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He didn't want to перевод на португальский

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Why would he want to go down for a murder he didn't commit?
Porque ia responder por um crime que não cometeu?
He didn't want her to have to live with the guilt.
Não queria que ela vivesse com o sentimento de culpa.
He didn't want to go, but I swore to him I was going to look out for him.
Não queria sair, mas jurei que tomava conta dele.
Why,'cause he didn't want to flash his cash?
Porque não queria mostrar o seu dinheiro?
Oh, God, and Tommy had to throw it back in because he didn't want that fish to die.
Deus. E o Tommy deitou-o de volta porque não queria que o peixe morresse.
So they didn't want anyone to know that they were beating up on a teammate, or they didn't want to hurt him so bad that he couldn't play.
Não queriam que ninguém soubesse que andavam a bater num colega de equipa. Ou então desejavam magoá-lo o suficiente, para ele não pode jogar.
He didn't want to see Steve again.
Não queria voltar a ver o Steve.
- He didn't want to come?
Ele não quis ir?
It's like he didn't want to be bothered with me.
Ele não quis ser incomodado por mim.
He'd take off his jacket and fold it very carefully, like he didn't want to mess it up.
Ele tirava o casaco e dobrava-o cuidadosamente, como se não o quisesse amarrotar.
Maybe he didn't want to do it in front of us.
Talvez ele não quisesse fazer isso à nossa frente.
He tried to talk to me, but I didn't want to.
Ele tentou falar comigo, mas não o quis ouvir.
He'd take off his jacket and fold it... very carefully, and then lay it on a chair, like he didn't want to mess it up.
Ele tirava o casaco e dobrava-o muito cuidadosamente e depois pousava-o numa cadeira, como se não o quisesse estragar.
I don't know- - because he didn't want to relay that kind of information over the phone. All right?
Não sei, porque não quis dar essa informação pelo telefone.
He didn't need much convincing, so although you want to beliee
Não foi preciso convencê-lo. Mesmo que penses que foi a cabra da Charlotte que estragou tudo, não foi.
I'm a tiny bit hurt that he didn't want me to, but I'm only saying that because it's you.
Doeu-me um pouco que não me queira nela mas só a ti te digo.
We determined they were fired off by a space-going weapons smuggler who was about to get boarded, and he didn't want to be caught with them.
Descobrimos que foram lançados por um traficante de armas... que estava para ser abordado... e que não queria ser apanhado com elas.
He didn't want anyone to know. He made me swear.
Ele não queria que ninguém soubesse, fez-me jurar.
He didn't want the affair to go public, So he had her killed.
Ele não queria que o caso viesse a público, e mandou-a matar.
He can get a little jealous sometimes, so I didn't want to make him worry.
E ele pode ser um bocado ciumento. Então não o quis preocupar.
He didn't want to give his mother the victory.
Ele não queria dar a vitória à mãe.
Saramago told his guests and reporters that he didn't want to talk about literature that he would prefer to talk about the world, because the world needed to be talked about.
Saramago dizia aos seus convidados e jornalistas que lhe aborrecia falar de literatura e que preferia falar do mundo, porque o mundo precisava de ser falado.
If I say he didn't- - l just want to know.
- Eu apenas quero saber.
Well, maybe he didn't want to worry you.
Bem, talvez ele não te quisesse preocupar.
Oh, he's covering, Kevin, Because he didn't want Pam to get suspicious.
Ele estava a disfarçar, para a Pam não suspeitar.
He didn't want to say it in front of the others.
Ele não queria dizer na frente dos outros.
I told him to quit, but he didn't want to let the team down.
Eu disse-lhe para desistir, mas ele não queria decepcionar a equipa.
- Ah. He didn't get that children sometimes just want to drum.
Não entendia que, às vezes, as crianças só querem tocar bateria.
I didn't know how he'd been in the meantime. I - l-l-l didn't want to guess, really,'cause I'd brought disgrace on him and his family, and I imagined he might hate me.
Não sabia como ele estaria, entretanto. Não quis adivinhar, de facto... porque eu trouxe-lhe a desgraça, a ele e à família... e imaginava que ele me odiasse.
He just didn't want any of us to know.
Só não queria que nenhum de nós soubesse.
Matt Chamberlain, he didn't want to go on the road.
O Matt Chamberlain, não queria andar na estrada.
I didn't want to change anything at first. Just... you know, in case he walked in one day.
Eu não queria mudar nada no começo,... caso ele voltasse um dia.
He didn't want to read it. That was unique.
Não ele não quis lê-la Isso foi único.
That he didn't want to wake up in ten years and realize he'd committed to one person too soon.
Ele não queria acordar daqui a 10 anos e perceber que se tinha comprometido cedo demais com uma pessoa.
He didn't want to die.
Ele não queria morrer.
He didn't want to go.
Ele não queria ir embora.
Like he didn't want anyone to know what he was working on.
Como se ele não quisesse que se soubesse o que estava a fazer.
All he had to do was say he didn't want us to date anymore.
Ele só tinha de dizer que queria acabar.
So, if he didn't kill her, why did he want to be on the jury so bad?
Se não a matou, porque queria estar no júri?
Well, whatever he was working on, someone didn't want us to find it.
No que estivesse a trabalhar, não querem que encontremos.
So he didn't really want to marry me?
Então ele não queria casar comigo?
He... didn't want me to leave the car - in my condition.
Ele... não queria que saísse do carro na minha condição.
Even though he didn't want to give the lecture in the first place, being rejected by those students really hit him hard.
Mesmo não querendo dar a palestra, ser rejeitado por aqueles alunos afectou-o bastante.
I screwed up, and I want to make things right, you know. He didn't deserve it...
Eu estraguei tudo, e quero fazer as coisas direito, sabes.
Yeah, we didn't invite him because we didn't think he'd want to go.
Não o convidamos porque pensamos que ele não iria.
There was this moment back in Florida when I suspected Mason was up to something because he was banging that hot vampire chick Kathy and he didn't want anyone to know. All right.
A dada altura, na Florida, suspeitei que o Mason andava a tramar alguma, porque ele andava a galar aquela vampira boazona, a Kathy, e não queria que se soubesse disso.
Well, I guess he didn't want to be taken alive.
Bem, acho que não queria ser capturado vivo.
Nate was careful to stay in the background. He didn't want us to know that he'd changed his face.
O Nate teve cuidado para não se mostrar... ele não queria que soubéssemos que tinha mudado o rosto.
He didn't just want to kill me himself?
Não queria matar-me por iniciativa?
And for what it's worth, I have helped out Chance on a number of occasions where he didn't want to go to the cops, and he always said to me- -
E aliás, ajudei o Chance em diversas ocasiões nas quais ele não quis ir à Polícia, e dizia-me sempre...
But he... He didn't want to say goodbye because he... He didn't want to upset you or worry you.
Mas ele não quis despedir-se, porque não queria incomodar-vos ou preocupar-vos.

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