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At the time of the murder перевод на португальский

258 параллельный перевод
A priest was seen leaving Villette's house at the time of the murder.
Viram um padre a sair da casa de Villette, à hora do homicídio.
Each could account for his movements at the time of the murder, each except one.
Todos eles tinham um álibi para a hora do crime, todos menos um.
To tell you the truth, Mr. Mullen... I've rarely met a murderer who wasn't at a movie at the time of the murder.
Para lhe dizer a verdade, Sr. Mullen... raramente conheci um assassino que não estivesse num cinema na altura do crime.
"Suppose I testify that he was not at home with me at the time of the murder, that he came home with blood on his sleeves, and that he even admitted to me that he'd killed her?"
"Imagina se eu testemunhar que ele não estava em casa comigo na hora do assassinato, que veio para casa com sangue nos punhos, e que até tenha admitido para mim que a matou?"
Seems she went to Scotland Yard about that dressing case of hers, you know, the one that disappeared at the time of the murder.
Parece que ela foi para a Scotland Yard por causa daquela mala dela, você sabe, aquela que desapareceu na altura do assassinato.
He swears he was in Scotland at the time of the murder, but we've got reason to believe he was not only here, he was employed as a car washer in your garage.
Ele jura que estava na Escócia no momento do assassinato, mas temos razões para acreditar que ele, não só estava aqui, como era empregado na sua garagem, como lavador de carros.
Because she was seen in the vicinity at the time of the murder.
Porque foi vista nas redondezas na altura do crime.
" Doctor Grayson was never in London at the time of the murder.
O Dr. Grayson não estava em Londres no dia do assassinato.
You were eating together at the time of the murder.
- Eu sei, você jantar juntos na hora witching.
Insane at the time of the murder, Mrs. Thaw... I'm sorry.
Louco no momento do assassinato Sra. Thaw.
After all, where were you at the time of the murder?
Afinal onde é que estava quando aconteceu o crime?
Brice was with me at the time of the murder.
O Brice estava comigo à hora do homicídio.
I told him at the time of the murder, I was in bed with you.
Disse-lhe que na hora do crime estava na cama contigo.
- Well, unfortunately, Chief Inspector Japp, at the time of the murder, I was asleep.
Infelizmente, estava a dormir na altura do crime.
We can put her there at the time of the murder.
Temos provas em como lá esteve na altura do crime.
If we don't put her there at the time of the murder, the jury'll be out in five minutes.
Se não a colocamos no local do crime, o júri decide em cinco minutos.
His calendar shows he was with me at the time of the murder.
A agenda dele mostra que esteve comigo na hora do homicídio.
Which is, of course, Mr Lee, where were you at the time of the murder?
Que é, obviamente : onde estava na hora do crime, Sr. Lee?
Tell me, madame. At the time of the murder,... your husband, he was in the dining room with Monsieur Harry?
Diga-me, madame, na hora do crime, o seu marido estava na sala de jantar com Harry.
Would you tell us where you were at the time of the murder, Mrs Lee?
Onde estava na hora do crime, Sra. Lee?
Miss Yamada, you heard the suspect say he was atJing Wu at the time of the murder.
Miss Yamada, ouviu o acusado dizer que ele estava em Jing Wu na altura do homicídio.
- Who's that? - Two cops. They saw Beckwith 90 miles away at the time of the murder.
- 2 policias que dizem ter visto o Beckwith a 150 km do local do assassinato.
You had no reason, as a sworn police officer, to tell an investigator in an important murder case that you knew the suspect was 90 miles away at the time of the murder?
Não tinha você motivo como policia, para dizer a um investigador num caso de assassinato que você viu o suspeito a 150 km do lugar do crime?
So, Dr. Bass, how would you diagnose Mr. Hailey at the time of the murder?
Então, Dr. Bass, como diagnosticaria o Sr. Hailey... na altura do crime?
Were you aware that your client was carrying on an affair... with Audrey Price at the time of the murder?
Sabia que o seu cliente tinha um caso com Audrey Price na altura da sua morte?
Now you went through great pains to establish the fact... that Michael Metzger was a guest on your boat at the time of the murder... is that correct?
Teve muita dificuldade em convencer o facto que Metzger era seu convidado no barco na noite do crime.
... now said to have been in the White House at the time of the murder.
... que pode ter estado na Casa na noite do crime.
At the time of the murder, I was holo-conferencing with the mothership.
Na hora do assassinato, estava em holo-conferência com a nave-mãe.
Where were you at the time of the murder?
Onde estava na hora do assassínio?
You want to know where I was at the time of the murder, right?
Quer saber onde eu estava na altura do crime, verdade?
Homocide just found out you were on a boat at the time of the murder.
Descobriram que estava num barco à hora do crime.
Yeah, there was one in the paper... at the time of the last murder... about, I guess, about the 4th or 5th of last month.
Sim, houve uma no jornal quando cometeu o último assassinato... terá sido dia 4 ou 5 do mês passado.
It was stolen from him at the time of his murder.
A roubaram quando o assassinaram.
The blood stains are of the same group as Monica Ranieri's from which we deduce the murder was wearing it at the time.
As manchas de sangue são do mesmo grupo sanguíneo de Monica Ranieri portanto, o assassino trazia-as.
Mr Kingston, I never said that And even though I had an ain'tight alibi by total accident, at the time of my uncle's murder, that still didn't stop you, did it?
- Sr. Kingston, nunca disse isso. - E apesar de eu ter um forte álibi, totalmente por acidente, para a hora da morte do meu tio, isso não o dissuadiu, tenente. - Sr. Kingston, a sério...
At least we know that by the time of the murder,
pelo menos sabemos que nesse momento Ratchett estava drogado e não gritou
I did mention at one time, sir... the complexities of charging soldiers with murder while they're actually in the field.
Não observei antes, senhor da dificuldade de se acusar soldados de assassinio quando estão no campo de batalha?
We will prove that at the time of her death her brutal murder Page Forrester was contemplating divorce.
Provaremos que na altura da sua morte, do seu assassinato brutal, Page Forrester pensava divorciar-se.
Which means it is my job to take care of a studio executive should he be... under suspicion of murder at a time when profits are down... and the company is vulnerable for a takeover.
O que significa que o meu trabalho é cuidar de um executivo de um estúdio mesmo que esteja sob suspeita de homicídio numa altura em que os lucros estão em baixo e a companhia está vulnerável para uma tomada de poder.
It's a sad night here at the Stick as the Giants tak e the field for the first time since the murder of hitting sensation Juan Primo.
É num clima de consternação que os Giants jogarão pela 1a vez após o brutal homicídio do batedor-sensação, Juan Primo.
But if I see you, Byron De La Beckwith or the blackest nigger in this country putting gas in his car at the time of a murder then that's what I'll say.
Então notifiquem-me mas sim eu vejo-te a ti, a Byron De La Beckwith ou ao negro mais escuro enchendo gasolina na hora de um assassinato isso é o que vou dizer.
An important point the prosecution raised, was the fact that the boy, having said that he was at the movies, during the time the murder occured, could not remember the names of the films or the stars that were in them.
Um argumento importante da promotoria foi o fato de que o garoto, que disse estar no cinema, enquanto o assassinato acontecia, não conseguia lembrar dos nomes dos filmes a que assistiu, nem os atores que estavam neles.
I have the results of the carbon dating on the wood found in Mr Johnston's trunk, allegedly at the time of his murder.
Tenho os resultados dos testes do Carbono 14 da madeira encontrada na mala do carro de Sr. Johnston,
The cabbie has given a statement that you asked specifically for room ten, which puts you at the murder scene at the time of death.
O taxista, no seu depoimento, disse que pediu especificamente o quarto dez, o que a coloca na cena do crime à hora do óbito.
But, of course, at the time of the first murder, Monsieur Ronald Marsh was at the opera.
Mas à hora do primeiro crime o Sr. Ronald Marsh estava na Ópera.
The arrest of Detective Basil for the murder of Bruno Gergan has obviously put an end to the undercover narcotics operation, at least for the time being.
A detenção do Det. Basil pelo homicídio do Bruno Goergan obviamente pôs fim à operação encoberta de Narcóticos, ao menos no momento.
Well, it suggests a lag between ejaculation and kristy's murder but it doesn't disprove Nick's presence at the time of the homicide.
Sugere um intervalo entre a ejaculação e o homicídio da Kristy. Mas não contesta a presença do Nick na altura do homicídio.
Your Honour, I was with Sgt Webb at the exact time of the murder.
Senhor Juiz, eu estava com o Sargento Webb à hora exacta do assassínio.
She was at her sister's in L.A. During the time of the murder.
Ela estava em casa da irmã em Los Angeles no dia do homicídio.
Witnesses place Tom Haviland at this table before and after the time of the murder.
Há testemunhas que viram o Tom Haviland nesta mesa, antes e depois da hora do homicídio.
Many a man dated his ruin from some murder or other that perhaps he thought Little of at the time ".
A ruína de muitos começou com um pequeno homicídio ao qual não deram importância naquele momento. "

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