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Translate.vc / английский → португальский / [ B ] / Beltran

Beltran перевод на португальский

119 параллельный перевод
I must see Colonel Beltran at once.
Tenho de ver o Coronel Beltran já.
Beltran's expecting me.
O Beltran espera-me.
You mean Colonel Beltran.
O Coronel Beltran, queres dizer.
Come, Beltran's waiting.
O Beltran está à espera.
Thomas Beltran, Governor for a Day,
Tomas Beltran, Governador por um Dia,
Logan. Are you Tommy Beltran?
- É o Tommy Beltran?
Mr. Beltrars girlfriend was attacked last night.
A namorada do Sr. Beltran foi atacada ontem à noite.
Mr. Beltran, can you tell us where you were last night?
Sr. Beltran, onde estava ontem à noite?
Father, we appreciate the character reference.
Obrigado pelo apoio ao Sr. Beltran.
You know what time Mr. Beltran left the shelter last night?
Sabe a que horas saiu daqui ontem?
So nobody else from the church was there. And you have no idea when Mr. Beltran left the shelter.
Não estava lá mais ninguém da igreja e não sabe a que horas ele saiu daqui?
Tommy Beltran?
- E o Tommy Beltran?
Thomas Rodriguez Beltran, fingerprinted for welfare.
Tomas Rodriguez Beltran, registado na Segurança Social.
The Beltran boy gave her a ring for their engagement.
O Beltran ofereceu-lhe um anel, pelo noivado deles.
Now, if Tommy Beltran killed her...
Se o Tommy Beltran a matou...
People v. Thomas R. Beltran.
Povo contra Tomas R. Beltran.
Your Honor, we ask that you release Mr. Beltran on no bail.
Sra. Dra. Juíza, peço que solte o Sr. Beltran sem fiança.
Why did you kill her, Mr. Beltran?
Porque a matou, Sr. Beltran?
Beltran knew he was nailed.
O Beltran sabia que tinha sido apanhado.
The police searched Tommy Beltrars room illegally.
A Polícia fez uma busca ilegal ao quarto de Tommy Beltran.
He doesn't know what Mr. Beltran was thinking.
Não sabia o que o Sr. Beltran estava a pensar.
As far as you could observe what was your daughter's attitude toward Mr. Beltran?
Tanto quanto viu, qual era a atitude da sua filha para com o Sr. Beltran?
Mr. Beltran said he was sorry. He said he couldn't remember killing Beth Milgram.
O Sr. Beltran lamentava, mas não se lembrava de matar a Beth Milgram.
In my opinion, Mr. Beltran knew what he was doing and he hasn't forgotten.
Acho que ele sabia o que fazia e não o esqueceu.
Mr. Beltran thought that violence was an acceptable response to rejection.
O Sr. Beltran achou que a violência era uma resposta adequada à rejeição.
If Mr. Beltran was simply angry, as you allege, what explains his remorse, his anguish, his regret?
Se o Sr. Beltran estivesse apenas zangado, como alega, o que explica o remorso, a angústia e o arrependimento que sente?
When they first talked to him, he was painting the shelter.
Quando falaram com o Beltran, ele estava a pintar o lar.
When you examined Mr. Beltran, Dr. Goldman, what conclusion did you reach about his emotional and mental condition?
Dra. Goldman, quando examinou o Sr. Beltran, a que conclusão chegou quanto ao estado mental e emocional?
Mr. Beltran is burdened by extreme self-hatred.
O Sr. Beltran é acossado por um ódio imenso a si mesmo.
In your opinion, when Mr. Beltran attacked Miss Milgram, is it possible that he was not aware of the consequences of his acts?
Na sua opinião, acha possível que quando o Sr. Beltran atacou a Beth ele não estar ciente das consequências dos actos?
Like Tommy Beltran? Taking revenge because Beth Milgram rejected him?
Como o Tommy Beltran, que se vingou por a Beth Milgram o rejeitar?
Mr. Beltran, when did you pick up the pipe?
Sr. Beltran, quando pegou no tubo?
When Thomas Beltran was 5 years old, they took his father away.
Tomas Beltran tinha cinco anos, levaram-lhe o pai.
It's easy to feel sympathy for Thomas Beltran.
É fácil ter pena do Tomas Beltran.
A pretty, happy, lively 20-year-old college student. And on a dark street three months ago Thomas Beltran approached her with a pipe in his hand and he struck her in the head.
Uma jovem universitária de 20 anos, bonita e alegre, que numa rua escura, há três meses, foi abordada pelo Tomas Beltran com um tubo na mão.
Thomas Beltran wanted to live in Beth Milgram's world.
Tomas Beltran queria viver no mundo da Beth Milgram.
Farley, Beltran the ill-fated Peterson Kalahane, Sadowski....
Farley, Beltran... o amaldiçoado Peterson... Kalahane, Sadowski....
Beltran, Kalahane, you're on point.
Beltran, Kalahane, vocês vão à frente.
Beltran, make room for Peterson.
Beltran, arranja espaço para o Peterson.
Beltran, Kalahane, I want you guys on point!
Beltran, Kalahane, quero-vos à frente!
So the lieutenant ordered Beltran to pull the gook off a table and put Peterson on it.
Então o tenente ordenou ao Beltran que tirasse o chinoca de cima da mesa e pusesse o Peterson em cima dela.
And Kelly and Beltran, they left the room, and I soon heard more gunfire.
E o Kelly e o Beltran, sairam da sala, e de seguida ouvi mais disparos de armas.
He said the house belonged to a guy named Lou Beltran.
Disse que a casa era de um gajo chamado Lou Beltran.
So, Mrs. Beltran, I assume the divorce wasn't final.
Presumo que o divórcio ainda não estava concluído.
Put him under the Lou Beltran spatter.
Põe-no debaixo dos salpicos do Lou Beltran.
Lou Beltran wore his watch on his right wrist.
O Lou Beltran usava o relógio no pulso direito.
What time is Mr. Beltran coming?
A que horas chega o Sr. Beltran?
Jesus, Shirl. What, did you suck Mr. Beltran's cock?
Jesus, Shirley, chupaste o pénis ao Sr. Beltran?
Listen, guys, pay attention to goddamn Mafafo.
López, Beltran e Mena! Muita atenção aos movimentos do estupor do Mafafo.
- The music was by Felipe T. Bertran.
A música foi escrita por Felipe T. Beltran.
Cursi on the move, passes to Lopez, who sends back a beautiful pass.
O Cursi passa Ruído Rocha, chuta para López Beltrán, que por sua vez opera um passe de fantasia, mágico!

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