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Did he tell you that перевод на португальский

392 параллельный перевод
Did he tell you that you have beautiful eyes?
Ele já lhe disse que tem uns lindos olhos?
- Did he tell you that?
- Ele falou isso?
- Did he tell you that?
- Foi ele que contou?
Did he tell you that?
Ele te disse isso?
- Oh, did he tell you that?
Ah, ele disse-te?
Did he tell you that?
Você disse? - Sim.
- Did he tell you that? - Yeah.
- Ele disse-lhe isso?
When did he tell you that?
Quando é que ele disse isso?
Did he tell you that he killed Prairie Dog?
Disseste-lhes que mataste o Cão da Pradaria?
Did he tell you that, Alan Breck?
Disse-lhe ele isso?
Did he tell you that man would be someone to be afraid of?
Ele te disse que esse homem seria alguém para se temer?
Did he tell you that he was married?
Ele disse-lhe que era casado?
Did he tell you that Eric could fly?
Ele disse-lhe que o Eric podia voar.
Did he tell you that?
Ele disse-te isso?
- Did he tell you that in a séance?
Disse-te isso numa aparição?
Told me he owns this building. Did he tell you that?
- Disse que este predio era dele.
- When did he tell you that?
- Quando lhe disse isso?
Did he tell you that? Day after the show.
No dia a seguir ao programa.
Did he tell you that?
Ele não te disse isso?
- Did he tell you that he loved you?
- Ele disse-te que te amava?
Well, did you not hear him ask my promise that if he did not return, I would tell his parents what had happened?
Näo o ouviu pedir-me que prometesse que, se näo regressasse, eu contaria aos pais por quê?
- But he told me to tell you, no more cheese. - Did he say that?
- Mas disse que não queria mais queijo.
Pity that he won't come to Paris with me. Did I ever tell you what happened to me last time I was in Paris?
Já te contei o que me aconteceu da última vez que lá estive?
Did larry tell you we raced to the house, and that he won?
Contou-te Larry que fizemos uma carreira até a casa e ganhou?
BURGER : Did he tell you anything about that claimant?
Ele lhe contou algo sobre o reclamante?
What did you tell him a minute ago? That he wasn't a man?
Disse há pouco que ele näo era homem?
Tell me, my... precious viper... how did you know that he was coming here... since, as you pointed out so petulantly... I never tell you anything?
Diz-me, minha... preciosa víbora... como soubeste que ele vinha cá... visto que, como me fizeste notar tão petulantemente, eu nunca te conto nada?
Did he tell you about that?
Ele contou-te isso?
He got her to tell you that Sam Wood did it.
Foi ele que a obrigou a dizer que tinha sido o Sam Wood.
No doubt you're going to tell me that he did.
- Vais sem dúvida dizer-me que sim.
Did you know that Brahms used to tell dirty stories? I believe it. He used to have a cigar and use it while he was conducting sometimes, in concerts.
Sabias que o Brahms contava histórias porcas e que tinha um charuto que usava, às vezes, durante os concertos.
Did he tell you that?
Ele disse-lhe isso?
Did you add that, or did he tell you on the phone? No, no...
Mas, foi você que o disse, ou foi ele que exigiu?
Tell me, um... what did he do yesterday that made you so angry?
Diga-me, que fez ele ontem para ficar tão zangado?
Did he ever tell you that he's in love with you?
Ele disse-te alguma vez que te amava?
Didn't he tell you that I did their lion dance?
Ele não lhe disse que eu fiz a dança com o leão deles?
Did he ever tell you about Dominic Lopresti, that little ginzo with ambitions?
Alguma vez te falou do Dominic LoPresti?
His Eminence told me to tell you that he was very grateful for what you did for Father Gagnon.
Sua Eminência ficou grato pelo que fizeste pelo Padre Gagnon.
So, how did Echevierra know that he was tipping his drink at you? Didn't I tell ya?
Como é que o Echeverria sabia que ele estava a fazer-vos sinais?
- Did he tell you anything that he did or where he stayed?
Não. Contou-te alguma coisa que tivesse feito ou onde tivesse estado?
And we thought you ought to know we want you to stay with us, because we need you. But if anyone wants to leave us please, come to us, tell us and we can give you papers that might stop another Salem Jones from doing what he did to our James.
Queremos que saibam, que gostaríamos que ficassem connosco, pois precisamos de voc ~ es, mas se alguém quiser partir, por favor, venham ter connosco e digam-nos, que dar-vos-emos documentos, que talvez impeçam que outro Salem Jones faça o mesmo que este.
Did Julien tell you that he wanted to be a'babes'? I Don't want to be a babes.
O Julien disse que quer ser'padreco'?
Smadi, did he tell you he made love to me, and that he loved me?
Smadi, ele disse-te como tinha feito amor comigo e que me amava?
Well, did he also tell you that he's got Penny's show insured right up to the limit?
Por acaso ele disse que o show de Penny... tem um seguro total?
Did he ask you to tell people that he had been with you on that trip?
Pediu-lhe que dissesse que tinha estado consigo nessa viagem?
E depois ele apareceu no funeral do pai, com os papeis de execução da hipoteca.
In the letter that you wrote to Omouri,... did you tell him what he will see when he walks into this room?
Na carta que escreveste ao Omouri, disseste-lhe o que ele vai ver, quando entrar neste quarto?
Did John tell you that he planted the virus?
Johnny disse-lhe que tinha colocado o vírus?
I can tell you... that he did love her, for whatever that's worth.
Mas posso dizer-lhe que ele a amava mesmo, se isso valer de alguma coisa.
Did he tell you I was going to do that?
Disse ele que eu pensava fazer tal coisa?
Ray Bones is the man that you're dealin'with now, and when Bones finds out what you did, he's gonna take everything, including the sporty little hat you got on your head, and then most likely he'll shoot you so you won't tell on him.
Estás a lidar com o Ray Bones neste momento. Quando ele descobrir o que fizeste, leva-te tudo, incluindo esse chapéu desportivo que tens na cabeça. Depois o mais provável será dar-te um tiro, para não o denunciares.

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