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Barrow перевод на португальский

752 параллельный перевод
- Sorry, Barrow, that's exclusive.
- Desculpa, Barrow, é um exclusivo.
Thank you, Mr. Barrow.
Obrigado, Mr. Barrow.
- Barrow took it. Why, he had the gun.
- O Barrow tirou-mo, ele tinha a arma.
There's no book in Stephens'desk, on you or in Barrow's pockets.
O livro não está na mesa do Stephens, no bolso do Barrow ou no teu.
- Well, lucky for Barrow it isn't serious.
- Ainda bem para ele que não é grave.
This is all we found on Barrow.
Estas são as coisas do Barrow.
Nicky, do you see this laundry list from Barrow's pocket?
Nicky, está a ver esta lista da lavandaria do Barrow?
Lieutenant, I think this laundry list of Barrow's might interest you.
Tenente, acho que esta lista da lavandaria do Barrow lhe interessa.
What connection did Whitey Barrow have with Stephens and Macy?
Que relação tinha o Whitey Barrow com o Stephens e o Macy?
Right! And when we find the murderer of Goldez we'll find the murderer of Barrow too.
E quando encontrarmos o assassino do Goldez, encontraremos também o do Barrow.
Whoever killed Barrow thinks so too.
Quem matou o Barrow também.
You see, I hardly knew Mr. Barrow.
Sabe, eu mal conhecia o Mr. Barrow.
Well, that brings us back to Whitey Barrow.
Isso leva-nos de volta a Whitey Barrow.
Mr. Barrow came along, and he took me to my seat.
O Mr. Barrow chegou e me acompanhou ao meu lugar.
Why did Whitey Barrow have to take you into a secluded corner to chat about a mutual friend?
Porque é que o Whitey Barrow a levou para um canto escondido, para falarem de um amigo comum?
I'm sorry, but you said that Barrow was taking you to your seat.
Lamento, mas disse que o Barrow a acompanhou ao seu lugar.
I have police permission to look over Mr. Barrow's apartment.
Tenho autorização da Polícia para ver o apartamento do Mr. Barrow.
But this is the p.m., and I've got another angle on Barrow.
Mas já é de tarde e tenho outra teoria sobre o Barrow.
Do you figure it was the mob that blitzed Barrow?
Acha que foi um grupo que matou o Barrow?
Now, you were saying that Mr. Barrow was...
Estava a dizer que o Mr. Barrow...
Whitey Barrow did.
O Whitey Barrow gostava.
Did Stephens knows about you and Barrow?
O Stephens sabia de si e do Barrow?
How were they running when Barrow lost that 8 grand to you?
E como estavam quando o Barrow perdeu aqueles $ 8.000?
- Whitey Barrow.
- Whitey Barrow.
He was just standing over Barrow's body with a gun.
Estava só em cima do corpo do Barrow com uma arma.
Was Macy in the ticket office with you when Whitey Barrow was killed?
O Macy estava na bilheteira consigo quando o Whitey Barrow foi morto?
Mr. Stephens, was it your idea that Barrow and Miss Porter were merely casual acquaintances?
Stephens, o senhor acha que o Barrow e a Miss Porter são apenas conhecidos?
I found this hidden in Barrow's apartment.
Encontrei isto escondido no apartamento do Barrow.
Maybe you and your partner, Macy, were relieved when Barrow was found dead.
O senhor e o seu sócio ficaram aliviados quando o Barrow morreu.
Barrow had nothing on me.
O Barrow não sabia nada sobre mim.
Supposing Barrow did have something on us.
E se o Barrow soubesse algo sobre nós.
Are you hinting that maybe I killed Barrow?
Estás a insinuar que matei o Barrow?
But if I was milking a rich guy and Barrow was making me sweat for it maybe then I'd...
Mas se estivesse a explorar um homem rico e o Barrow me incomodasse, - talvez eu...
- Sure, I looked for Barrow that night to get my bracelet back.
- Eu procurei o Barrow, naquela noite para recuperar a minha pulseira.
Because Benny had seen who killed Barrow.
Talvez porque o Benny viu quem matou o Barrow.
Macy, you said you were not disturbed about Barrow's quitting.
Macy, disse que não o preocupou o Barrow ter-se demitido.
I caught Barrow pawing her that night right in my office.
Apanhei o Barrow a incomodá-la naquela noite.
Barrow always said things.
O Barrow sempre disse certas coisas.
Did Paul know that Barrow was annoying you?
O Paul sabia que o Barrow a incomodava?
You and the flatfoot claim whoever killed the jockey killed Barrow.
Você e este dizem que quem matou o jóquei matou o Barrow.
What I wanna know is, how long did Rainbow Benny live in that apartment?
O que quero saber é há quanto tempo o Benny Barrow vivia naquela casa?
Whitey Barrow was scared.
O Whitey Barrow estava assustado.
And we spread the news that whoever had killed Barrow had also killed the jockey.
E espalhámos a notícia de que quem matou o Barrow também matou o jóquei.
John Cornish. Admiral Sir Merton Barrow of the so-called Senior Service.
Almirante Sir Merton Barrow, do serviço de veteranos.
I could a tale unfold who's lightest word... would barrow up thy soul... freeze they young blood make thy two eyes... I like stars start from their spheres
Bem. "um conto te vou contar... cujas palavras a tua alma vão atormentar... o teu sangue jovem gelará... e os teus olhos como estrelas, das suas órbitas, te irão saltar"
Where's the barrow?
Onde está o carro?
What about my barrow?
O seu táxi? E o meu carrinho?
What about my barrow?
O seu táxi?
Yeah. Look what she done to that barrow boy and the cabby and the junk man.
Sim, vejam o que fez ao rapaz, e ao taxista e ao comerciante.
- Put him in the barrow.
Ponha-o no carrinho. Não.
And no prince charming with a barrow. - Drugs.
Vai acabar em lágrimas, e sem Príncipe Encantado...

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