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Emails перевод на португальский

1,054 параллельный перевод
I got a hit. The man who sent the emails.
- O remetente dos emails é Lee Jong.
No, sir. The emails he sent left no room for doubt.
Os emails que enviou não deixam margem para dúvidas.
No, sir. The emails he sent left no room for doubt.
Os emails dele não deixam margem para dúvidas.
I want phone calls, emails, snail mail, everything sent over to CTU for analysis.
Quero telefonemas, emails, correio caracol, quero tudo enviado para a UAT e analisado.
- I'm just finishing up a few emails.
- Estou só a acabar uns e-mails.
What are they? These are emails from Bale's account.
Estes são os e-mails da conta do Bale.
I left four messages today and three e-mails.
Hoje, já deixei quatro recados e mandei três emails.
By the way, I just want to remind everybody... to put their e-mall address on the list in the back there... so we can send you our quarterly newsletter.
Escrevam os seus emails nas costas das folhas para nos podermos enviar notícias regularmente.
she emails me pictures of a little boy's once so often
Ela me manda fotos de seus filhos às vezes.
I've got to stop making jokes in e-mails.
Tenho de parar de fazer piadas nos emails.
- But I checked his e-mails and IMs and phone records and I didn't find anything.
Mas eu verifiquei os emails, mensagens e registos telefónicos e nada encontrei.
I've been getting these creepy emails lately.
Tenho recebido uns e-mails assustadores.
Despite the aforementioned conditions of the hard drive you brought back, I managed to recover portions of two dozen e-mail files.
Apesar das condições do disco previamente mencionadas, consegui recuperar partes de umas dezenas de emails.
Lose that and get back to the emails.
Muda isso e volta para os e-mails...
If they think I killed her, why send me emails as if she's still alive?
Se eles pensam que eu a matei, por que é que me mandam e-mails como se ela estivesse viva?
If they wanna trap me, send me emails from a guy who saw me kill her.
Se me quiserem manipular, mandam-me e-mails de um tipo que me viu matá-la.
Well, I was just fixing Jen's Internet and I couldn't help noticing her emails.
Estava a arranjar a net no computador da Jen e não pude deixar de reparar nos mails dela.
No, no, all we do now is we e-mail.
Não, não, a única coisa que fazemos é... Mandamos emails
It's not like we're never going to speak or e-mail or...
Não quer dizer que nunca mais nos vamos ver ou mandar emails..
Within three hours there were four million emails endorsing Dobbs for President.
No espaço de 3 horas, houve 4 milhões de mails a apoiar Dobbs à presidência.
Over eight million emails.
Mais de 8 milhões de mails.
I just do what his emails say.
Só faço o que diz nos emails.
Jennifer, we traced Lee's e-mails to a cafe on Flagler, and the owner identified Lee as Walter Resden.
Jennifer, nós localizamos os emails do Lee num café em Flagler, e o dono identificou o Lee como Walter Resden.
I didn't know people actually read emails.
Realmente, pensava que as pessoas não liam os seus e-mails.
I have lots of experience with the whole... computer... thing you know, e-mails... sending e-mails, receiving e-mails, deleting e-mails...
Tenho muita experiência com... computadores..., você sabe..., e-mails... enviar emails, receber emails, apagar emails...
I'm trying to read my e-mail here, you mind?
Estou tentar ler os meus emails. Importaste?
You reading your e-mail and you don't know yet?
Ainda não sabes, mas estás a ler os teus emails?
Less than reading your e-mails on my time, Honeybuns.
Menos severa que ler seus emails os horário de serviço, Nádegas de mel.
Countdown was bombarded with all sorts of emails and responses...
Fomos bombardeados com e-mails e respostas de todo o tipo...
- Uh, Danny just got a "enlarge your penis" e-mail.
- O Danny recebeu um daqueles emails de "aumente o seu pénis".
The emails coming in have crashed the system.
Os e-mails que entraram já deitaram abaixo o sistema.
Better check our emails.
É melhor leres os e-mails.
You were sending emails to my brother.
Andava a enviar e-mails ao meu irmão.
What about his e-mails, anything there?
e o seus emails?
E-mails, on-line financial transactions.
Emails, transacções financeiras online.
Am I just not getting the team e-mails anymore?
Não estou mais recebendo emails da equipe?
According to the headlines, the emails contained one of the worst scientific outrages of all time.
A única questão era : o que as estavam provocando?
Why do you think so much fuss was made over the emails and this graph rather than the peer reviewed science?
Na realidade, a nossa galáxia estende-se por 100.000 anos luz através do espaço, num disco achatado.
There's over 20,000 calls and e-mails.
Existem mais de 20.000 ligações e emails.
I'm just gonna catch up on some e-mail.
Estou a responder a emails.
They're going to start charging for emails, you know.
Vão começar a cobrar pelos emails, sabes?
- 16 million emails spoke loud and clear!
- 16 milhões de mails falam bem alto.
- Will...
- Porque não ouve todos os estudantes que estão em oposição à guerra e vêm à escola no sábado e têm aulas de patriotismo e mandam emails... - Will?
Then I returned some emails.
Depois respondi a alguns e-mail.
Thousands of emails were taken from the computer at the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia and posted online.
As estrelas de neutrons pareciam conter energia suficiente para produzir estas explosões de raios gama.
Meteorological Organisation statement, it had hardly any coverage in the media at the time and had virtually no coverage for the next ten years, until the release of the emails.
Mas a nossa visão é distorcida, porque nos encontramos no extremo da galáxia.
think that it's a number of the climate change sceptics, doubters, deniers, whatever you want to call them, just wanted to use these emails for their own purposes to cast doubt on the basic science. The basic science is in the peer reviewed literature and I wish more people would read that than read the emails.
Se estas explosões proviessem realmente da nossa galáxia, então Paczynski apercebeu-se que tinham de provir todas do mesmo lugar.
I think there's something to be learnt here, we've got to think about how we defend our science, how we project ourselves to the public. In all the clamour, the science seems to have been left behind. In the end, the integrity of climate science was not faulted, but somehow a leak of some 10 year old emails did real damage to its reputation.
A única maneira de Paczynski estar correto era se Einstein estivesse errado e se E = MC ² estivesse errada.
He picked up the leaked emails from a denier's website, and ran with it on his Telegraph blog under the name Climategate. That week, his page got an extraordinary 1.5 million hits.
Esperavam que as explosões se alinhassem no plano galáctico, o que significaria que teriam origem na nossa galáxia.
Well, the suggestion of the scientists in the climate gate emails was that you hide the decline, using Mike's nature trick, which I think is some sort of fudge.
A primeira dúzia de explosões de raios gama não estavam alinhadas com a galáxia.
One of the main things to have emerged from the climate gate emails, was that the peer review process has been perhaps irredeemably corrupted.
Se fosse realmente este o caso, se a energia proveniente da explosão de raios gama saísse, não em todas as direções em torno da explosão, mas canalizada num feixe ou jato estreito, então isso significa que a quantidade total de energia

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