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Dean winchester перевод на португальский

157 параллельный перевод
- I said we were with a policeman and they checked it out and said there is no Detective Dean Winchester.
- Disse que tínhamos ido com um agente, e eles foram ver e disseram que não há nenhum detective Dean Winchester.
Cops are blaming this Dean Winchester guy for Emily's murder.
Os polícias acusam um Dean Winchester do homicídio da Emily.
So you know that his brother, Dean Winchester, died in St. Louis and was suspected of murder?
Então, sabe que o irmão dele, Dean Winchester, morreu em St. Louis e era suspeito de homicídio?
Sam and Dean Winchester.
Sam e Dean Winchester.
Cops are blaming this Dean Winchester guy for Emily's murder.
A Polícia culpa um tal Dean Winchester pelo homicídio de Emily.
My name is Dean Winchester.
Chamo-me Dean Winchester.
I know all about you, Dean Winchester.
Eu sei tudo sobre ti, Dean Winchester.
Dean winchester?
- Dean Winchester?
dean winchester.
Dean Winchester.
I know all about you, Dean Winchester.
Sei tudo sobre ti, Dean Winchester.
Sam and Dean Winchester, you have the right to remain silent.
Sam e Dean Winchester, têm o direito de ficar calados.
Sam and Dean Winchester were in the chopper when it caught on fire.
Sam e Dean Winchester estavam no helicóptero quando este se incendiou.
With a few pals who are dying for a nice little meet and greet with Dean Winchester.
Com alguns amigos que estão desejos por um pequeno encontro com o Dean Winchester.
Uh, I'm Dean Winchester, I'm a friend of Bobby Singer's.
Sou o Dean Winchester. Sou amigo do Bobby Singer.
- Dean Winchester, right?
- Dean Winchester, não é?
Dean Winchester.
Dean Winchester.
"Dean Winchester gives us Anna by midnight, or...."
" Ou o Dean Winchester nos entrega a Anna até à meia-noite, ou...
Uh, leave a message. Jed, Dean Winchester again...
Jed, é o Dean Winchester outra vez...
My real name is Dean Winchester.
O meu verdadeiro nome é Dean Winchester.
And that we drag Dean Winchester out of here and then we blow this insignificant pin prick off the map.
Que arrastemos o Dean Winchester daqui para fora, e depois risquemos este chato insignificante do mapa.
First words i heard, clear as a bell - - "dean winchester is saved."
As primeiras palavras que ouvi, claras como um sino... "Dean Winchester está salvo".
Class, say hello to our new student, Dean Winchester.
Turma, cumprimentem o nosso novo aluno, Dean Winchester.
When we win when we bring on the apocalypse and burn this Earth down we'll owe it all to you Dean Winchester.
Quando vencermos... quando provocarmos o Apocalipse e incendiarmos esta Terra... Vamos dever-te tudo a ti... Dean Winchester.
I'm Dean Winchester and this is my brother, Sam.
Dean Winchester, este é o meu irmão, Sam.
Dean Winchester.
Dean Winchester...
Dean Winchester, Nutcracker champion!
Dean Winchester... é o campeão do "Quebra-Nozes"!
Did you really think that you, Dean Winchester, with a GED and a give-them-hell attitude, were gonna beat the devil?
Achas mesmo que tu, Dean Winchester, com um E.E.E. e uma atitude "manda-os para o Inferno", vais derrotar o Diabo?
We have Dean Winchester.
Temos o Dean Winchester.
You mean to tell me you've got Dean Winchester and Sam Winchester's meat suit?
Estás a dizer-me que tens o Dean Winchester e... o corpo do Sam Winchester?
It's Sam and Dean Winchester.
São o Sam e o Dean Winchester.
You know Sam and Dean Winchester are psychotically, irrationally, erotically codependent on each other, right?
Sabes que o Sam e o Dean Winchester são psicologicamente, irracionalmente eroticamente co-dependentes, certo?
I'm Dean Winchester.
- Sou o Dean Winchester.
And yet here I am, last place I should be in the road talking to Sam and Dean Winchester under a frigging spotlight.
E porém aqui estou eu, no último sítio onde devia estar. Na estrada a falar com Sam e Dean Winchester debaixo de um candeeiro!
Dean Winchester's behind you, meat sack.
O Dean Winchester está atrás de ti, saco de carne.
Dean Winchester?
Dean Winchester?
- Dr. Visyak. My name is Dean Winchester.
Dra. Visyak, chamo-me Dean Winchester.
You don't let Sam and Dean Winchester do squat.
Vá lá. Ninguém manda neles.
Dean Winchester is on his way here.
O Dean Winchester está a caminho daqui. A sério?
Dean Winchester is on his way here.
Dean Winchester está a caminho.
You are Dean Winchester.
És o Dean Winchester.
- And... what is your relationship to Dean Winchester?
E qual é a sua relação com Dean Winchester?
I find you, Dean Winchester, guilty in your heart... and sentence you to die.
Declaro-te, Dean Winchester, culpado e condeno-te à morte.
Sam and Dean Winchester are now the subjects of a manhunt throughout the state of California.
O Sam e o Dean Winchester são agora o motivo de uma caça ao homem em todo o estado da Califórnia.
I want the whole world to know what Sam and Dean Winchester are capable of.
Quero que todo o mundo saiba do que o Sam e o Dean Winchester são capazes.
- Dean and Sam Winchester.
- Dean e Sam Winchester.
hey.dean... winchester, right?
Ei, Dean... Winchester, certo?
Synchro :
Supernatural S04E02 "Are You There God? It's Me, Dean Winchester"
I'm sam winchester. this is my brother - - dean.
Chamo-me Sam Winchester. Este é o meu irmão, Dean.
I'm Sam Winchester, that's my brother, Dean.
Chamo-me Sam Winchester. Este é o meu irmão, Dean.
Our names are Dean and Sam winchester.
Os nossos nomes são Dean e Sam Winchester.
Dean and Sammy Winchester.
Dean e Sammy Winchester.

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