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Translate.vc / английский → португальский / [ D ] / Dix

Dix перевод на португальский

358 параллельный перевод
Dix Steele!
Dix Steele!
- Hello, Dix.
- Olá, Dix.
- Dix, how many times must I tell you...?
- Dix, quantas vezes tenho de dizer...?
Hey, stop, Dix!
Pára, Dix!
There goes Dix again.
Lá está o Dix de novo.
- Hi, Dix.
- Olá, Dix.
- It's not a social call, Dix.
- Nao é uma visita social, Dix.
It's hard to tell how Dix feels about anything.
É difícil dizer o que o Dix pensa do que for.
- Dix!
- Dix!
- Dix, what did you tell the police?
- Dix, que disseste á Polícia?
Dix, if you had anything to do with it, tell me!
Dix, se estiveste envolvido, conta-me!
I know Dix better than you do.
Conheço o Dix melhor que ti.
- Don't tell Dix.
- Nao conte ao Dix.
We were putting Dix to bed.
Estávamos a pôr o Dix na cama.
I love Dix. It upsets me that you suspect him, even for a second.
Amo o Dix. lncomoda-me que suspeite dele, mesmo por um segundo.
Dix, is that you?
Dix, és tu?
Why didn't you warn her? Tell her not to get involved with a brute like Dix?
Por que nao a avisou para nao se envolver com um bruto como o Dix?
Dix needs you, Laurel.
O Dix precisa de ti.
Watch it, Dix!
Cuidado, Dix!
Dix, don't you...
Dix, nao...
Dix, stop!
Dix, pára!
Hi, Dix.
Olá, Dix.
Dix wanted me to tell you how bad he feels about last night.
O Dix mandou dizer-te que lamenta sobre ontem á noite.
Sylvia, Lochner said that Dix described the murder of Mildred Atkinson.
O Lochner disse que o Dix descreveu o homicídio de Mildred Atkinson.
He believes Dix could've done it.
Acha que o Dix pode tì-lo feito.
There's something strange about Dix.
Há algo estranho no Dix.
Sylvia, after we left you, Dix got into an argument with a man.
Sylvia, depois de vos deixarmos, o Dix discutiu com um homem.
I'll do it, Dix.
Eu faço isso, Dix.
- Dix, wait.
- Dix, espera.
But Dix doesn't act like a normal person.
Mas o Dix nao age como uma pessoa normal.
Dix has a tremendous ego.
O Dix tem um ego imenso.
If Dix has success, he doesn't need anything else.
Se o Dix tem ìxito, nao precisa de mais nada.
I don't want to know where you are because Dix will ask and I'll have to tell him.
Nao quero saber onde está porque o Dix perguntará e eu terei de dizer.
Hello, Dix.
Olá, Dix.
- Dix, please!
- Dix, por favor!
- Don't, Dix!
- Nao, Dix!
It's been a terrific strain on Laurel and Dix.
Foi uma pressao enorme para a Laurel e o Dix.
What is it, Dix?
Que é, Dix?
- Dix, can't you relax for a second?
- Dix, nao te descontrais um segundo?
Stop it, Dix!
Pára, Dix!
I'll stay with you, Dix.
Eu fico contigo, Dix.
Dix, don't!
Dix, nao!
Don't, Dix!
Nao, Dix!
Dix, I've been trying to get you everywhere.
Dix, procurei-te por todo o lado.
Goodbye, Dix.
Adeus, Dix.
Purple Heart, Distinguished Service Cross with oak leaves. Discharged at Fort Dix, New Jersey, February 14th, 1952.
Condecorado com a Medalha de Honra e dispensado no Forte Dix, Nova Jersey a 14 de Fevereiro de 1952.
Dix-huit, 18.
"Dix-huit", dezoito.
Our fathers came across the prairie fought Indians, fought drought, fought locusts, fought Dix!
Os nossos pais cruzaram a pradaria, combateram os Índios, as secas, as pragas de gafanhotos, o Dix!
Remember when Richard Dix came in here and tried to take over this town?
Lembram-se quando Richard Dix cá chegou e tentou ocupar a cidade?
dixon 494
dixie 122

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