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Armitage перевод на португальский

70 параллельный перевод
Sir Percy Ware-Armitage has taken off for France.
Sir Percy Ware-Armitage descolou rumo a França.
You get the work car and you meet me at Armitage and Lincoln.
Traz o carro de trabalho e vai ter comigo à Armitage Lincoln.
Not for much longer, eh, once you marry that fellow Armitage.
Mas não por muito mais tempo, não é? Quando te casares com aquele Armitage...
His name is Mr. Percy Armitage.
Chama-se Sr. Percy Armitage.
Mrs. Armitage.
Mrs. Armitage.
- Mrs. Armitage knows the drill.
- Mrs. Armitage já sabe. Olá, Diane.
Mrs. Armitage's concerns are more related to Laura's overall well-being.
Mrs. Armitage está mais preocupada com o bem-estar geral da Laura.
I was really pleased with how the Armitage surgery went.
Queria dizer que gostei muito de como correu a cirurgia à Armitage.
James Armitage.
James Armitage.
Been shagging them Armitage sisters?
Tens comido as irmãs Armitage?
With Lady Armitage?
Com a Lady Armitage?
Miss Armitage?
- Mrs. Armitage?
Uh, Miss Armitage, what could possibly have led you to sleep with your own sister's husband?
- O que levou a Mrs. Armitage a dormir com o marido da sua irmã?
Our top story tonight involves the shocking developments in the Carolyn Armitage disappearance case.
" A nossa notícia principal envolve os desenvolvimentos chocantes no caso do desaparecimento de Carolyn Armitage.
Police strongly suspect that Armitage's remains have been uncovered.
A Polícia suspeita que os restos de Armitage foram descobertos.
The remains, which were found in a shallow grave in the flower garden, have yet to be identified, but investigators believe they belong to the Missing Carolyn Armitage.
Os restos, que foram encontrados numa cova no jardim de flores, ainda não foram identificados, mas os investigadores acreditam que pertencem a Carolyn Armitage. "
It's a dummy corporation Charlotte Armitage set up.
É uma empresa falsa que a Charlotte Armitage criou.
Mariel Armitage has been in rehab several times recently, all paid for by her loving niece, Charlotte.
A Mariel esteve na reabilitação várias vezes recentemente. Foi tudo pago pela sua sobrinha, a Charlotte.
The rest of Carolyn Armitage's remains were discovered buried behind the New Caledonia farm of Charlotte Armitage, her daughter.
" Os restos de Carolyn Armitage foram descobertos, enterrados atrás da quinta de Charlotte Armitage, a filha dela, presa no local.
Arrested at the scene was Charlotte Armitage.
A Mrs. Charlotte Armitage.
I worked on behalf of the national security of our country, on behalf of the people of the United States, until my name and true affiliations were exposed in the national media on July 14th, 2003, after a leak by administration officials.
No dia 2 de Julho de 2007 o Presidente Bush usou os seus poderes para reduzir a pena do tribunal. Em 2006, o Delegado e Secretário de Estado, Richard Armitage admitiu estar na origem da fuga de informação.
Didn't Armitage have the last known one?
Armitage não tinha a última conhecida?
A secret secret secret service called Armitage?
Um serviço secreto, secreto chamado Armitage?
Jenny Armitage, Disabled Sports ofAmerica.
Jenny Armitage, Desporto para Deficientes.
We're at Armitage and Damen.
Ambulância 61. Estamos na Armitage e Damen.
Yeah. My uncle's name was Cushman Armitage.
O meu tio chamava-se Cushman Armitage.
Snuffles and Cushman Armitage?
Snuffles e Cushman Armitage?
Chateau Hermitage'83.
Château Armitage, 1983.
Ah. The Armitage Shank Redemption, eh?
A Redenção de Armitage?
I'm Lieutenant Armitage, your platoon commander.
Sou o Tenente Armitage, o vosso comandante de Pelotão. Eu...
- Armitage.
- Era o Armitage.
Lieutenant Armitage has come to me with some concerns about certain incidents that occurred during the operation.
O Tenente Armitage veio falar comigo pois tinha algumas preocupações em relação a certos incidentes que ocorreram durante a operação.
Don't know why Mr. Armitage thought we needed you.
Não sei porque é que o Sr. Armitage pensou que precisávamos de ti.
I need you to search for any indication Armitage is in Starling.
Preciso que saibas se o Armitage está em Starling.
By its native son H. A. Armitage.
Escrita pelo Filho Nativo, H.A. Armitage ".
Like, Armitage High School?
- Como a Escola Secundária Armitage?
If Armitage wrote it, the school library has to have a copy.
Se foi Armitage que o escreveu, há uma cópia na biblioteca da escola.
Unseen Forces by H. A. Armitage.
"Forças Invisíveis" de H. A. Armitage.
Henry Armitage was a great benefactor, he was also a world-class eccentric who was heavy into mysticism and the occult.
Henry Armitage foi um grande benfeitor e um grande excêntrico que tinha uma paixão pelo misticismo e pelo oculto.
So, Armitage believed in ghosts.
Então, Armitage acreditava em fantasmas.
Welcome to Henry Armitage High.
Bem-vindo à Escola Secundária Henry Armitage.
I was expecting Armitage.
Estava à espera do Armitage.
This country's soil is not worthy of Mr. Armitage.
O solo desta terra não é digno do Mr. Armitage.
If there's one thing that Lyons told me that I completely believe it's that the cops can't do anything against a company like Armitage.
Se há algo que o Lyons me disse e no qual acredito totalmente, é que os policias não podem fazer nada em relação a uma empresa como a Armitage.
Armitage Global.
Armitage Global.
Armitage Global. Mm?
Armitage Global?
He worked with me at Armitage.
Ele trabalhou comigo na Armitage.
Today, I can tell this committee even more.
Armitage soube da identidade de Valerie Plame através de um memorando escrito a pedido da Casa Branca.
If we're about to do what I think we both want to do then we have to finally get it right.
Bem-vinda a Armitage Books.
Guy worked for Milo Armitage.
O tipo trabalha para o Milo Armitage.

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