Focus on that перевод на португальский
800 параллельный перевод
I'm just going to focus on that lovely...
Vou focar neste adorável...
You should focus on that point.
Bom ponto.
Focus on that punk at the elevator.
Concentra-te no punk do elevador.
I was hoping you wouldn't focus on that.
Esperava que não te concentrasses nisso.
Let's focus on that.
Vamo-nos concentrar nisso.
But nobody will focus on that if you wear that towel-dress.
Sim, mas ninguém vai reparar neles, se usares esse vestido-toalha.
Could he not focus on that?
Não poderia dedicar-se a isso?
We should focus on that one-way street.
Devemos centrarmo-nos na rua de sentido único.
T's just that our reguar awyer started a zydeco band and he really needs to focus on that.
O nosso advogado fundou uma banda de música zydeco e tem de se concentrar naquilo.
- We've got to focus on that.
Temos de nos focar nisso.
If I can find one thing I can stand about Mr. Kraft, one tiny, little thing, I can focus on that and that'll get me through to college...
Que parte do "dobra a tua camisa" não percebes? Bem, pelo menos ele não bate.
But we try not to focus on that aspect of it, too much, right off the bat
Mas nós tentamos não focar demasiado nesse aspecto da coisa,
Find a place on that bloody wall and focus on that spot.
Descobre um sítio naquela maldita parede e concentra-te nesse ponto.
Today in "Energy in California", we focus on nuclear power, the transformation of matter into energy, that experts tell us may be our best shot at energy selfish-suf...
Hoje em "A Energia na California", tratamos de energia nuclear, a transformação de matéria em energia, que segundo os peritos pode ser a nossa melhor hipotese de auto-insuf...
Now then, focus your tiny minds on the kind of problem that it used to take... ... weeks of thought before the computer.
Agora, concentrem as vossas mentes minúsculas no problema que exigia semanas de raciocínio, antes do aparecimento do computador.
The more we focus on a stimulating object the more likely we are to review that object in your sub-conscious, OK?
Quanto mais estimulamos um assunto,... mais revemos o objeto... em nosso subconsciente.
Agent Cooper, I am thrilled to pieces that the dharma came to King Ho-Ho-Ho, I really am, but I'm trying to focus on the more immediate problems of our own century here in Twin Peaks.
Agente Cooper, estou comovido que o Dharma veio para o rei Ho-Ho-Ho, estou mesmo, mas no momento estou a tentar concentrar-me nos problemas do nosso século aqui em Twin Peaks.
Now that I know more, you know, I feel that I should focus on my career now that everything's taken care of.
Agora que sei mais, sinto que devia dedicar-me mais à carreira, já que tudo se resolveu.
Your next move, that's what you need to focus on.
A sua próxima jogada, é nisso que precisa de se focar.
Your Honor, even if we assume that the state would have inevitably discovered the name of my client's father, it certainly doesn't follow that they would then focus on the son who doesn't even live with his father.
Sr. Dr. Juiz, mesmo que presumamos que descobririam inevitavelmente o nome do pai do meu cliente, o concentrarem-se no filho não bate certo, este já nem vive com o pai.
Yeah, that is the part to focus on, you idiot.
Sim, essa é que é a parte importante, idiota.
- We must focus on the details - I feed off my emotions. How's that?
Mesmo que custe, temos de nos concentrar Eu me alimento de emoções.
I'm counting on you to focus that hostility with your typical diligence to make sure that this station and its inhabitants are in no way, as you so correctly put it, demeaned.
Estou a contar consigo para centrar essa hostilidade com a sua típica diligência para assegurar que esta estação e os seus habitantes... não estejam, tal como você tão correctamente disse, loucos.
Let's remember that he came down here to help us, so let's stop focusing on him and focus on the problem!
Temos de nos lembrar que ele veio cá baixo, para nos ajudar, portanto, vamos parar de nos focar nele e vamo-nos focar no problema!
Focus on spreading that goodness, Rob.
Concentra-te em espalhar o bem, Rob.
That means I gotta focus more on the fundamentals.
Isso significa que tenho de me focar mais no essencial.
George felt that I was too adamant in my stand that Art should focus on the exporting and forget about the importing.
E o George acha que eu sou demasiado inflexível na minha posição de que o Arte deve concentrar-se na exportação - e esquecer a importação.
And why would that agenda focus on a nonessential area of the ship?
E por que se concentram em uma área não essencial da nave?
Or that two girls, born on the same date, at the same time and place, might not find themselves the unfortunate focus of similar unseen forces, converging like the planets themselves into burning pinpoints of cosmic energy
Ou que duas raparigas, nascidas no mesmo dia, ao mesmo tempo e no mesmo lugar, possam ser o infeliz alvo de forças semelhantes nunca vistas, a convergir como os planetas em pontos incandescentes de energia cósmica,
That will be something that I focus on in the future... because you can't fuck forever.
Eu posso aplicar-me no futuro. Não se pode foder para sempre. Percebo isso.
No- - l haven ´ t taken these to the focus group yet. I ´ m still working on that part.
Ainda não levei estes a discussão. Ainda estou a trabalhar neles.
Focus your fire power on that cable! I've still got 12 thousand plates of fortified armor!
Concentrem o poder de fogo nesse cabo! Mesmo sem o meu cabo umbilical, ainda tenho 12.OOO placas de armadura fortificada!
You people focus so hard on the things wrong with Christmas that you've forgotten what's right about it.
Vocês preocupam-se tanto com as coisas erradas do Natal que se esqueceram do que há de correcto.
Vedek Nane taught me to focus intently on the image that I want to evoke, to allow it to fully form in my mind before I even pick up the brush.
O Vedek Nane ensinou-me a concentrar-me na imagem que quero evocar e permitir que se forme plenamente mesmo antes de pegar no pincel.
If science serves me to these ends, it is not lost on me that the tool which I have come to depend on absolutely cannot save or protect me, but only bring into focus the darkness that lies ahead.
Se a ciência me serve este propósito, não perco de vista que a ferramenta da qual dependo inteiramente não me pode salvar nem proteger, mas apenas vem lançar um foco sobre as trevas que nos aguardam mais à frente.
Each group was apprised to ignore that aspect of this matter... and focus instead on the idea of de facto segregation.
Cada grupo concordou em ignorar esse aspecto deste caso e concentrar-se na ideia de segregação de facto.
Make sure that Broots takes focus on finding Jarod.
Tem a certeza que Broots se concentra em encontrar Jarod.
Focus on the first image that enters your mind.
Foque na primeira imagem que vier em sua mente.
And that's what we're working on. Focus.
Estamos a corrigir isso.
I have to focus on the fact that I have to do the time.
Concentro-me no facto de ter de cumprir a sentença.
We need to focus on the fact that North Korea's using her again, even though her identity has been exposed to us.
Vocês os dois são os melhores agentes que temos. Acabar com ela é a vossa primeira prioridade.
One school of thought is that these girls focus on the one area they can control, their bodies.
Uma corrente de opinião defende que elas incidem sobre aquilo que podem controlar, o seu corpo.
I feel like I've reached a time in my life when I need to focus on my career. I don't want to feel guilty about that.
Mas sinto que cheguei a uma altura da vida em que preciso de me concentrar na carreira.
American legislators contend that debate over mutant issues should be the primary focus of what is, on the surface at least, a diplomatic affair.
Os legisladores americanos argumentam que o debate sobre questões mutantes deve ser o núcleo do que é, ou aparenta ser, uma questão diplomática.
that they forget the knowledge they bring here. That they focus on conversion.
que esquecidos das ciências que cá deixam, se apliquem á da conversão.
The best way to do that was to focus his testosterone on me.
Decidi que o melhor jeito seria centralizar sua ira em mim.
All we can do right now is focus on the fact that we have each other.
Tudo o que podemos fazer agora é contar que estamos juntos.
It's just that the focus seems to be on themaleorgan.
É que a atenção parece estar centrada nos órgãos masculinos.
- Daniel, that's very nice. - But focus on the altar.
Isso é muito bonito, Daniel, mas concentra-te no altar.
He said there's a danger of us getting drawn back into old patterns and destructive behavior, and that we should spend our time focusing on conversations that focus on "we" versus "me."
Diz que há o perigo de regressar aos antigos padrões e ao comportamento destrutivo. Devíamos passar o nosso tempo a ter conversas que se concentrassem em "nós" em vez do "eu".
When your mother rescues you in your vision... that is what she's trying to tell you - to focus on your inner-sense.
Quando a tua mãe te salva na tua visão... é isso que ela te está a tentar dizer... para te voltares para o teu sexto sentido.
focus on me 32
on that 88
on that note 90
on that night 19
on that side 16
on that day 78
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
on that 88
on that note 90
on that night 19
on that side 16
on that day 78
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's awesome 830
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's for sure 889
that's awesome 830
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's for sure 889
that's my baby 48
that's me 2273
that is 2872
that's my man 51
that's my line 54
that is so lame 16
that'll be me 20
that's me 2273
that is 2872
that's my man 51
that's my line 54
that is so lame 16
that'll be me 20