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Translate.vc / английский → португальский / [ D ] / Driscoll

Driscoll перевод на португальский

433 параллельный перевод
I guess you met Driscoll, the first mate.
E creio que já conhece o Driscoll, o primeiro imediato.
The skipper and Driscoll have stuck to me on two trips. - They look well enough.
O capitão e o Driscoll fizeram duas viagens comigo e parecem estar bem.
- What's your trouble?
- Que se passa, Driscoll?
Driscoll, I want two men left here to guard the boat.
Quero dois homens para ficarem aqui de guarda.
Mr. Driscoll, are you on deck?
Está no convés, sr. Driscoll?
- What's the matter, Mr. Driscoll?
- Que se passa, sr. Driscoll?
Jack Driscoll.
Jack Driscoll!
Driscoll said he'd try and signal us if he found Ann.
É incrível! O Driscoll disse que ia tentar avisar se encontrasse a Ann.
- There's chance for Driscoll. - Wait for daylight.
O Driscoll ainda tem uma hipótese.
We leave at dawn, if we get a signal or not. Yes, sir.
Partimos ao amanhecer, com ou sem sinal do Driscoll.
Mr. Driscoll and the lady, they're coming back.
Sr. Englehorn... O sr. Driscoll e a senhora estão de volta!
- This is Ms. Darrow and Mr. Driscoll.
Entrem, rapazes. A menina Darrow e o sr. Driscoll...
Mr. Driscoll saved you from the ape?
Foi o sr. Driscoll que a salvou do macaco, não foi?
I'll make a speech and tell them about Kong, Darrow Driscoll. When I call you, come take pictures. - Okay.
Agora vou fazer um discurso sobre o Kong, e a menina Darrow e o sr. Driscoll e depois chamo-vos e vocês tiram as fotografias.
I want you to meet a very brave gentleman, Mr. John Driscoll.
Quero apresentar-lhes um cavalheiro muito corajoso, o sr. John Driscoll.
- Put your arm around her, Driscoll.
Ponha o braço por cima dela, Driscoll.
Nobody would talk- - from Becky Driscoll... down to that fat traffic cop Sam Janzek.
Ninguém fala. De Becky Driscoll até aquele guarda gordo, o Sam Janzek.
This is Miss Driscoll.
Senhora Driscoll.
Dr. Miles Bennell and Becky Driscoll... now believed heading north... in a black and white Ford sedan... license number 2-X-3-7-7-9-6.
Parar e prender Dr. Bennell e Becky Driscoll, Dirigem-se para Norte num Ford Sedan preto e branco. Matrícula 2-X-3-7-7-9-6.
I'm sorry, Driscoll, witchcraft, black magic, sorcery... to me it's nothing but fairy tale, mumbo-jumbo.
Sinto muito, Driscoll. Para mim, a bruxaria, como a magia e a feitiçaria, são apenas partes de contos de fadas.
I'm a scientist Driscoll, I believe what I can see what I can feel and touch.
Sou um cientista, Driscoll. Acredito naquilo que vejo, o que posso sentir e tocar.
When I look into a microscope, Driscoll, I see bacteria swimming, fighting, existing, that's real.
Quando olho em um microscópio, vejo bactérias, nadando, lutando, existindo.
Did you ever meet a witch, Driscoll?
Alguma vez conheceu uma bruxa, Driscoll?
I'm sorry, Professor Driscoll.
Sinto muito, professor Driscoll.
I've never heard so much nonsense as that guy Driscoll talks, in all my life!
Jamais em minha vida ouvi tantas idiotices como as que fala esse tipo, Driscoll.
Professor Driscoll gave us some very interesting lectures on the subject and
O professor Driscoll deu umas aulas muito interessantes sobre o tema.
I was recommended by a friend of mine, Professor Driscoll, perhaps you know him?
Não... Fui recomendada por um amigo, o professor Driscoll. - Talvez o conheça.
Well, I'm a student of Professor Driscoll's.
Bom, sou aluna do professor Driscoll.
Yes, it was recommended to me by a friend, Professor Driscoll.
Um amigo me recomendou, o professor Driscoll.
Alan Driscoll?
- Alan Driscoll?
- Professor Driscoll? - Yes.
- Professor Driscoll?
It's Professor Driscoll's note paper.
Papel com membrete do professor Driscoll!
Driscoll. James E.
Sou o James E. DriscoII.
You know, Driscoll, you're a lucky guy.
Sabes, DriscoII, és um felizardo.
This is Lieutenant Driscoll, the Entertainment Officer.
Fala o Tenente DriscoII, o oficial de Recreação.
Temple Red, this is Lieutenant Driscoll.
Tempo Vermelho, fala o Tenente DriscoII.
Hey, Sarge, we were glad to get Driscoll.
Ouça, Sargento, gostámos de ter cá o DriscoII.
Get Driscoll to rip the mike off!
O DriscoII que arranque o microfone!
Homer, Driscoll, give Kolinsky a hand.
Homer, DriscoII, ajudem o Kolinsky.
We petitioned to cut the Driscoll estate into two-acre lots, instead of five.
Pedimos que Driscoll fosse dividida em lotes de 1 hectare em vez de 2,5.
- Elizabeth Driscoll, Jack Bellicec.
- Elizabeth Driscoll, Jack Bellicec.
My name is Elizabeth Driscoll, the Public Health Department.
Chamo-me Elizabeth Driscoll, do Ministério de Saúde.
Officer, there was a duplicate of Elizabeth Driscoll,
Agente, havia um duplo da Elizabeth Driscoll,
No can do, Mr. Driscoll.
Não o posso fazer, Sr. Driscoll.
GUARD : Let's go, Driscoll.
- Vamos, Driscoll.
Al Driscoll?
Al Driscoll?
FACE : You do have something on Al Driscoll?
Tens alguma coisa sobre o Al Driscoll?
Even an interview on this Driscoll guy.
Até mesmo uma entrevista com esse tal Driscoll.
Becky Driscoll?
Becky Driscoll?
You're Becky Driscoll.
Você é Becky Driscoll.
Driscoll used to be their leader, till he got busted.
O Driscoll era o líder deles, até ser preso.

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