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Translate.vc / английский → португальский / [ 5 ] / 57s

57s перевод на португальский

6 параллельный перевод
Captain you must have some of those new D X-57s on board.
Capitão... deve ter algumas daquelas novas DX-57 a bordo.
No prints. But the FBI matched the registration to a shipment of stolen CD-57s hijacked from a transport six weeks ago.
Sem digitais, mas o FBI comparou o registro com um carregamento roubado de CD-57 de um transporte 6 semanas atrás.
He's on the board of the NRA, once challenged another congressman to a fistfight on the floor over an amendment to make stalkers submit to background checks before buying AR-15s, AK-57s Street Sweepers, MAC-10s, MAC-lls.
Está na administração do NRA, já desafiou outro congressista para andar à luta por causa de uma emenda para os perseguidores revelarem o seu cadastro antes de comprarem AR-15s, AK-57s, Street Sweepers, MAC-10s, MAC-IIs.
Got AR-15s, SIG 551s, AKs, KG-9s, Glocks, FN-57s.
Temos AR-15s, SIG 551s, AKs, KG-9s,
AK-47s, KG-9s, FN-57s, AR-15s.
AK-47, KG-9, FN-57, AR-15.
Got two dozen of each local.
Glocks e FN-57s. Temos 24 de cada disponível, excepto as FN-57s.

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