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You really don't have to перевод на французский

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I know you don't really have anywhere else to go.
Je sais que vous n'avez nulle part où aller.
You really don't have to be afraid.
- N'ayez pas peur.
I have to talk to you. Look here, I don't really need you.
Tant pis, je me défendrai tout seul.
Really, you don't have to go through all that.
Inutile de me dire tout ça. Je m'en souviens très bien.
Actually, if you don't have the courage to confront him alone as your teacher I would be happy, as a favour, to accompany you. - Really?
Si par hasard vous n'avez pas le courage de le confronter seule, en tant que professeur, je pourrais vous accompagner.
Mr. Kralik, any day now I may be in a position where I don't have to work anymore. Then I'll really tell you what I think.
Ecoutez, si un jour je n'ai plus besoin de travailler, je vous dirai ce que je pense de vous!
Why don't you tell them what really happened? Joe wouldn't have anything to do with you.
Pourquoi ne pas avouer... que Joe ne voulait rien avoir à faire avec vous?
Don't you really mean that I'm not the kind of man you want your sister to have anything to do with, that I'm not a gentleman, like major Crail, for instance?
Dites plutôt que je ne suis pas assez bien pour votre sœur. Que je ne suis pas un gentleman, comme le major.
You don't really mind, do you, Basil? You've often told me that you liked your sitters to have someone to chat to.
Généralement, vous aimez qu'on bavarde avec vos modèles.
Well, I really don't have to go yet... I'll see you tomorrow. What's the matter?
Je ne suis pas pressée.
One of these days, I might find out that I don't have to work at all... and then I'II really tell you what I think of you.
Un jour, je ne serai peut-être plus obligée de travailler, et alors je vous dirai sincèrement ce que je pense de vous.
Of course, I couldn't really have known... but I don't know, I just felt close to you.
Bien sûr, je ne pouvais pas savoir, mais je me sentais si proche de toi.
You really don't have to.
Ce n'est pas nécessaire.
Why have you come to me, when you really don't believe... that I can help you?
Pourquoi êtes-vous venu me voir, alors que vous ne croyez pas que je puisse vous aider?
But you don't really have to bother.
Mais ne te casse pas la tête.
You really are in trouble if he's dead. You don't have to tell me that.
L'avez-vous tué?
You don't really have to go at all.
Vous n'avez pas à partir.
Really, you don't have to.
Vraiment, ne...
Now, Mrs. Gale, this is supposed to be a celebration. And you really have something to celebrate, don't you, Johnno? Oh, yes.
N'est-ce pas, "John O"?
Which reminds me, I really think I better stand by the telephone. Oh, no, no, you don't have to leave yet?
C'est fou le nombre de fois que vous appelez à l'extérieur!
Ian, I don't want anything to happen to you really, but I think you have the information that will help the cause I believe in.
Ian, je ne tiens pas vraiment à ce qu'il vous arrive quoi que ce soit, mais je pense que vous savez des choses qui vont servir la cause pour laquelle je me bats.
Really, my lord, you don't have the moral right to spend their lives.
Vous n'avez pas moralement le droit de sacrifier leurs vies...
Well... as we are of low rank, we really don't have any way to thank you.
Nous ne sommes que des petits samouraïs. Désolé.
You don't have to take me to the door, really.
Inutile de m'accompagner jusqu'à la porte.
Really, you don't have the right to do that in Paris.
On n'a pas le droit de faire ça à Paris.
There's something I have to tell you... about this situation... which you don't really...
Il y a une chose que je dois te dire... sur cette affaire... que tu ne sais pas vraiment- -
Don't you have any enemies? Someone you really want to kill?
Chacun de nous a sûrement un ennemi qu'il rêve de tuer.
You know, you really have to have everything you want, don't you?
Tu t'arranges toujours pour obtenir ce que tu veux, hein?
What I'm trying to tell you is, you really don't have a leg to stand on.
Ce que j'essaie de vous dire est que votre position est indéfendable.
Yes, sir, but I really don't think I can add to what I have already told you, sir.
Oui, mais je n'ai rien à ajouter.
And I don't really feel I have time to explain it all to you so just do as I say, and you'll stay healthy and everything will be all right.
Je n'ai pas le temps de vous expliquer alors faites ce que je vous dis et tout ira bien.
You have a pretty face and I don't really want to kill you.
Vous êtes jolie. Ce serait dommage de vous tuer mais si vous vous obstinez...
Really, George... just because you appear to have a nasty cold coming on... I don't think you should start jumping to conclusions.
Vraiment, George, ce n'est pas parce que vous allez avoir un rhume que vous devez en tirer des conclusions hâtives.
You don't have to criticize the way I live, if all I have now... one of the things that really gets me about people is their inability to sustain a feeling, an idea, without falling apart.
En plus, tu ne peux pas Sritiquer ma façon de vivre si tout Se que j'ai... L'une des Shoses qui me dégoûtent plus des gens, est leur inSapaSité de maintenir un sentiment, une idée sans dispersion.
Do you really have to read that stuff so you don't sleep at night.
Ne lis pas ces bêtises. Ça t'empêche de dormir.
I have to tell you I'm afraid even I really just don't know.
Je dois vous dire que même moi je ne sais pas.
Paul That's a very splendid performance but you really don't have to get quite so carried away .
Splendide performance, Paul. Mais il n'était pas nécessaire de vous enflammer autant.
You really don't have to worry.
Vous ne devez pas vraiment à se soucier.
- So it's really true. You don't have to worry anymore.
Soyez sans crainte.
Don't you really have any whisky? Or don't you want to give me any?
Vous n'avez pas de whisky ou vous refusez de m'en donner?
Would you mind telling me, sir... I don't want to sound like I'm accusing you... but it's a question I really have to ask. Where were you in those three hours from 6 : 00 until 9 : 00?
Pourriez-vous me dire, ne croyez pas que je vous accuse mais je dois demander, où étiez-vous entre 18h et 21 h?
You don't have to be grateful, dear. Really.
Tu n'as pas à me remercier, vraiment.
Vous n'avez vraiment pas à payer, vous savez.
I'm sorry, I really don't have anything to give you.
Je suis désolé. Je n'ai vraiment rien à vous donner.
Captain Ogawa, I really don't want to have you killed.
Cne Ogawa, j'ai vraiment pas envie de vous tuer.
Look, I don't mean to be rude, really I don't, but I do have friends, and they are coming back, so why don't you just leave?
Je ne veux pas être grossière, mais j'ai des amis et ils reviennent, alors pourquoi ne partez-vous pas?
I really don't have to bow-low to you.
Je n'ai à m'humilier devant vous.
Mr Stanchek, you don't really have to say those things.
M. Sanchek, vous n'êtes pas obligé de dire toutes ces choses.
People don't like to acknowledge that, because it means a loss of control, but you really have to be lucky.
Les gens n'aiment pas se le dire car ça abolit la notion de contrôle. Mais il faut avoir de la chance.
Take her with you! I really don't have to put up with this!
Je ne me laisserai pas faire!
You don't really have to kill them, Chun.
Il n'est pas nécessaire de les tuer.

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