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By the end of the day перевод на португальский

521 параллельный перевод
By the end of the day we shall restore order.
Deveremos ter retomado ordem ao fim do dia.
I imagine you'll feel a bit limp by the end of the day. But we have to be hard on you. You have to be cured.
É natural que ao fim do dia te sintas esgotado mas temos que ser implacáveis, para que te cures.
And on Utah, by the end of the day, the Americans were doing well.
Em Utah, no fim do dia, os americanos estavam bem.
They'd catch up to us by the end of the day.
Eles alcancavam-nos. ao final do dia.
I think it's safe to say, by the end of the day, everything will be tested.
Esteja certo de que, ao final do dia, tudo terá sido testado.
I have got to get that report by the end of the day, Art... or you're in the doghouse!
Quero esse relatório até ao fim do dia, Art... ou vais saber o que são problemas!
Write up a brief summary and have it to me by the end of the day.
Escreva um relatório breve e entregue-mo até ao fim do dia.
I've got to sell seven more cars... by the end of the day.
E tenho de vender mais sete carros hoje.
Yes, please, and by the end of the day, too.
Sim, por favor e também até ao final do dia.
With what I'm paid... I should be able to afford one by the end of the day.
Com o que me pagam, devo poder comprar uma no fim do dia.
So, let's finish the personel reports, complete the montly billing, and clean up the desk by the end of the day.
Então termine o relatório, as faturas e arrume a mesa no fim do dia.
I'll just finish the personnel reports, complete the montly billing, and clean off my desk by the end of the day.
Então vou terminar o relatório e as faturas... e arrumar a mesa no fim do dia.
If you could get that to us by the end of the day.
Randy, se pudesses devolver isso assinado até o final do dia, nós ficaríamos muito gratos.
I took two that had works, and I gave one to Manny at the Woodbine, so that by the end of the day, you walk in and they give you a big dinner.
E tenho dois que funcionam, e dei um deles ao Manny, assim no final do dia, aparece lá e ele dá-te um bom jantar.
On the other hand, this could be closed by the end of the day.
Por outro lado, pode ficar encerrado no fim do dia.
- I could be done by the end of the day. Or it might take a week.
Posso terminar nesta tarde, ou numa semana.
This morning, you are all equal. But by the end of the day today, we will honor the finest of you with a trophy, the trophy of a champion.
Esta manhã, todos são iguais, mas, ao fim do dia, homenagearemos os melhores com um troféu, o troféu de um campeão.
I had to haul ass to the kitchen, redistribute the food, squish in extra place settings, but by the end of the day it was, like, the more the merrier.
Tive de ir para a cozinha, redistribuir a comida, apertar para haver mais lugares, mas para o final já era quantos mais, melhor.
Whatever. Management wants you gone by the end of the day.
Bom, a gerência quer ver-te pelas costas ainda hoje.
And I promise you by the end of the day, Hercules will be dead. And you?
E prometo-te que no fim do dia, Hércules estará morto.
I want it ready by the end of the day.
Quero que esteja pronto ao fim do dia.
I want him manning a radar tower in Alaska by the end of the day.
Quero-o num radar do Alasca até ao fim do dia. Depois mande-lhe as malas.
By the end of the day, I was into Antoine for 50,000.
Ao fim do dia devia ao Antoine 50.000.
Do you get pitted by the end of the day?
Ficas sovacada ao fim do dia?
I am just going to pack up my desk and I will be gone by the end of the day.
Vou arrumar a minha secretária... ... e vou estar fora daqui até ao fim do dia.
- I'll have a list by the end of the day.
Terei a lista ao final do dia.
By the end of the day.
Até ao fim do dia.
I want you out of here by the end of the day.
Quero-o fora no final do dia!
He'll be back by the end of the day, sir.
Ele estará de volta até ao final do dia, senhor.
That is your right, but I want the gel by the end of the day.
Está no seu direito, mas quero o gel até ao fim do dia.
We can upgrade your inertial dampers by the end of the day but to begin to overhaul your warp core would take at least a week.
Podemos atualizar os controlos de inércia até ao fim do dia, mas fazer a revisão do núcleo warp vai demorar uma semana.
I want the barstools removed by the end of the day.
Quero os bancos removidos até ao final do dia.
We should be through here by the end of the day.
Devemos estar despachados ao fim do dia, Capitão.
I'll show you the prospectus by the end of the day, along with the most recent fiscal projections.
Terá o prospecto até ao fim do dia, bem como as previsões fiscais.
By the end of the day, the mailroom guys were calling me Rocky.
Ao fim do dia, os paquetes já me chamavam Rocky.
By the end of the day, I'm gonna prove I've got what it takes to be your sidekick.
Que seja. Se voltou para me maltratar mais, ficarei feliz em dar o troco.
Dr. Nathan says you'll be back in Em City by the end of the day.
A Dra. Nathan diz que esta tarde poderá retornar a Emerald City.
We should have some samples by the end of the day if all goes well.
Nós devemos conseguir algumas amostras até o fim do dia se tudo for bem.
But by the end of the day, this company which nobody had heard of closed out as the 12th highest traded issue on the NASDAQ.
Mas, no fim do dia, a empresa, de que ninguém ouvira falar, fechou como o 12 ° título mais caro no índice NASDAQ.
If those results are correct, then I say we have a deal. I'll expect it in writing by the end of the day.
Se esses resultados estão certos chegamos a acordo.
Yes, by the end of the day, Phil. Did I stutter?
Ao fim da tarde, Phil.
By the end of the day, the cameramen were ready to surrender their hard-won footage.
Ao fim do dia, os operadores de câmara estavam prontos a entregar as suas fitas.
And by the end of the day, we had done 52 takes on two cameras... 10 minutes each of this particular scene... until the actors were punch-drunk... because it was notJohn's style to tell an actor what to do.
E no final do dia tínhamos filmado 52 takes em duas câmaras, 10 minutos de uma determinada cena, até os actores acertarem, porque não o John não era do tipo de dizer a um actor o que fazer.
I write myself a note each day and I place it in my hat The wind comes by, the hat blows high but that's not the end of that
Eu estou escrevendo uma nota a cada dia e eu coloquei no meu chapéu vento está soprando, o chapéu voa alto mas não o seu fim
At the end of each work day, the men are chained to each other by the ankle, by a group of six.
no fim de cada jornada, são acorrentados em grupos de seis.
By the end of the third day, the disease will be irreversible.
No final do terceiro dia, a doença será irreversível.
He was out of it by the end of the first day.
Ele foi reprovado no primeiro dia.
And his memory came back gradually... until he could remember the previous day's events, and then the previous hour... and by the end of the two hours, he could remember everything.
E a sua memória voltou gradualmente, até que se recordava dos dias anteriores e da hora anterior e passadas duas horas ele lembrava-se de tudo.
So let's finish the personnel reports, complete the monthly billing, and clean up the desk by the end of day.
Então termine o relatório, as faturas e arrume a mesa no fim do dia.
Give me your I.D. and clean out your office by the end of day.
Dê-me o seu crachá e esvazie as suas gavetas.
By the end of this day, either Cartagia is dead... or Centauri Prime will be destroyed.
Ao fim deste dia, ou o Cartagia está morto... ou Centauri Prime será destruído.

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