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Did you see the news перевод на португальский

45 параллельный перевод
Did you see the news this morning?
Viu as notícias esta manhã?
Did you see the news?
Você viu o noticiário?
- Did you see the News Today photos?
- Viste as fotos do News Today?
- Did you see the news last night?
- Viu as notícias ontem á noite?
- Did you see the news?
Estou. Viste o noticiário?
Did you see the news?
Já ouviste as notícias?
Did you see the news?
- Viste o que aconteceu ontem?
Did you see the news?
- Você viu o jornal?
Hey, oh, did you see the news last night?
Olá, ah, viste as notícias ontem à noite?
Did you see the news?
Viu as notícias?
Did you see the news today?
Viste as notícias, hoje?
Did you see the news?
- Viste as noticias?
Did you see the news?
Ouviste as notícias?
Morgan, did you see the news?
Morgan. Já viu as notícias?
"Hey Tyler, did you see the news about the Malaysian freighter?"
Ei Tyler, ouviste a notícia sobre o cargueiro da Malásia?
Lewis, did you see the news?
Lewis, viu as notícias?
Did you see the news yet?
Já viste as notícias?
Did you see the news about a boy found out in Maryland?
Viram as notícias, sobre o rapaz encontrado em Maryland?
Did you see the news?
Viste o noticiário?
Did you see the news?
Tens visto as notícias?
Look, did you see the news with that cop who got hanged?
Viste as notícias do polícia que foi enforcado?
Did you see the news report?
Viste as notícias?
Did you see him when we got the news?
Viu-o quando lhes dei as notícias?
Did you see the overnights on the "Network News"?
Viu o relatório das audiências do noticiário'Rede de Notícias'?
Did you see those trucks behind the display on the news?
Viu os camiões por detrás dos despojos, no noticiário?
- Did you see the grad student on the news?
- Soubeste da miúda que se imolou?
Well, did you see it on the news?
Bem, viste no noticiário?
So, did you see me dancing on the news this morning?
Viu-me a dançar nas notícias, hoje de manhã?
I did three minutes on The Evening News. You'll want to see it.
Dei uma entrevista de 3 minutos às Notícias da Noite.
- Did you see me on the news?
- Viste-me nas notícias?
Did you happen to see Mr, Barnell on the news last night?
Por acaso viu o Sr. Barnell nas notícias ontem à noite?
God, did you see that stuff on the news last night about that earthquake in China?
Viu o noticiário de ontem sobre o terremoto na china?
What did you see on the news last week?
O que tu viste nas noticias na semana passada?
But I did see the highlights on the news and... -... you looked amazing out there.
Mas vi os destaques nas notícias e estavas fantástica lá.
But did you see him on the news last night?
Mas viu-o nas notícias a noite passada?
Did you see the news?
Viste as notícias?
Did you see any of that on the news?
Viu algo sobre isso no noticiário?
Then how did you see her picture on the local news? Our friends did.
Então, como é que viram a foto dela no jornal local?
Hey, did you see that stuff on the news about Washington?
Viste aquela coisa nas notícias sobre Washington?
Did you see how it made the news?
Viram como foi parar às noticias?
I mean, did you see that thing on the news?
Viste aquilo nas notícias?
Did you see the terrible news?
Viram que notícia horrível?

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