And here they are перевод на португальский
859 параллельный перевод
They're snooping around looking for these two boys, and here they are.
Andam à procura dos rapazes e eles estão aqui.
'And here they are! '
Cá estão eles!
Yes, they've had a couple of hits - and the whole field is up again and here they are.
Deram alguns tiros certeiros, podem seguir para o resto da prova, e aqui estão!
And here they are all hung up in the hedgerow country.
E aqui estão eles, detidos na região das sebes.
And, then, whoops, here come the Coloreds and the Spics and... bam... now the Vietnamese or Cambodians, whatever the hell they are.
Depois, apareceram os pretos e os latinos. Depois, pumba, os vietnamitas ou cambojanos, ou lá que raio eles são.
Now, the prep and, uh, cooking stations are... They're gonna go here, here, there.
As estações de preparação e cozinha ficarão aqui, aqui e aqui.
The new men are here, sir. My, my. And still they me.
Estão aqui os novos homens, senhor. E aqui estão eles.
I mean, some of the smartest people in the world are right here in this club, and they helped me, sir.
Quer dizer, algumas das pessoas mais inteligentes estão aqui no clube e eles ajudaram-me.
And these natives here, are they of the same tribe?
E estes nativos, são da mesma tribo?
There are other people here and they'd think I was immodest.
Há mais gente aqui e pensariam que sou impúdica.
Below here, they are extremely depressed, melancholy, impossible to live with and often become violent.
Abaixo desta linha, mostram-se muito deprimidos, melancólicos, impossíveis de aturar e, frequentemente, agressivos.
They tell me Mantee and his gang are around here someplace.
Parece que Mantee e o gangue dele andam por perto.
Here are the hills we've just left and there are the woods where they wait to take us through Varennes.
Estas são as colinas e esta é a floresta... onde nos esperam para nos levar a Varennes.
Before proceeding further, I'll remind the visitors in the gallery that they are here as our guests and should conduct themselves as such.
Antes de prosseguir, relembro os visitantes na galeria que säo nossos convidados e devem portar-se como tal.
And when they are, as here, it often isn't voluntary.
E quando o fazem, como aqui, geralmente não é voluntário.
Palestine is the spiritual center of international Jewry, though the Jews are numerically insignificant there. Here at the Wailing Wall, they gather and mourn the fall of Jerusalem.
A Palestina é o centro espiritual do judaísmo internacional, embora os judeus sejam numericamente insignificantes por lá.
But they won't, and as long as they are here, Boy will never be safe.
Mas não o farão... Enquanto estiverem aqui, Boy não estará seguro.
You know that Isabel and Gray Maturin are here with their two children. Are they?
Você sabe que Isabel e Gray Maturin está aqui com seus dois filhos?
Here we are in our prime and they're turning us out to pasture!
Nós no auge e eles querem pôr-nos a pastar.
Comrades and fellow soldiers, we are gathered here to take into our midst, if they be worthy, five volunteers in the service of Quantrill's Guerrilla Arny.
Camaradas e soldados, estamos aqui para acolher, se forem dignos disso, esses cinco voluntários no exército do Quantrill.
The captured horses are kept in a canyon 45 miles east of here and about once a month, they run them to Bear Creek where they turn them over to the Confederate agents.
Os cavalos roubados estão num grande canyon. A venda aos sulistas é feita em South Fork todos os meses.
Here are the deeds to my parents house, and to the tomb, which they thought would give them immortality.
Aqui está a escritura da casa dos meus pais... e do túmulo que pensavam que lhes daria a imortalidade.
No, I was not sent to kill you. But others were, and unless I am badly mistaken they are here now.
Não, não vim para te matar, mas outros sim, ou muito me engano,... ou eles estão à porta.
Well, they were here when we came... and there were more deer than there are now.
Bem, estavam aqui quando chegámos... e havia mais veados do que agora.
When they are annoying you in Vienna, with all that nonsense... you'll come here and we'll walk into the forest.
Quando a amolarem demais em Viena, com todas aquelas bobagens... você vem aqui e vamos passear no bosque. Não!
Hoss, you stay here and help Pa keep them seated right where they are.
Hoss, fica aqui e ajuda o pai a mantê-los sentados onde estão.
We haven't been able to find Mr. Holloway, but his interests are ours, and we're here to see that they're protected.
Não encontrámos o Mr. Holloway, mas os interesses dele são os nossos e estamos aqui para os proteger.
Now, Adam, the men are pretty excited about the eating place they got here, and they ain't gonna like it much if you close it up before it even gets open.
Adam, os homens estão bem animados com o sítio para comer que têm aqui e não vão gostar muito que o feches antes de chegar sequer a abrir.
They told me I was kaput, finished, all washed up. And here you are, making a chump out of all those experts.
Disseram-me que estava acabado, que não tinha hipóteses, e você faz parvos deles todos.
They know the world's probably on the brink of oblivion but instead of trying to get to their homes and finding their families here they are, racing under the sea driven on by one man's wild scheme, which has no proven scientific basis.
Sabem que o mundo está à beira do esquecimento, mas em vez de tentarem ir ao encontro dos seus lares, das famílias, estão aqui, numa corrida debaixo do mar, levados pelo louco esquema de alguém, sem base científica comprovada.
So we are speaking with her friends, and they are saying things which I wouldn't repeat to you here.
Então, andamos a falar com amigas dela... e elas estão dizendo coisas que eu não repetiria aqui.
They're here and the kids are in them.
Eles chegaram e já foram vestidos.
Here they are, nice and fresh. - Put it on my tab.
- Aqui está, bem quentinho.
With divorce, when there are children, they marry again, they are together and have more children. Children here, children there! A disaster!
Porque o divórcio quando há crianças, se nos casamos novamente, se vivemos juntos e se temos novos filhos, isso, na verdade, é para os dois lados... um desastre.
Who are they and what are they doing here?
Quem são eles e o que estão fazendo aqui?
What are you saying? Look here. All morning we've only got 50 signatures out of 300 including my mother and my wife otherwise I told them they'd get it from me.
Ouça, em toda a manhã só conseguimos 50 assinaturas em 300... incluindo a minha mãe e a minha esposa...
Because all these containers which the British did so much to destroy have already been prefabricated... in Berlin. They are on their way here and will be installed tomorrow.
Porque todos estes recipientes que os Ingleses se deram ao trabalho de destruir já estavam pré-contruidos em Berlim.
If we can capture it and smash the signals, the main station, here, will not know where we are until they repair it, but by then it will be too late.
Se conseguirmos capturá-la e destruir os sinais, a estação principal, aqui, não saberá onde estamos até que a reparem, mas aí já será tarde demais.
You must help me. My future in-laws are here and they think I'm alone.
Os meus futuros sogros estão cá e pensam que estou sozinho.
These tracks are the same as the ones we found in the arroyo in Cocatlan where the gringo left his horse, and they lead to here, only heavier.
Estes rastos são os mesmos que encontramos no riacho em Cocatlan onde o gringo deixou o cavalo e eles conduzem até aqui mas mais pesados.
General Leclerc is not here but, um, I... I told the Americans you were coming, and they are very anxious to see you.
O general Leclerc não está aqui mas eu... e eles estão muito ansiosos para vê-lo.
And they are all ignorant here.
São todos uns ignorantes aqui.
And well, here they are.
Bom... aqui estão elas.
But if we overextend ourselves with kindness and hospitality, they will leave here never suspecting that we are KAOS.
Mas se os tratarmos com simpatia e hospitalidade,.. ... nunca irão suspeitar que somos da KAOS.
Here they are, and most cooperative.
Aqui estão eles, e muito cooperantes.
Here they are, and we've got'em all the way down the line.
Aqui estão eles.
Well, before it was backed up eight hours, and they've been working at it and there are still some cats that think they can come here for Sunday, you know, and they're stopping them in Monticello and all that, you know,
Estava com oito horas de atraso. Há quem pense que pode... vir só no domingo. Estão a ser parados em Monticello.
There's a whole lot of people here, and a whole lot of people might not want to do it because if they can somehow get around it they feel there are enough people to make up for it, and on and on, et cetera, et cetera.
Alguns talvez não cantem... porque, se não o fizerem... acham que os outros compensarão... e não sei mais... o quê.
in America things aren't split into nobility and commoners as they are here.
Na América não há camponeses e patrões como aqui.
Well, you know, with all the glass you got here, and the prices the way they are, it's a good thing you shot low, believe me.
Com todo o vidro que aqui tem e ao preço a que isso está, ainda bem que atirou para o chão.
Here they are and very well thumbed I assure you.
Aqui estão eles. E muito bem guardados. Garanto-lhe
and here 683
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and here you are 183
and here we go 118
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here it comes 20
and here's the thing 41
and here they come 18
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and here you are 183
and here we go 118
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here it comes 20
and here's the thing 41
and here they come 18
and here we are 249
and here he comes 19
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and here's why 34
here they are 545
here they are now 16
they are coming 72
they are 1447
and here he comes 19
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and here's why 34
here they are 545
here they are now 16
they are coming 72
they are 1447