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But i didn't want to перевод на португальский

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But I didn't want you to sleep with a Chinese man!
Mas eu não queria que dormisses com um chinês!
But I don't think it's a coincidence that suddenly you didn't want to defend somebody whose negligence had harmed a child.
Mas não acho que seja coincidência, de repente, não querer defender alguém cuja negligência tenha feito mal a uma criança.
I didn't want to help him, but I had no choice.
Não queria ajudá-lo, mas não tive escolha.
I didn't want to admit this To the press, but, uh, No doubt in my mind that Kyle's the third victim.
Não quis admitir à comunicação social, mas não tenho dúvidas de que o Kyle é a terceira vítima.
I didn't want you two to break up, but you wanted completely different things out of life and refused to deal with it.
Não queria que acabassem. Mas vocês queriam coisas diferentes da vida e recusaste-te a lidar com isso.
Yeah, but I didn't want to work there, really, at the beginning, either, and seriously, you don't have to be around the Walkers if you don't want to be.
Não queria trabalhar lá no começo também, mas não precisa ver os Walkers, se não quiser.
I know that I've changed since my business took off, but I didn't want to admit it.
Sei que mudei com o êxito do meu negócio, mas não queria admiti-lo.
I could tell that Mom didn't want to abandon me, but I knew Dad would persuade her in the end.
Percebi que a mamã não se sentia bem de me abandonar, mas que o papá ia acabar por a convencer.
I know you didn't want me to, dad, But i-I couldn't do nothing.
Eu sei que não querias que o fizesse pai, mas não podia ficar quieto.
But if that's why she didn't want to be with me anymore, why I wasn't "fit for her destiny..."
Mas se é por causa disso que ela já não queria estar comigo, a razão pela qual não correspondia ao destino dela, eu teria mudado.
I didn't want to murder anybody. But when Prince got pinched, I didn't have a choice.
Eu não queria matar ninguém, mas quando o Prince foi detido, percebi que não havia alternativa.
But I didn't want you to feel like you were gonna be a replacement for me, because you're not.
Mas eu não queria que se sentisse um substituto... porque você não é.
She didn't want to, but I saw that something was bothering her.
Ela não queria, mas vi que algo a preocupava.
But I thought you didn't want to be involved in politics any more?
Pensei que já não querias envolver-te na política.
I didn't want to force her to confront an answer she clearly wasn't looking for, but when I found out she was working at that club, I had to do something, so I went... started getting to know her.
Não quis obrigá-la a confrontar-se com uma resposta que claramente não procurava, mas quando descobri que trabalhava naquele bar, tinha que fazer alguma coisa, fui... começar a tentar conhecê-la.
I didn't want to admit it that night, but you're right.
Eu não admiti aquela noite, mas tu tinhas razão.
I didn't want to say anything at first because I didn't want it to be weird, but- - she, you know- - she likes her boy time.
- É. Ao início, não quis dizer nada, porque podia ser estranho, mas... Ela gosta de rapazes de vez em quando.
I mean, the time to ask these questions was five years ago, but the cop who was on the case then didn't want to ask them!
Estas perguntas deviam ter sido feitas há cinco anos, mas o polícia que tinha o caso não quis fazê-las.
I didn't want to make her feel bad. But I ended up making you feel bad, which- - Which is the last thing I wanted to do.
Não te queria magoar, mas acabei por te magoar e era a última coisa que queria.
I didn't want to resort to violence, But I feel as though I've reached my limit.
Não queria recorrer a violência, mas acho que cheguei ao limite.
I want to raise it and I didn't think it was possible before, but now, because of navid, it is.
Quero criá-lo. Antes achava que não seria possível, mas agora graças ao Navid, é.
But you have to understand that... It wasn't because I didn't want you there.
Mas precisas de compreender que... não foi porque eu não te queria comigo.
Now, i didn't tell you about this earlier because i didn't want to upset you, but the police are hunting for you as we speak.
Não te contei isto antes porque não te queria perturbar, mas a polícia anda à tua procura neste preciso momento.
But I didn't want to become a felon, Sam.
Sim, mas eu não me queria tornar uma criminosa, Sam.
Well, look, I know you didn't want it, but I wanted to see her.
Sei que não o devia ter feito, mas eu queria vê-la.
Look, we didn't make a good start with you, but I want you to know that we are very glad to have you in our class.
Olha, não começamos bem contigo, mas quero que saibas que estamos contentes por te ter na aula.
I didn't want to shoot, but they laughed at me, and I...
Não queria disparar, mas eles estavam a rir-se de mim e eu...
But I didn't want to risk any more of those things.
Não queria arriscar que outra coisa dessas passasse.
She didn't even want to get paid, but I insisted I write her a check.
Ela não queria ser paga, mas eu insisti.
I didn't want to come here, but Mary Beth said she'd take care of me.
Eu não queria vir, mas a Mary Beth disse que tomava conta de mim.
I didn't even want to do it, but...
Não queria roubar o Banco, mas...
I didn't want to make you feel bad, But she and chuck have this weird vendetta against you- -
Não te queria fazer sentir mal, mas ela e o Chuck têm esta vingança estranha contra ti.
Martin didn't want me to, but he doesn't know you. ZOE : I do.
O Martin não queria que eu viesse, mas ele não a conhece.
tell you the truth, I really didn't want to come out here at all. I tried your cell phone, but you didn't answer.
Eu não queria vir até aqui.
When your ma broke things off, I called a couple times, tried to take you to a game or something, but she, uh, she didn't want to have anything to do with me.
Quando a tua mãe acabou comigo, telefonei umas vezes, tentei levar-te a um jogo, mas ela não queria ter nada a ver comigo.
I didn't want to help, but he had a gun and he put it to my head.
Não queria ajudar, mas ele tinha uma arma apontada à minha cabeça.
But you fell asleep in my lap. I kept hoping nothing exciting would happen...'cause I didn't want the crowd to get too loud... and wake you up.
Não queria que nada de entusiasmante acontecesse, porque não queria que a multidão fizesse muito barulho... e te acordasse.
I have several sources reporting Quinn didn't want to leave, But you kicked her out because of the pregnancy scandal.
Fontes disseram-me que a Quinn não queria sair mas expulsou-a por causa da gravidez.
I didn't want to see her get hurt, but then I looked at her young and shiny face not beaten down yet by busted dryers and mean bosses with guns... - go for it.
Eu não queria vê-la sofrer, mas depois olhei para a sua cara nova e luminosa, ainda nada massacrada por máquinas de secar avariadas, e patrões maus com armas...
- i really didn't want to know. - but now you do.
Eu não queria saber.
I didn't want to bother you, but how was it?
Sim, eu sei. Não queria incomodar-te. Mas como correu?
Well, I told her yesterday to go to bed, but she insisted on working the party because she didn't want to let you down.
Ontem disse-lhe para ir para a cama, mas ela insistiu em trabalhar na festa porque não a queria deixar ficar mal.
- But still, i didn't want you Going to bed tonight and every other night For the rest of your life thinking ill of the man.
Mas, mesmo assim, não queria que te deitasses esta noite e todas as outras, para o resto da tua vida, a pensar mal no homem.
I had my company cards, but I thought I didn't want to use it for personal expenses.
Tinha os da empresa, mas não os quis usar para despesas pessoais.
You know, I didn't want to alarm my dad any further, but there was one guy who was in a lot of those pictures with you.
Não queria preocupar mais o meu pai, mas havia um tipo que estava em muitas daquelas fotos contigo. - Quem era?
I didn't want to tell you this, Eli, But I caught Don and your mother... up at the lake house.
Não queria dizer-te isto, Eli, mas apanhei o Don e a tua mãe...
I didn't want to bother you with it, But that man dropped by today from the governor's office.
Não quero te incomodar com isto, mas aquele homem do escritório do Governador passou aqui hoje.
But I just didn't want you to be disappointed in me.
Mas simplesmente não queria que ficasses desapontada comigo.
I didn't want to tell Naomi what happened between us, because she was done with me, but she's not.
Eu não queria dizer à Naomi o que aconteceu entre nós, porque ela estava farta de mim, mas não está.
Yeah, but if I just go on this one audition, all I miss this afternoon is Humanities. Wait, I don't get it. I thought you didn't want to do the acting thing anymore.
Sim, mas se eu for a esta única audição, tudo o que eu perco esta tarde é Humanidades.
And I didn't want to have to do this, but we're gonna have to put a tube down his throat to help him breathe. Nicholas.
E não queria fazer isto, mas temos de inserir um tubo pela garganta para o ajudar a respirar.

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