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Had a few drinks перевод на португальский

177 параллельный перевод
And he wouldn't have said it, only he's had a few drinks.
Nem ele tinha dito isso, mas já bebeu um pouco.
I guess I had a few drinks too many.
Acho que devo ter bebido uns copos a mais.
We went up to her place, had a few drinks.
Fomos para casa dela, bebemos uns copos.
You had a few drinks...
Beberam uns copos...
I had a few drinks, couldn't sleep
Tomei uns tragos, não pude dormir
Mind you, I'd had a few drinks.
Imagine, tomei umas bebidas.
You got there, you had a few drinks. Next thing, you're back in LA?
Tomaram uns copos, conversaram, e voltou para Los Angeles?
God knows what you can see when you've had a few drinks.
Depois de ter bebido um bocado, pelo que vi.
I had a few drinks because i was happy to see everybody.
Bebi uns copos ontem à noite porque estava feliz por vos ver.
She'd had a few drinks.
Já tinha bebido um bocado.
Nothing much, he had a few drinks, dropped 200 at the crap table, made a phone call and left.
Pouca coisa. Bebeu uns copos, perdeu 200 aos dados, fez um telefonema e foi-se embora.
- I had a few drinks with him at Brighton.
- Tomámos uns copos em Brighton.
I had a few drinks with the guys.
Bebi umas quantas cervejas com a malta.
I only had a few drinks... but it has taken me three weeks to recover.
Só tomei algumas bebidas... mas preciso de três semanas para me recompor.
I'd had a few drinks, so...
Eu já tinha bebido um bocado, por isso...
- I had a few drinks.
- Eu já tinha bebido um pouco.
Alrighty, then! Roger Podacter went out after work, had a few drinks, then came home.
O Roger Podacter bebeu uns copos depois do serviço e veio para casa.
You never seem to want to get married, and so, one night we went out, had a few drinks... and started discussing art and literature and Freud and Nietzsche.
tu nunca mais te decidias a cassar... E uma noite saímos os dois para beber uns copos, pusemo-nos a discutir arte, literatura, Freud, Nietzsche...
I've had a few drinks, so buckle up.
Bebi uns copos. É melhor pores o cinto.
I just had a few drinks. I didn't want to drive.
Parei, bebi uns copos e não queria conduzir.
I had a few drinks. I got a ticket for disturbing the peace.
Tinha um copo a mais, fui multado por desacato.
I- - I- - I had a few drinks, yeah.
Bebi uns copos, sim.
I'd had a few drinks.
Bebi uns copos.
Look, I met some guys, we had a few drinks... one thing led to another... and next thing I knew... I woke up out of town.
Encontrei uns tipos, tomamos umas bebidas... uma coisa levou à outra... e quando percebi... estava noutra cidade.
No, I went to the tavern, had a few drinks.
Não, eu, eu... Fui ao Tavern. Bebi uns copos.
Well, we had a few drinks, danced a little and you know.
Bebemos umas bebidas, dançámos um pouco, e... - vocês sabem...
I Liked you better when you had a few drinks in you.
Gostava mais de ti quando já tinhas bebido uns copos.
That old bugger in the pub that nobody wants to sit beside because as soon as he's had a few drinks, he goes on about the girl who got away.
Num rato de bar que ninguém quer por perto. Após uns drinques começa a falar da garota que o deixou.
It was pretty late, and I'd had a few drinks
Bem, está na hora de eu ir. Era muito tarde. Eu tinha tomado todas.
You had a few drinks.
Bebeste uns copos.
You had a few drinks over there.
Bebeste bastante.
No, I just had a few drinks.
Não, Eu só bebi uns copos.
Anyway, me and Eddie, we went and had a few drinks we had a lot of drinks then we went down to the tattoo parlour and I got a Deser Rat done and Eddie being Eddie wanted something with a bit more meaning.
Eddie e eu fomos tomar uns copos... tomamos uns copos, muitos... em seguida fomos fazer a tatuagem, eu tatuei um rato... e Eddie procurava algo com mais significado.
We just had a few drinks, and things just...
Nós apenas bebemos um pouco e as coisas só
I had a few drinks, and I watched her leave in a limo with some guys.
Fiquei a beber um copo e vi-a sair, numa limusina, com uns gajos.
We've had a few drinks, nothing heavy.
Tomamos uns goles, nada sério.
And I had a few drinks in the hotel and there was this reporter... there and he was complaining about the food and... a hundred yards away there's people that are starving to death.
Estava a tomar uma bebida no hotel e estava lá um jornalista a queixar-se da comida e... A poucos metros, havia pessoas a morrerem à fome.
I had a few drinks and I fell asleep.
Bebi demais e adormeci.
I had a few drinks.
Sim, bebi demais.
We met at a bar, shot some pool, had a few drinks.
Encontrámo-nos num bar, jogámos bilhar, bebemos uns copos.
Yes, I had a few drinks with boys.
Sim, tomei alguns drinques com os rapazes.
We paid our $ 25, went inside, did a lap around the place, had a few drinks.
Pagamos os 25 dólares, entrámos, demos uma volta por lá... bebemos uns copos.
I've had a few drinks.
Bebi uns copos.
We had dinner a few times, drinks.
Jantámos e bebemos juntos umas vezes.
He made me so damn mad, I went out and I had a few social drinks.
Ele irritou-me tanto, que fui tomar umas bebidas sociais.
We had asked a few drinks for the interval, but when there we arrived there were other persons to drink them.
Tínhamos pedido umas bebidas para o intervalo, mas quando lá chegámos estavam outras pessoas a bebê-las.
Last night, you know, I, I had a few of those drinks I made and I got loaded.
Na noite passada eu bebi algumas daquelas bebidas que eu fiz e fiquei cheia.
- He had a few drinks, that's it.
É o truque dele.
- And you'd had a few drinks.
E tinhas tomado uns copos.
We had some downtime and a few of us went out for drinks.
Tivemos uma pausa e fomos tomar uma bebida.
She asked me if I wanted to stick around... for some fun. I had a few drinks.
Tomei algumas bebidas.

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