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Fort worth перевод на португальский

148 параллельный перевод
They left Fort Worth three weeks ago with a cattle-drive party.
Saíram do Fort Worth há 3 semanas com vaqueiros.
It sort of smells like Fort Worth, don't it?
Cheira como Fort Worth, verdade?
He outfoxed me. Got me jugged over in Fort Worth.
Deixou-me preso em Fort Worth.
First, a wire to Hannegan, Fort Worth, Texas.
telegrama para Hannegang, Fort Worth.
Now, Kate, Mr Bailey came all the way from Fort Worth
Ora, Kate, o Sr. Bailey veio de Fort Worth...
I understand there's a gentleman in from Fort Worth to see me.
Sei que está cá um cavalheiro de Fort Worth para falar comigo.
- Ticket to Fort Worth, please.
- Um bilhete para Fort Worth, por favor.
El Paso, Fort Worth.
El Paso, Fort Worth.
You must be going to Fort Worth on a big cattle deal, Mr Jones.
Deve estar a caminho de Fort Worth para um grande negócio de gado, Sr. Jones.
I'm on my way to Fort Worth to hire a schoolteacher.
Vou para Fort Worth para contratar uma professora.
I might be able to help you find somebody when we get to Fort Worth.
Eu talvez possa ajudá-lo encontrar alguém quando chegarmos a Fort worth.
The Fort Worth and Chihuahua appreciates your help.
Fort Worth e Chihuahua agradecem a vossa ajuda.
You're riding to Fort Worth to find her, isn't that right?
Está a caminho de Fort Worth para a contratar, não é?
I was going to Fort Worth this morning.
Esta manhã ia no comboio a caminho de Fort Worth.
Oh, say, Mr. McCutcheon, I was thinking about going down to Fort Worth stocking up on white-faced cows.
Ouça, Sr. McCutcheon, pensava em ir a Fort Worth... a comprar vacas de cara branca.
This is your letter to the chairman of the Cattle Show Committee in Fort Worth.
Esta é sua carta para o diretor do do Show de Vaqueiros em Fort Worth.
If anybody asks you, just say I'm at the Fort Worth stock show.
Se perguntam-te, dei que estou no show de gado de Fort Worth.
- Fort Worth.
- Em Fort Worth.
The Fort Worth stage is in.
A diligência para Fort Worth está aí.
Near Fort Worth, remember?
Próximo do forte, lembra-se?
The 7 : 10 Special arriving from Dallas and Fort Worth has been 20 minutes delayed.
Chegada especial de Dallas e Fort Worth... traz 20 minutos de atraso.
I'm goin'up to Salinas, El Paso, down to Fort Worth.
Estou indo para Salinas, El Paso e Fort Worth.
And he passed through Immigration June 13th, 1962 en route to Fort Worth.
E passou pela Imigração a 13 de Junho de 1962 a caminho de Fort Worth.
What would you say if I told you that as of November 8 Secret Service files find not one individual in the entire Fort Worth-Dallas territory who represents a threat to the president's security?
O que você diria se eu lhe dissesse que a partir de 8 de novembro Arquivos do Serviço Secreto não encontraram um único indivíduo em todo o território de Fort Worth Dallas que representasse uma ameaça à segurança do presidente?
The president John F. Kennedy is getting a warm welcome here in Fort Worth the third stop in his whirlwind trip through our state.
O presidente John F. Kennedy recebe calorosas boas-vindas aqui em Fort Worth é a terceira vez na sua viagem relâmpago através do nosso Estado.
After this meeting with the Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce the president and first lady will fly to Dallas.
Após este encontro com o Fort Worth Câmara de Comércio o presidente e a primeira dama voarão para Dallas.
This is from one of our people in Fort Worth.
Isto vem de um dos nossos em Fort Worth.
" Last night in Fort Worth, nine Secret Service agents went to the Fort Worth Press Club for drinks.
" Na noite passada em Fort Worth, nove agentes do Serviço Secreto foram para o Fort Worth Press Club para beber.
Fort Worth?
- Onde? Fort Worth?
He was recommended by a man in Fort Worth.
Foi-me recomendado por um homem em Fort Worth, Mr.
We're gonna arrive in Fort Worth at 7 a.m. Let's get some sleep.
Chegamos a Fort Worth às 7 horas. Vamos dormir.
All passengers scheduled on flight59 to Houston, Fort Worth, please check with your airlines agent.
Todos os passageiros do voo 59 para Houston, Fort Worth, contactem o agente da companhia aérea.
We got to this place, a joint in Fort Worth, Texas.
Chegamos a um ancoradouro de Fort Worth, no Texas.
Fort Worth, Davenport, Jacksonville. Strictly legit.
Fort Worth, Davenport, Jacksonville.
Cos I put you into the Jacksonville, Fort Worth and Davenport shopping centres.
Ponho-te nos centros comerciais de Jacksonville, Fort Worth e Davenport.
This is Stretch on an open request line on K-OKLA in Burkburnett, Texas, Red River Rock'n'Roll from the tiptop... of the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex.
Sou a Stretch, na linha aberta para os seus pedidos na K-OKLA, em Burkburnett, Texas, Rock'n Roll desde Red River, até o topo do metroplex do Forte de Dallas.
- Fort Worth.
- De Fortworth.
Fort Worth's a hell of a town, I hear.
Fortworth é uma terra estupenda.
Dallas-Fort Worth.
Em Dallas-Fort Worth.
The National Weather Service says the storm is moving northeast... and with the exception of some rain, it shouldn't affect the Dallas-Fort Worth area.
A Meteorologia diz que o temporal vai na direção nordeste... com excepção de alguma chuva, Fort Worth-Dallas não será afectada.
Who's Denise from Fort Worth? I didn't get that. - Maybe Laura should take the calls.
Não falei com a Denise, de Forth Worth.
The Fort Worth station - projected revenues should read up 8 %, not 6 %.
A Rádio de Fort Worth - a projecção de lucros deve ir aos 8 %, não 6 %.
- What about Pawley? - Pawley? Sheriff Pawley in Fort Worth, old family friend of my dad's.
Uniformes e por aí diante.
See, I saw his picture... in the "Fort Worth Times" where he had a beard.
Vi uma fotografia dele no "Forte Worth" "Times," quando ele tinha barba.
I saw it in a Fort Worth paper. He's supposed to have been kidnapped.
Li isso num jornal do Forte Worth.
Next thing, he's living in Dallas-Fort Worth, October'62 working six months at Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall a photographic firm that makes maps for the US Army.
A seguir, vai viver para Dallas-Fort Worth, onde trabalha 6 meses na Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall, uma firma especializada em mapas para o exército.
General Dynamics of Fort Worth, Texas.
É feito pela General Dynamics, do Texas.
He got Sam Austin out of Fort Worth to represent him.
Sam Austin, de Forth Worth, vai defendê-lo.
Dallas, Fort Worth, experiencing thunderstorms.
Dallas, Fort Worth, com trovoadas, algumas fortes. Neste momento, algumas são fortes.
Dallas Fort Worth.
Dallas Fort Worth.
- These are press credentials from the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, guys.
- Isto são credenciais da Fort Worth Star Telegrams, pessoal.

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