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Darrow перевод на португальский

170 параллельный перевод
- Ann Darrow.
- Como se chama?
- Search the ship. Find Miss Darrow.
- Revistem o navio.
- This is Ms. Darrow and Mr. Driscoll.
Entrem, rapazes. A menina Darrow e o sr. Driscoll...
I'll make a speech and tell them about Kong, Darrow Driscoll. When I call you, come take pictures. - Okay.
Agora vou fazer um discurso sobre o Kong, e a menina Darrow e o sr. Driscoll e depois chamo-vos e vocês tiram as fotografias.
And now I want to introduce Miss Ann Darrow the bravest girl I have ever known.
Agora quero apresentar-vos Ann Darrow, a rapariga mais corajosa que já conheci.
Miss Darrow first, alone.
Primeiro a menina Darrow, sozinha.
He is still carrying Ann Darrow.
E leva Ann Darrow.
Then, the Darrow woman.
Depois, a Darrow.
You don't have to be Clarence Darrow the first week.
Não tem que ser Clarence Darrow na primeira semana.
But Clarence Darrow here, he proved otherwise.
Mas o teu amigo aqui provou o contrário.
Okay, Clarence Darrow, can it.
Ok, Clarence Darrow, cale-se..
Old Darrow put me on to it.
O velho Darrow deu-ma.
Mr. Darrow.
Sr. Darrow.
Darrow Igus... And De Wayne Jessie.
Darrow Igus e DeWayne Jessie.
Where's the Clarence Darrow defense?
Onde está a defesa de Clarence Darrow?
( Darrow ) We're gonna do it when I say we're gonna do it.
Quando eu diga que os vamos apanhar.
( Darrow ) The military's offering'up a big bounty on you... and I aim to collect on it.
O exército oferece uma recompensa pela vossa captura e eu quero-a.
( Darrow ) Go on out of town on Route 9... up to Bedford Falls.
Sigam pela estrada 9, em direcção a Bedford Falls.
( Darrow ) Well, now. Howdy, partner. I'm glad you could make it.
Estava quase a desligar...
( Darrow ) You take a right.
Vire " a direita.
( Darrow ) Good. Get back home right away.
- Óptimo, volta já para casa.
( Darrow ) Come on, let's get him before he gets too far.
Vamos atrás dele. Não o deixem afastar-se muito
( Darrow ) Little lady, just consider yourself lucky... we didn't find what we were lookin'for.
Tem sorte que não encontrámos o que andamos à procura.
( Darrow ) That blue van has to be the one we stopped back there.
- Deve ser a carrinha que parámos.
( Darrow ) Yeah, Smith... I got the girl here that helped your man.
- Olá, Smith. Tenho aqui a rapariga que ajudou o seu amigo.
( Darrow ) She's a real nice lady... and she's pretty scared right now.
É bastante jeitosa, apesar de estar um bocadinho assustada.
( Darrow ) But if you don't... I just might turn sweet-cheeks here... over to my two boys.
Se não aparecem, talvez entregue a cara-linda aos meus rapazes...
( Darrow ) All right, take them out!
It was to kinda spray on marijuana or something, and the Darrow Chemical Company was trying to develop it for the army.
Era algo para pulverizar marijuana ou algo assim, que a companhia química Darrow estava a desenvolver para o exército.
They shipped those bodies here, instead of to the Darrow Chemical Company.
Enviaram todos os cadáveres para cá, em vez de para a companhia química Darrow.
I'm gonna be sued by the Darrow Chemical Company and investigated by the government.
Vou ser processado pela companhia química Darrow e investigado pelo governo.
No, the person behind them was Dennis Darrow.
Não, a pessoa por trás disso foi o Dennis Darrow.
Devon, right now I need everything Bonnie can find... on an actor named Dennis Darrow.
Devon, neste momento preciso de tudo o que a Bonnie possa encontrar sobre um actor chamado Dennis Darrow.
By the way, Michael... Bonnie found very little data on your Mr. Darrow.
A propósito, Michael a Bonnie encontrou poucos dados sobre o teu Sr. Darrow.
We're standing for the judge, Mr. Darrow.
Estamos de pé para o juiz, Sr. Darrow.
Bill Darrow, Sociology.
Bill Darrow, sociología.
Mr. Darrow.
Senhor Darrow?
Gaetan Dugas, Bill Darrow.
Gaetan Dugas, Bill Darrow.
It's Bill Darrow from the CDC.
Sou Bill Darrow, do Controle de Doenças.
You were part of the original team that commission Trioxin from Darrow Chemical, weren't you sir?
Você foi parte do time original responsável pela Trioxina, não?
Yea! You're a latter-day Clarence Darrow.
É o Clarence Darrow dos nossos tempos.
Your Honor ladies and gentlemen of the jury : When I was a kid, my heroes weren't Babe Ruth or Lou Gehrig they were Clarence Darrow and Emile Zola.
Meritíssimo, senhoras e senhores do júri, quando era garoto, os meus heróis não eram Babe Ruth ou Lou Gehring.
We've gotta talk to Bob Darrow about this before we do anything else.
Temos de falar com o Bob Darrow acerca disto, antes de mais nada.
- Ann Darrow.
Aye, aye.
Encontrem a menina Darrow.
Miss Darrow is the story.
A menina Darrow é a história.
Mr. Darrow, did you know this man?
Conhecia este homem?
Excuse me, Mr. Darrow.
Perdão, Sr. Darrow.
( Darrow ) I hear you and your boys are pretty tough. Why do you want Murdock?
- Porque é que raptaram o Murdock?
You know, Darrow is ready to see us.
O Darrow está pronto para nos receber.

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