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You think i did it перевод на французский

990 параллельный перевод
- You think I did it on purpose?
- Tu crois que je l'ai fait exprès?
Do you think I did it because I wanted to?
Pensez-vous que cela m'enchantait?
If you think I did it, you're wrong.
Si vous croyez que c'est moi, vous vous trompez.
You mean, you think I did it?
Vous m'en croyez capable?
- Why do you think I did it?
- Devinez ce qui m'a poussée?
Whatever you did, it worked. I used to think that little men were following me around,
Un peu plus par là, puis à gauche au lac géant fait de café.
Well, I may be totally off-base here, but did you ever think he might have meant it romantically?
Je suis peut-être à côté de la plaque mais tu as considéré qu'il pouvait avoir dit ça de façon romantique?
Did it? Well, I think, our Writer Lee Go Eun, don't you think we should start managing her? ( meaning "keeping her" )
Il va le faire? Ne pensez-vous pas qu'il faudrait la garder?
I think it would be good if you did allow her to go.
C'est une bonne idée de la laisser partir à New York, même seule.
Bill I think it might be a good idea if you did allow Lillian to go to New York alone.
Je pense que tu devrais laisser Lillian aller seule à New York.
You think I did you a bad turn and you've got me ruined for it, and you've got my family ruined and if anybody'd told me last year I'd say such a thing I'd call him a dang Iiar.
Vous pensez que je vous ai trahi, et vous me ruinez pour ça, ainsi que ma famille, et si quelqu'un m'avait dit l'année dernière que je dirais ça, je l'aurais traité de sacré menteur.
You have every right to think I did it.
Vous avez le droit de penser que c'est moi.
I told you to think it over and you did.
Je t'ai dit d'y réfléchir et tu l'as fait.
There. You didn't think I could do it, did you?
Vous avez vu?
I know your husband better than you I think it did not load this gun.
Je connais votre mari mieux que vous je pense qu'il n'a pas chargé ce pistolet.
But I do know that I didn't strangle Mr. Pendleton... though it's evident someone's anxious to have you think I did.
Mais je sais que je n'ai pas étranglé M. Pendleton... même s'il est évident qu'on veut vous faire croire que je l'ai fait.
But even if I did think you werert the worst-looking guy in the world, supposing even I told you you looked like someone I was once dumb enough to go for, what would it get me?
Même si je trouvais que vous n'êtes pas l'homme le plus laid du monde, même si je vous disais que vous ressemblez à quelqu'un dont j'ai bêtement été amoureuse, qu'est-ce que ça m'apporterait?
You didn't think I was gonna sit by and let them get away with it, did you? - Hurry up.
Je n'allais pas attendre sans agir!
Jill, you don't think I did it, do you?
Jill, tu ne crois pas que je l'ai tué, non?
I think you did mean it, and that makes me very sad.
C'est ce que tu voulais dire et ca m'attriste beaucoup.
You don't think I was taking any chances? Where did you see it?
Vous ne croyez quand même pas que j'allais prendre des risques?
Did you sell it back? - I am therefore authorized to think... that your soul will come to me after your death. - No.
L'avez-vous revendue?
I really think he did it because of you.
Grâce à toi, à mon avis.
I don't think it's very much. Did you learn to play Beethoven in one night?
Toutes vos "petites choses", ce n'est pas grand-chose.
Did I drop off? Do you think it's my concussion?
Je me suis évanouie?
You don't think I did it.
Vous ne pensez pas que c'est moi.
You see, I think I know who did it.
Je pense savoir qui est le coupable.
All these years... you let me think I did it!
Toutes ces années... vous m'avez laissez croire que je l'ai fait!
What did you think I wanted it for?
Pourquoi penses-tu que j'en voulais un?
One moment, Lakin. I think you told the jury that Colonel Paradine did not usually take burgundy because it disagreed with him.
M. Lakin vous avez dit au jury que le bourgogne ne convenait pas au colonel.
- As I do live, my honored lord, ttis true, and we did think it writ down in our duty to let you know of it.
Certain, pourtant. Nous devions vous le dire.
You're gonna think I'm crazy, but I did it.
Tu vas me trouver fou, mais je l'ai fait.
Think of me sometimes when you can't stand it anymore... and remember what I did.
Pense à moi parfois, quand tu n'en pourras plus. Souviens-toi ce que j'ai fait.
I didn't think it would make any difference to you who came, or did it, Miss Francon?
Je pensais que vous attachiez peu d'importance à qui allait venir.
Who did you think I meant, just who is it that Mrs. Phillips doesn't know about?
De qui ne sait-elle rien?
Did you think I wanted it? I hate it.
Tu crois que c'est ce que je voulais?
It is rather nice, I think, to have won it, don't you? You did earn it that time.
On est toujours content de gagner.
To think I had to go and tell you all about myself and what I did. Now it turns out I didn't really have to.
De vous avoir tout dit sur moi et ce que j'ai fait, alors que je n'en avais pas besoin.
I don't like to worry you, son, but did you ever think of taking it easier?
Je ne voudrais pas vous inquiéter, mais il faudrait vous calmer un peu.
Didn't think I knew about it, did you? I heard'em sneaking in.
Je les ai entendus se glisser ici, l'autre nuit.
I should think it very unkind if you did not.
Je serais vexé, le cas contraire.
- l told him I ´ d think it over. You did?
Que je réfléchirai.
All the same, I think it's time that you did.
Il serait temps que vous y songiez.
No, and I'll tell you something else. I can't think why you did it.
Non, et je ne sais pas pourquoi vous avez agi ainsi.
Did you think - like Maubrun - that I regarded it as a marriage of convenience?
Tu n'es pas comme Maubrun, toi? Tu croyais pas que c'était par calcul et par ambition. Un mariage de raison.
And I think it's a good thing you did. But I think Bill, we're pretty much of one mind about it now.
Tu as eu raison d'en parler, mais notre position me semble unanime.
You say that was the man that robbed you a while back, wasn't it? I'm almost sure it was him. What did you think?
C'était l'homme qui vous a volée il y a quelque temps?
- But it was my idea. You didn't think for a minute that I'd let you go in there, did you?
Avez-vous cru que je vous laisserais y aller?
You didn't think I'd leave it loaded, did you?
T'as pas cru que je l'aurais laissé chargé?
I did think you'd make it around the first turn.
Je ne pensais pas que tu sortirais au premier virage.
What did you think I was gonna do? Nothing? Let you get away with it?
Tu croyais que je te laisserais faire?

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