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Translate.vc / английский → французский / [ Y ] / You want to come with us

You want to come with us перевод на французский

338 параллельный перевод
Augusto, do you want to come with us?
Tu veux venir?
- You want to come with us?
- Vous voulez venir avec nous?
- Do you want to come with us?
Tu viens avec nous?
You want to come with us?
Tu veux venir avec nous?
You want to come with us?
- Tu viens avec?
- Don't you want to come with us?
Ça t'aurait fait du bien.
You want to come with us?
Venez avec nous.
Do you want to come with us?
Tu viens avec nous?
Do you want to come with us?
Vous voulez qu'on vous emmène?
Do you want to come with us?
Tu veux venir?
Why do you want to come with us?
Tes motivations?
If you want to come with us... I suggest you get your ass down to the dock in two minutes.
Si tu veux venir... je te conseille d'amener tes fesses au ponton dans 2 minutes
- No, look, I'm sorry, but I'm not going to spend my vacation sitting in a tour bus, looking at houses that may or may not belong to Lucille Ball. - Do you want to come with us?
Tu viens?
- Maggie, you want to come with us?
- Maggie, tu veux venir avec nous?
Hey, do you want to come with us?
Tu veux venir avec nous?
Now, come, James. We want to give you every chance to cooperate with us.
Nous voulons te donner une chance de coopérer avec nous.
We simply want you to come with us... and tell your story to our chief of police.
Suivez-nous juste pour raconter votre histoire au chef de la police.
Now, Clifford, I should think you'd want to spend the evening with us when we've come all the way from New York.
Nous arrivons de New York, tu pourrais rester avec nous!
- Why don't you come with us? - I want to.
- Vous venez avec nous?
Well, after we're married, we want you to come to California with us
Nous ferons notre voyage de noces en Californie.
Do you want Marie-Bonne to come with us?
- Préférez-vous que Marie-Bonne nous accompagne?
You can come with us, but if you want to wait, then tell him, that I'll never work with him anymore. And not with the other one!
Tu peux venir avec nous, mais si tu veux attendre, dis-lui que je ne travaillerai plus jamais avec lui.
- Do you want to come with us?
- Tu viens?
Ally, I want you to know, both of us, we'd like very much for you to come and live with us.
Je veux que tu saches qu'on adorerait que tu viennes vivre avec nous.
You're sure you don't want us to come with you?
Vous ne voulez vraiment pas qu'on vienne?
I want you to come to the bus station with us, Doc and me.
Venez avec nous à la gare.
How do you want me to to explain it to her to come with us?
Comment voulais-tu que je lui explique?
Don't come with us, Sir, unless you want to land in the dock
Vous ne pouvez pas venir, c'est le box des accusés.
Since now our mother will not speak to us for the rest of today, you will come with us. I have a new racquet I want you to see.
Puisque notre mère ne va plus nous parler de la journée, venez avec nous.
You don't want to let them get away with this. Come on, help us.
Les laisse pas s'en tirer!
Do you want to come out with us?
Tu veux sortir avec moi?
I want you to come with us for a bit.
Viens avec nous.
I want you to come with us, because I love you and want children.
Je veux que tu viennes avec nous car je t'aime et je veux des enfants.
Do you want us to come with you?
Tu veux qu'on t'accompagne? Non, je vais marcher... un peu dans les labours, ça détend. - Non!
This displeases me because I realise that you have decided that you don't want to come back and live with us.
Je le regrette, car je comprends que tu ne veux plus vivre avec nous.
Uncle, I want you to come with us on this expedition.
Accompagne-nous dans notre expédition.
- You're gonna say, "Margaret," "I want you to come up and live with us now that Fred is gone."
"Viens habiter chez nous maintenant que Fred n'est plus là."
I want you to come and live with us, now that Fred is dead.
Je veux que tu viennes habiter avec nous maintenant que Fred est mort.
- You want to come and eat with us?
- Vous venez manger avec nous?
I want you to come with us - now.
Are you sure you don't want to come with us for a drink?
Tu ne viens pas boire un verre avec nous?
We want you to come up and have breakfast with us.
On voudrait que vous preniez le petit déjeuner avec nous.
Come with us tonight if you want to be in at the kill.
Soyez des nôtres ce soir pour assister au coup de grâce. Parfait.
And we were wondering If you want to come with us.
Piquer une petite tête et... on se demandait si... tu voulais te joindre à nous?
Like I was saying, I don't want this chump to come over here with all that hype, you know, trying to make us look bad. They try every other way.
je ne veux pas que ce crétin se fasse une grosse pub et nous fasse passer pour des nuls.
I want you to come to Rajmir with us where they'll stand trial.
Pour leur procès.
If you ever want to see Star again you better come with us now.
Si tu tiens à la revoir, suis-nous, maintenant.
Frank, you want to hang out with us, then come on!
Si t'es des nôtres, tu te ramènes!
We wanted to know if you want to come there and go fishing with us?
On voulait savoir si vous vouliez venir pêcher avec nous.
Hey, are you sure you don't want to come with us?
Tu es sûr de ne pas vouloir venir avec nous?
You can all come eat with us if you want to.
Vous pouvez venir si vous le voulez.

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