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Translate.vc / английский → французский / [ Y ] / You have my word on it

You have my word on it перевод на французский

45 параллельный перевод
You have my word on it, John.
Vous avez ma parole, John.
You have my word on it.
- Vous avez ma parole.
You have my word on it, ma'am.
Vous avez ma parole, madame.
Horatio, you have my word on it.
Horatio, vous avez ma parole.
You have my word on it.
Je vous donne ma parole.
You have my word on it.
Vous avez ma parole.
- Yes. You have my word on it.
Oui, vous avez ma parole.
You have my word on it.
Tu as ma parole.
You have my word on it, Captain.
Vous avez ma parole, capitaine.
- You have my word on it.
- Je te donne ma parole.
You have my word on it. Okay?
Vous avez ma parole.
You have my word on it.
Je te donne ma parole.
You have my word on it.
- Tu as ma parole.
I won't leave you. I promise. You have my word on it.
- Je reste avec vous, promis.
You have my word on it, Merlin.
Tu as ma parole, Merlin.
- Thank you. You have my word on it.
- Vous avez ma parole.
You have my word on it!
Vous avez ma parole!
You have only my promise, but I give it sincerely that if we are allowed to leave peacefully no word of what we have seen shall be passed on to a living soul.
Vous n'avez que ma promesse, mais elle est sincère. Si nous pouvons partir sans encombre, pas un mot de ce que nous avons vu ne sera divulgué.
You have to take my word for it that I'm on the level.
Croyez-moi, je suis à carreau.
You can have my word on it.
Vous avez ma parole.
It's not like that. No? Well, if it's on the level, you have a word with my agent.
Yakob Borb est un homme de réputation internationale.
You have my word on it.
Vous pouvez en être sûr.
No, you have my word. I will follow up on Stark. It'll be my pleasure.
Croyez-moi, j'aurai Stark à l'oeil.
So you don't mind if we just come in, just to... I guess you'll have to take my word for it.
Ça vous embête si on entre pour... Vous allez devoir me faire confiance.
And it will be on your desk tomorrow morning. I promise you. You have my word.
Il sera sur votre bureau demain matin, vous avez ma parole.
Daniel, we'll just follow it, localize his HQ and hand the case over to Gibert. You have my word!
Daniel, on le suit, on localise leur quartier général et je refile le sujet à Gibert!
You have just got to take my word on it.
Tu dois me croire sur parole!
I was just telling my father that we failed to have the FISH program take into account that the shape of an individual letter varies depending on where it's placed in a word. You write an "o" differently if there's an "s"
J'était juste en train de dire à mon père qu'on avait échoué à ce que le programme FISH prenne en considération que la forme d'une lettre individuelle varie selon sa place dans un mot.
You have my word on it.
C'est promis.
It's not one you ever expect to have to keep, and I'm not going back on my Word, but it's your life.
Il n'est pas celui que vous attendez jamais avoir à garder, et je ne vais pas revenir sur ma parole, mais c'est votre vie.
We'll say you were provoked to do this. You have my word for it.
On dira qu'on t'a provoqué.
It's done. You have my word.
On arrête.
When we get back to London, and you have my word on this, we are gonna- - We're gonna do something so spectacular. And it will be so incredible, so effective, that the National Coal Board — -
Quand nous allons rentrer à Londres, je vous en donne ma parole, on va... on va faire quelque chose de tellement spectaculaire ça va être tellement incroyable, tellement efficace que les gars de l'administration des mines,
When we're done with the lantern, you have my word, we will return it.
Tu as ma parole, on te rendra la lanterne quand on en aura terminé avec.
It is of great sentimental value, uh, a family trophy, you might say. I... I will have the blade removed and melted, y... you have my word.
Elle a une grande valeur sentimentale, un trophée de famille, on pourrait dire, je ferais enlever et fondre la lame...
- If you can give me your word that we won't have to face it alone, you'll have my endorsement.
- Si vous me donnez votre parole que l'on n'affrontera pas ça seul, vous aurez mon soutien.

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