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Dwight перевод на португальский

1,798 параллельный перевод
You mean Dwight the dw...
Dwight o an...
When you were 12 you were too busy running around like a monkey with my cousin and Dwight to notice me.
Andavas demasiado ocupado a correr como um macaco com o meu primo e o Dwight para reparares em mim.
- Lissy's moving out on Dwight?
- A Lissy vai deixar o Dwight?
Dwight after Hope were there any more incidents like that?
Dwight... depois da Hope... aconteceu mais algum incidente?
Dwight's certainly changed.
O Dwight mudou muito.
Dwight's delivering the cabinets at 7 a.m., I should get an early night.
O Dwight vai entregar os armários ás 7 h00, tenho de ir dormir.
Dwight'll have cops go by any chance they get.
O Dwight vai mandar os polícias vasculharem tudo.
I went out with Dwight.
Saí com o Dwight.
Cade, then Dwight, then the police.
O Cade, o Dwight e a Polícia.
Now, I need to get Dwight to a hospital, then I'll question them at the station.
Tenho de levar o Dwight ao hospital, depois interrogo-os na esquadra.
Well, you take that up with the judge, Dwight.
Diz isso ao juiz, Dwight.
Dwight, don't move.
Dwight, não te mexas.
Dwight the Knight action figure?
A figura de acção Cavaleiro Branco?
Oh, my God! Dwight, what are you doing?
Dwight, o que estás a fazer?
Dwight, you know what, just back off, okay?
Sabes que mais? Sai, está bem?
Let the record show that Dwight K. Schrute is now completely nude and is holding a plastic knife to Stanley's neck?
Que fique registado que Dwight K. Schrute está completamente nu e tem uma faca de plástico no pescoço do Stanley.
Dwight Schrute is now wearing a baby's bonnet.
Dwight Schrute está agora a usar um gorro de bebé.
Dwight, get his autograph for Michael... Jim Carrey did not just walk in, okay?
Dwight, pede um autografo para o Michael.
Dwight, what is that on your stomach?
O que é isso na tua barriga?
Hey, Dwight, pass the tardy sauce.
Dwight, passa-me o molho "preguiçoso".
So that just leaves Dwight and Jim.
Então só resta somente... Dwight e Jim.
Dwight and I used to go sales calls all the times. In fact, I have a picture to remember that time.
Eu e o Dwight costumávamos ir sempre em vendas, de fato, eu tenho uma foto para lembrar esses tempos.
Dwight, here you go!
Dwight... aqui tens!
In order to take down Dwight, I have to chip away at his ally : In this case, it's Michael.
Para que possa derrubar o Dwight, tenho que convencer o seu aliado, neste caso o Michael.
What's the deal with Dwight doing your laundry?
Como é isso de o Dwight lavar as tuas roupas?
Dwight tried to go my behind back with Jan, And, get my job. And, now I am having him do my laundry as a punishment.
Dwight tentou trair-me usando a Jan, para ficar com o meu trabalho, e agora obrigo-o a lavar as minhas roupas como castigo.
I find it very interesting. Especially the part about Dwight going behind your back and basically being like a terrible person.
Achei muito interessante, especialmente a parte onde Dwight o trai e basicamente ser uma pessoa terrível.
Except for Dwight. He is kind more of a super dud.
Excepto o Dwight, que é mais um Super-Fracasso.
I don't know where the word comes from, though. I think it comes from Dwight Schrute.
Não sei de onde veio... será que veio de Dwight Schrute?
I forget why did Dwight say he was late for this morning.
Esqueci-me, porque é que o Dwight chegou atrasado esta manhã?
Why would Dwight go New York without telling anyone?
Porque o Dwight iria a Nova Iorque, sem contar a ninguém?
Did you betray Dwight and try to steal his job or something?
Por acaso tu... trais-te o Dwight, e tentas-te roubar o cargo dele, ou algo assim?
Dwight betrayed me once before. So, this is his strike two. You know what they say?
Dwight já me traiu uma vez, este é o seu segundo ataque, sabem o que eles dizem...
Dwight's name is on the security sigh sheet. But, I don't know who he met with.
O nome de Dwight está no registo, mas... eu não sei...
How is it going to be okay, Dwight?
Como vai ficar tudo bem, Dwight?
Dwight is now gone, which is totally awesome.
Dwight foi-se, o que é totalmente demais!
Dwight will be missed. Not by me... so much, but he will be missed.
Dwight deixará saudades... não por mim, tanto, mas ele fará falta.
professional resume, athletic and special skills resume, and Dwight Schrute trivia.
Currículo profissional, currículo atlético e de habilidades especiais, e... Trivial Dwight Schrute.
I miss Dwight.
Sento a falta do Dwight!
Yes, Dwight Shrute has left the company.
Sim, Dwight Schrute deixou a empresa.
Dwight was the top salesman.
Dwight era... o nosso vendedor número um.
Oh, that wasn't the night crew. That was Dwight.
Não eram os empregados da noite...
Look, I got like 15 new clients that I've inherited from Dwight. And, each file is password-protected with a different mythical creature, so...
Olha... eu tenho 15 novos clientes que eram do Dwight, e a senha de cada arquivo é uma criatura mitológica diferente, então...
All of Dwight's old accounts.
As contas anteriores do Dwight...?
Have any of you talked Dwight?
Algum de vocês falou com o Dwight?
You and Dwight were close?
Tu e Dwight eram íntimos?
Dwight had a big personality and I have a big personality, and a lot of times, when two people like that get together, it can be explosive.
Dwight tinha uma personalidade forte, eu tenho uma personalidade forte, e... muitas vezes, quando duas pessoas assim se encontram... pode ser explosivo.
I got this job to make some money while I continue my employment search.
'Dwight - assistente de vendas'

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