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Translate.vc / английский → португальский / [ B ] / Brice

Brice перевод на португальский

294 параллельный перевод
Mr. Brice, Mr. Gillette, Mr. Freeman, Mr. McCoy.
Mr. Brice, Mr. Gillette, Mr.
Fanny Brice.
Fanny Brice.
There's a telegram for Mrs. Brice!
Um telegrama para Mrs. Brice!
" Dear Miss Brice. Stop.
" Cara Miss Brice.
Bravo, Miss Brice!
John, will you get the bride music for Miss Brice, please?
John, dás a mùsica da noiva a Miss Brice, por favor?
Miss Brice, you will do "Second Hand Rose" in the first act and you will sing this new number in the finale. Alright?
Miss Brice, cantará "Second Hand Rose" no primeiro acto e cantará este novo número no final.
Yes, Miss Brice?
Sim, Miss Brice?
And that, Miss Brice, is the end of this discussion. Miss Brice, may I remind you that you're in my theatre?
Miss Brice, posso recordar-lhe que està no meu teatro?
Fanny Brice.
- Fanny Brice.
Miss Brice?
Miss Brice?
Miss Brice, if I take you out of the finale I'll also take you out of the Follies....
Miss Brice, se eu a tirar do final também a tirarei das Follies.
I want to see the bride number right from the top with Miss Brice.
Quero ver o nùmero da noiva com Miss Brice.
All right, Miss Brice.
Muito bem, Miss Brice.
Miss Brice can't see anyone.
- Miss Brice não recebe ninguém!
Mrs. Brice is expecting half the neighbourhood.
Mrs. Brice espera metade do bairro.
Candidly, Mrs. Brice, that's a good-looking fellow.
Sinceramente, Mrs. Brice, é um homem bonito.
Now, where's that new star Fanny Brice?
Onde està a nova estrela a Fanny Brice?
This'll just take a minute, Miss Brice.
È sò um minuto, Miss Brice.
How about a smile, Miss Brice?
Que tal um sorriso, Miss Brice?
Calling Miss Brice, Miss Fanny Brice.
Chamando Miss Brice, Miss Fanny Brice.
Miss Brice?
- Miss Brice?
Ring if you need me, Mr. Brice.
Toque se precisar, Mr. Brice.
"All any show needs is Fanny Brice."
"Os espectáculos só precisam é da Fanny Brice."
I guess when you have Fanny Brice for a meal ticket you don't get very hungry. Nick!
Quando se tem a Fanny Brice como um bilhete de refeição não se tem muita fome.
Miss Brice paid us, sir.
Miss Brice pagou-nos.
Miss Brice paid you.
Miss Brice pagou-vos.
Will you answer some questions, Miss Brice?
- Responde a umas perguntas?
You still love him, Miss Brice?
Ainda o ama, Miss Brice?
- Fifteen minutes, Miss Brice.
- 1 5 minutos, Miss Brice.
Oh. Could I speak to Mrs Bryce, please?
- A Sra. Brice, por favor.
- We'll all be back soon, Miss Brice.
- Voltaremos não tarda, Miss Brice.
Sorry to bust in on you like this, Miss Brice.
Desculpe interromper assim, Miss Brice.
Oh, there's Fanny Brice!
É a Fanny Brice!
Hey there, Miss Brice.
Olá, Miss Brice.
Fanny Brice. "More Than You Know." Take One.
Fanny Brice. "More Than You Know". Primeiro take.
- Miss Brice.
- Miss Brice.
- That Fanny Brice goes to the can?
- Que a Fanny Brice vá à casa de banho?
Brice and Rose.
Brice e Rose.
You got hit by this steam engine the papers called Fanny Brice.
Foste atropelado por uma locomotiva a que os jornais chamam Fanny Brice.
Miss Brice isn't dressed yet.
Miss Brice ainda não está vestida.
My wife, however, is determined to speak to Miss Brice.
A minha esposa faz questão de ir falar com Miss Brice.
- Have a nice evening, Mr. Brice.
- Boa noite, Mr. Brice.
Ned, it's Miss Brice.
Ned, é Miss Brice.
- How do you do?
- Como vai, Miss Brice?
As long as she doesn't call me Mr. Brice.
Desde que não me trate por Mr. Brice.
- Oh, Miss Brice!
- Miss Brice!
Look, "Billy Rose presents Fanny Brice."
Escuta, "Billy Rose apresenta Fanny Brice."
A telegram for the Brices!
Um telegrama para as Brice!
Listen Miss Brice, hang onto that ATT. Believe me.

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