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He knew that перевод на португальский

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If he knew that it was fake, why would he do that?
Se ele sabia que era falso, por que é que ele faria isso?
If he knew that he was giving these drugs to these victims and he ingested the blood?
Se ele souber que está a dar tais drogas às vítimas - e ingerir o sangue?
He knew that I was having a hard time.
Ele sabia que eu estava a passar por um mau momento.
He targeted her'cause he knew that she was weak.
Tinha-a como alvo, porque sabia que era fraca.
I needed an untraceable Tor system, and he knew that stuff.
Precisava de um sistema indetectável e ele percebia disso.
She knew that he wanted to die so that he could find peace, be reunited with his one true love.
Ela sabia que ele queria morrer para poder ter paz e reencontrar o seu verdadeiro amor.
He knew that Al-zuhari was up to...
Ele soube que o Al-Zuhari ia...
He knew that...
Ele sabia que...
He knew that the suit was coming out, and that the stock prices were going to drop.
Ele sabia que o processo iria chegar e que as acções iriam cair.
Either she knew that the student was a spy and lied when she denied it, or she didn't know that he was a spy, but lied about knowing the details of the military rescue.
Ou ela sabia que o estudante era espião e mentiu, ao negá-lo, ou não sabia que era espião, mas mentiu sobre conhecer os pormenores do resgate militar.
He knew that people would think that he was behind the murders, and then he wouldn't be able to get out of the asylum.
Ele sabia que iriam achar que ele estava por trás das mortes, e assim não iria conseguir sair do sanatório.
I-I mean, I only knew'cause this wrinkly guy- - um, he works at the mini-mart- - he told me that you lived here because, uh...
Só soube porque este homem velho, que trabalha no mercado, ele disse que moravas aqui porque...
But I knew that he wouldn't do that.
Mas eu sabia que ele não faria isso.
He was the only person who knew that we killed Hunter Bell.
Era a única pessoa que sabia que matámos o Hunter Bell.
He's not built for management, but you knew that.
Ele não nasceu para gerir, mas já sabias disso.
He knew the police would wanna know how and why he got that wound.
Porque ele sabe que a polícia ia querer saber como e porque é que ele teve este ferimento.
Tell your father - tell Max - that I always knew the first gift he ever gave me was stolen.
Diz ao teu pai... Diz ao Max... que sempre soube que o 1º presente que ele me deu era roubado.
He was always talking about this secret war that nobody knew was going on.
Estava sempre a falar desta guerra secreta que ninguém sabia que estava a acontecer.
I just knew there was something off about him, the way that... he would - -
Eu sabia que havia algo de estranho nele, pela maneira como ele... ele...
And he also knew that I didn't approach the subject in terms of black and white, unlike my colleagues at the time.
E também sabia que eu não abordava o assunto de forma simples. Ao contrário dos meus colegas da altura.
I could tell he had a crush on me, so when I made my escape when I had nothing and was desperate I knew that he could give me a whole new life a new identity, money.
Eu sabia que ele tinha um fraco por mim. Quando fugi, estava sem nada e desesperada sabia que ele podia dar-me uma vida nova, uma identidade nova e dinheiro.
I mean, I knew he was tired, but other than that...
Sabia que ele andava cansado, mas nada além disso...
Well, someone knew he was at that hotel.
Bom, alguém soube que ele estava naquele hotel.
Once I found out that he had finished Janus, I knew that was all that mattered.
Depois que descobri que ele tinha terminando o Janus, sabia que era o que mais interessava.
I knew that Warwick was angry but never did I imagine he would raise his own army against me!
Eu sabia que Warwick estava irritado, mas nunca imaginei que ele ia pôr o seu próprio exército contra mim!
They all knew about Silas and that he needed to stay buried.
Todas conheciam o Silas e sabiam que tinha que continuar enterrado.
And that's how he knew you were gonna have a long and full life.
E foi como ele soube que ias ter uma vida longa e preenchida.
All right, assuming that Basderic is the one who took those photos, he knew about their previous encounter.
Assumindo que o Basderic tirou aquelas fotos ele sabia do encontro anterior deles.
Well, that explains how Olivier knew I wasn't Beth. But it does not explain how Leekie knows my name. He knows who you are?
- Isso explica como o Olivier sabia que eu não era a Beth, mas não explica como o Leekie sabe o meu nome.
Now, I know how to follow orders, but Cole was just brilliant and he believed in the cause, and Wilson knew that.
Eu sei seguir ordens, mas o Cole era brilhante, e acreditava na causa. O Wilson sabia disso.
He also knew that you cared about him, okay?
Ele também sabia que você se preocupava com ele, ok?
So then I start wondering, if this cop had one of these girls, then he probably knew about the business that was being run out of the motel.
Então comecei a perguntar-me... Se o tal polícia tinha uma dessas raparigas, então provavelmente sabia do negócio que estava a ser feito no motel.
I knew you didn't know. He's that Manchester City player with the blond Brazilian on his head.
Eu sabia que tu não conhecias, é o jogador do Man.City com a depilação loura na cabeça
Obviously, Andre Bell knew that he wasn't in any at all.
Obviamente que Andre sabia que não estava metido em sarilhos.
It sounds like that's how he knew these women.
Parece que era assim que ele sabia sobre essas mulheres.
And he insisted that his wife knew nothing about what happened in those sessions.
E garante que a esposa não sabe nada das sessões.
But I say this with pride That I once knew Clyde When he was honest and upright and clean.
Digo isto com orgulho, quando conheci o Clyde, ele era honesto, correto e limpo.
He told them that I knew..... that I was part of it, but... .. I didn't know. I never knew.
Ele disse-lhes que eu sabia que fazia parte de tudo mas eu não sabia.
Talk to everybody that Brad Adams knew neighbors, the ex-wife everybody that he worked with at the club.
Vizinhos, ex-mulher, todos com quem trabalhava no clube.
This was not the father that I knew, but he never said another word.
Já não era o pai que eu conhecia. Mas ele nunca mais voltou a falar.
He went off to jail, left me in the care of an aunt that I barely knew.
Foi preso e fiquei ao cuidado de uma tia que eu mal conhecia.
You're saying that my father knew the men that he killed?
Está a querer dizer que o meu pai conhecia os homens que matou?
Is there any evidence that he knew Deanna Barbieri?
Há alguma prova de ele conhecer Deanna Barbieri?
But seeing what he has here and what you've given him, I knew that he was strong.
Mas ao ver o que ele tem aqui e o que você lhe deu... percebi que ele era forte.
Jack knew I needed the money, so he set me up with some gigs... that he couldn't handle'cause of his finance thing.
O Jack sabia que eu precisava do dinheiro, e marcou-me umas atuações... que ele não podia fazer por causa da noiva.
He knew that.
- Ele sabia disso.
The family he kept here in Bronson Springs that everybody knew about, or the second secret family he kept 3 hours east?
A família de Bronson Springs que todos conheciam, ou a família secreta que ele mantinha?
The son of a bitch would throw it away if he knew I had that.
O filho da mãe jogaria fora se soubesse que tenho isto.
And I assume that if Walter knew something you'd rather he didn't, agreement be damned, I would be a widow again.
Assumo que se o Walter soubesse alguma coisa, o pacto seria quebrado e eu seria viúva outra vez.
My father, he told me that he failed the city, but I never knew what he meant until now.
O meu pai disse-me que ele falhou para com a cidade. Mas eu não soube o que ele quis dizer até agora.
I knew it from this evening on, that he was the one.
Sabia que desde aquela tarde, ele era o único.

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