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He was here last night перевод на португальский

89 параллельный перевод
- He was here last night till about two.
Ontem à noite, por volta das 2 : 00h.
So he was here last night.
Então, ele esteve cá ontem à noite.
He was here last night. He saw it happen.
Estava aqui ontem á noite, viu tudo.
- Well, he was here last night.
- Bem, ele esteve aqui ontem à noite.
- He was here last night.
- Como? - Ele esteve aqui na noite passada.
He was here last night.
Ontem, esteve cá.
- He was here last night? - Of course.
- Ele esteve aqui ontem à noite?
Unless he's eating beef and merlot for breakfast, he was here last night.
A não ser que esteja a comer bife ao pequeno-almoço, esteve aqui ontem à noite.
He was here last night.
Ele esteve cá ontem à noite.
He was here last night.
Saiu à pressa.
He was here last night.
Esteve aqui, ontem à noite.
He was here last night.
Ele estava aqui ontem à noite.
- He was here last night.
- Ele esteve aqui ontem à noite.
He was here last night.
Sabes, ele veio cá esta noite. O quê? Quem?
- So you admit he was here last night.
- Admites que esteve aqui a noite passada.
He was here last night?
Ele esteve aqui ontem a noite?
- He was here last night.
- Ele esteve cá ontem.
Okay, the woman that manages the place says there's an attendant that spends most of his time with Mr. Owens, and he was here last night -
- A mulher que dirige o local diz que há um acompanhante que passa a maior parte do tempo com o Sr. Owens e estava aqui ontem à noite. Bob Gill. Parece-lhe familiar?
Was he here last night?
Ele esteve aqui ontem à noite?
The telephone company tells us that about 7 : 30 last night, just before he was shot... someone here called up information and asked for Nick Charles'number.
A companhia telefónica diz que por volta das 19 : 30, mesmo antes de ser morto, alguém ligou para as informações e pediu o número de Nick Charles.
Mr. Thornhill has told us that he was brought here against his will last night and forcibly intoxicated by some friends of your husband and set out on the road.
Thornhill disse-nos que foi trazido aqui contra a sua vontade na noite passada e forçado a intoxicar-se por alguns amigos do seu marido e colocado na estrada.
Listen here, he was absolutely blameless for what happened last night, Fran!
Ouve aqui, ele é absolutamente inocente... pelo que aconteceu na noite passada, Fran!
Was he here last night?
Ele estava aqui ontem à noite?
Last night when Dehl was dumped, he was here, wasn't he?
Ontem. quando o Dehl foi morto. Veio cá. não?
The medical report says the guy who broke in here last night was struck in the throat before he fell down the stairs.
O relatório médico do homem que entrou aqui ontem à noite mostra que ele foi golpeado na garganta antes de caír pelas escadas.
So he intercepted Deputy Wright's last call,..... which means he was here in Townsend the night of the crash.
Ele interceptou a última chamada do Ajudante Wright o que quer dizer que teve aqui em Townsend na noite do acidente
janitor. Well, according to the police report, he was the only other person here last night.
Segundo o relatório da polícia, ele era a única outra pessoa aqui.
He didn't come home last night, and his wife said he was coming here.
Não voltou para casa ontem e a mulher disse que ele vinha cá.
Then what was he doing here last night, and why did he give you this note?
Então, porque é que ele estava aqui ontem à noite e porque é que lhe deu este bilhete?
He was here, last night.
Esteve cá na noite passada.
A man I know told me he was kicked out of here last night'cause he was homeless.
Ontem expulsaram um homem porque era um sem-abrigo.
I'm here at the scene of the Christmas burglary... where a creature was stirring last night... and what he was stirring was up trouble.
Estou aqui na cena do assalto de Natal, onde esteve uma criatura a vasculhar a noite passada. Mas o que procurava eram sarilhos.
But it should be noted that when Mr Betts arrived here last night he was sans head.
Mas note-se que o Sr. Betts chegou aqui ontem sem cabeça.
Brute said he was in here last night begging for food.
O Brutal disse que ele esteve aqui ontem à noite a pedir comida.
Oh, but he was just in here last night.
- Ele veio cá ontem à noite.
He was standing right here last night. He was watching her. - Who was?
Ele estava aqui mesmo, a noite passada, e estava a observá-la.
The clerk from the next store was here, and he told me that from the day after her wedding Kie was up before everyone cleaning and cooking for all the apprentices and bathing last at night in everyone's grime.
O empregado da loja do lado esteve aqui e disse-me que desde o dia do casamento, a Kie levanta-se primeiro que todos limpa e cozinha para todos os aprendizes e lava-se na água onde os outros se lavaram.
Mm, he was just here last night.
Mas ele esteve aqui ontem à noite.
He was at my door last night yelling, "Cindy, you get out here."
Ontem, ele pôs-se à porta a gritar : "Cindy, vem cá para fora!"
Was he here last night?
Ele esteve aqui na noite passada?
He was in here last night.
Esteve aqui ontem à noite. Comigo.
Was he here last night?
Ele esteve cá ontem à noite?
Maybe he was in here last night tending bar?
Talvez estivesse aqui ontem à noite a servir no bar.
Last night's benefit was A-list only. He wasn't here.
A festa de ontem só tinha entrada por lista e ele não esteve cá.
Poor lad was in here last night. Looks like he's had a run of bad luck.
Pobre rapaz esteve aqui a noite passada, parece que só tem tido má sorte.
Now tell me, madam, was Monsieur Blandois here on business the night he was last seen?
Agora diga-me, senhora, Monsieur Blandois esteve aqui a negócios na noite que foi visto por último?
He was supposed to be here last night.
Era suposto ele estar aqui a noite passada.
He was in that band that played here last night.
Fazia parte da banda que actuou aqui ontem.
Juan, the dishwasher, was the last one here last night, and he swears he finished every single dish.
Juan, o ajudante, foi o último a sair daqui ontem e jura que lavou a loiça toda.
Last night he was here, looking at me.
Na noite passada ele esteve aqui, a olhar para mim.
Teddy? Yeah, he was here with you guys last night.
Ele esteve aqui convosco ontem à noite.

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