You want me to tell you перевод на французский
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Now, you want me to tell you or not?
Tu voudrais savoir ou pas?
Do you want me to tell you the differences between the two versions?
Veux-tu que je te dise la différence entre les deux versions?
- You want me to tell you what it means? - Um-hm.
- Tu veux que je te dise ce que cela signifie?
You want me to tell you what sex is like, huh?
Éclaire-moi. Tu veux savoir ce qu'est le sexe?
I would want you to tell me.
Je voudrais savoir.
If you want to talk to me, or have me pass on a message to your father, I can tell him, ok?
- Si tu veux me parler, ou que je passe un message à ton père, moi, je peux lui transmettre, OK?
I want you to tell me in front of God, your father, and everyone here that you don't love her.
Dis devant Dieu, ton père et tout le monde que tu ne l'aimes pas.
- Anything you want to tell me?
- Vous avez quelque chose à ma dire?
You want to tell me about her?
Tu veux me parler d'elle?
Tell me, why would you want to stay here?
Dîtes moi, pourquoi vouloir rester ici?
You want to tell me what's happening now?
Vous voulez me dire ce qui se passe?
But if you want my help, you have to tell me where he is.
Mais si vous voulez mon aide, vous devez me dire où il est.
And you didn't want to tell me'cause you wanted to keep it a surprise.
Et tu ne voulais pas me le dire parce que tu voulais me faire la surprise?
Anything else you want to tell me?
Tu n'as rien d'autre à me dire?
Tell me how do you want me to dispose of this poor little wolf.
Dites-moi comment je dois me débarrasser de ce pauvre petit loup.
Is it that you actually know and don't want to tell me?
- Ou tu ne veux pas me le dire?
Um, just so you know, if you want me to, uh, keep something out of the article, if you want it to be off the record, you have to tell me before.
Si vous voulez que j'omette quelque chose de l'article, que ça reste confidentiel, vous devez d'abord m'avertir.
You want to tell me about it?
T'as envie de m'en parler?
~ Do you want to tell me what you're doing?
- Vous allez me dire ce que vous faites?
~ Not my wife. ~ Do you want to tell me what's going on?
- Ce n'est pas ma femme. - Vous allez me dire ce qu'il se passe?
What do you want me to tell her when she wakes?
Que voulez-vous que je lui dise quand elle se réveillera?
I want you to tell me his name.
Dites-moi son nom.
Next, I want you to tell me his current location.
Maintenant, dites-moi où il se trouve.
Is there something you want to tell me?
Avez-vous quelque chose à me dire?
Did you want to tell me something?
Vous vouliez me dire quelque-Chose?
And I understand why maybe you didn't want to tell me this until now.
Et je comprends pourquoi tu n'as pas eu envie de m'en parler.
One of you will tell me what I want to know, receive this gold as reward, be escorted to the beach for your escape.
L'un de vous va me dire ce que j'ai besoin de savoir, recevra cet or en récompense, et sera escorté et libéré jusqu'à la plage.
Now, I want to give you the chance to tell me your own story and maybe... maybe they will forgive you if you make them understand.
Maintenant, je veux vous laisser une chance de me donner votre version et peut-être.. peut-être qu'ils vous pardonneront si vous leur faites comprendre.
If you want me to hug you and tell you that I'm donating my bone marrow now, I'm sorry, but it's not happening.
Si tu veux que je te prenne dans mes bras et que je te dise que je vais donner ma moelle osseuse maintenant, je suis désolée, mais ça n'arrivera pas.
I want you to wake me up in the middle of the night and tell me how you're doing.
Je veux que tu me réveilles pour me dire comment tu vas.
Do you want to tell me what's going on with you?
Tu veux me dire ce qui va pas avec toi?
Yes! What do you want me to do? Go in there right now and tell them thank you?
Tu veux que j'aille leur dire merci?
I want you to tell all of this to the police, exactly what you told me, about the carjacking and the man.
Vous allez répéter à la police l'histoire du car-jacking et de l'homme.
Hey, look, when the time comes, all I want you to do is tell me... that I've found who I'm looking for.
Écoute, le moment venu, je veux juste que tu me confirmes que c'est bien lui.
What, you want me to shut up, tell me to shut up.
Quoi, tu veux que je me taise?
Is there something you want to tell me?
Il y a quelque chose que vous vouliez me dire?
I want you to tell me the truth.
Je veux que tu me dises la vérité.
Anything you want to tell me about that?
Rien que tu ne veuilles me dire à ce sujet?
Well, I want you to tell me the truth.
Je veux que tu me dises la vérité.
You know you want to tell me.
Tu sais que tu veux me le dire.
And one more thing... darling, I can understand why you wouldn't want to tell me about this, but please know that all I have ever wanted for you is to be happy.
Et une dernière chose... chérie, je peux comprendre pourquoi tu ne voulais pas me parler de ça, mais sache que j'ai toujours voulu que tu sois heureuse.
You want to tell me what happened?
Tu veux me raconter ce qu'il s'est passé?
So you don't want to tell me your name?
Donc, tu ne veux pas me dire ton nom?
Anything you want to tell me?
Tu as quelque chose à me dire?
Anything you want to tell me that's the truth?
Tu n'as rien à me dire qui soit vrai?
Zoey : You have anything else you want to tell me that is relevant to Jackie's drug use here at All Saints? Jackie almost killed a patient today.
Jackie a presque tué un patient aujourd'hui.
I want you to take this to your laboratory, and I want you to run tests on it, and I want you to tell me what kind of animal it came from, how old it is, and whether or not it came from here.
Je veux que tu amènes ça dans ton laboratoire, et je veux que tu le testes. Tu me diras de quel animal ça vient, quel âge ça a, et si ça vient d'ici.
Are you sure you don't want to tell me what happened?
Tu es certaine de ne pas vouloir me dire ce qui s'est passé?
And before you tell me where I can find him, I want you to know I see that semi-automatic you're eyeballing on the table over there.
Avant de répondre, tu dois savoir que je vois le semi-automatique que tu zieutes sur la table là-bas.
Want to tell me where you were all night?
Tu veux me dire où tu étais toute la nuit?
And if I tell you, Carlos... that what I want, sincerely... is to help the poor people of this country... do you believe me or what?
Si je te disais, Carlos, que ce que je veux... sincèrement... c'est aider les pauvres gens de ce pays? Tu me croirais?