh, il veut dire que si un avocat vous fait acquitter, vous êtes fichu.
Go on up to bed. What I'm saying is I would like you and your new buddy to get out of my house.
Je veux que toi et ton nouveau pote quittiez ma maison.
What I'm saying is that I hope you're back when I get home.
En fait, j'espère que tu seras là quand je rentrerai.
You get what I'm saying here, busboy?
Tu vois où je veux en venir, serveur?
What do you mean? I'm asking you when we will get marry But you keep saying no
Lorsque je te demande la date du mariage, tu tergiverses.
That's what I'm saying, Al. You jump in, you get cleaned up,
- Tu plonges et tu pars.
and i'm telling you that when you use that kind of language, i can't get to what you're saying.
C'est qui?
- They're not gonna get away. They're just ashes, you know what I'm saying?
Ce ne sont que des cendres.
first of all, you get what i'm saying. you know exactly what i'm saying.
Mais d'abord, t'as pigé, tu me comprends très bien.
Pygmy buzzards be hovering over you trying to get that loose change. You know what I'm saying?
Ces vautours qui tournent au-dessus de toi pour récupérer ta maille.
That's why we gotta get in the bigger game. - Do you hear what I'm saying? - All right.
C'est pour ça qu'on doit se mettre aux grosses tables.
I need something to get my head right, know what I'm saying? You gonna share some blessing with me? Oh, yeah.
Ecoute, il me faut un truc pour y voir clair.
- You get what I'm saying?
If you don't answer thoroughly, things are going to get tougher, and you know what I'm saying.
Répondez à mes questions ou ça va mal se passer. Vous savez ce que je veux dire.
What if we live together, and you get what I'm saying?
Si on vivait ensemble, et si tu comprenais ce que je dis?
I'm not quite sure I get what you're saying.
Je ne suis pas sûr de comprendre.
Don't you get what I'm saying?
Tu saisis ce que je dis?
Do you get what I'm saying?
Tu vois où je veux en venir?
What I'm saying is, there's no work and you can't get paid for doing nowt.
Il n'y a pas de boulot et vous ne serez pas payés à ne rien faire.
You'll know what I'm saying when you get older.
Tu comprendras ce que je te dis quand tu seras plus vieux.
You're gonna tell me what this driver's last stop was right before he beat up that woman. "I'm just saying." Get out of here.
- Dégage.
You get what I'm saying?
Vous saisissez?
I'm most likely about to get killed in 12 days, what are you saying?
Je vais sûrement être tuée dans 12 jours, qu'en dis-tu?
So what I'm saying is, when we're around the troops... you got to get used to showing the proper respect.
Alors, devant les troupes, faut s'habituer à montrer le respect qui convient.
I'm the kind of guy that just minds his own business, if you get what I'm saying.
Je suis le genre de mec qui ne s'occupe que de ses affaires, si vous voyez ce que je veux dire.
There may come a time in SWAT when you gotta get a little dirty behind a street bust. You know what I'm saying?
Parfois, au SWAT, on frôle la légalité, tu me suis?
You get what I'm saying?
Tu comprends ce que je te dis?
Damn it, why can't you get what I'm saying?
Merde, pourquoi vous ne voulez pas comprendre?
See, that's the lesson here. Do you get what I'm saying? - I think so.
C'est ça la leçon qu'il faut retenir, tu as compris?
We are really glad that you're making progress. Because we all wanna get the hell out of here, you know what I'm saying?
On est vraiment contents que vous fassiez des progrès parce qu'on a tous très envie de sortir d'ici!
Forget it You don't get what I'm saying
Oublis-ça, tu ne comprends pas ce que je ressents
It's not like I'm going around with Ephram saying that we're gonna get married, which, by the way, is exactly what you were doing when you were even younger than me, but I know how he makes me feel
Ce n'est pas comme si j'étais avec Ephram en disant qu'on allait se marier, ce qui, au passage, est exactement ce que tu faisais quand tu étais même plus jeune que moi, mais je sais ce qu'il me fait ressentir,
So do you get what I'm saying?
Alors Vous comprenez ce que j'essaie de dire?
But what I'm saying is, it's a lot easier to get away with... if that's what you like to do.
Mais je dis juste que c'est bien plus facile de le faire impunément, si c'est ce qu'on aime faire.
But you get what I'm saying?
Mais tu comprends ce que je te dis?
You don't get what I'm saying.
Tu ne comprends pas ce que je dis.
See what I'm saying. If you dedicate yourself to one goal... and one goal only, at a ridiculously young age... history has taught us we can achieve anything, champ. Get back there.
Si on consacre tout son temps à un seul objectif, très jeune, l'histoire a prouvé qu'on peut tout accomplir.

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