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He would never do that перевод на португальский

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He would never do that.
Ele nunca faria isso.
He would never do that to us!
- Ele nunca nos trairá.
You men think it is normal for a woman to leave everything because of her husband. But he would never do that for her.
Os homens acham que as mulheres devem segui-los e nenhum o faria.
He would never do that! He's my best friend!
Ele nunca faria isso!
He would never do that!
Ele jamais faria isso!
He would never do that.
Nunca o faria.
No. he would never do that.
Não, ele nunca faria isso.
He would never do that. "
Nunca o faria. "
He would never do that.
Ele jamais faria isso.
No, he would never do that.
Não, ele nunca faria isso.
- He would never do that. - No?
- Ele nunca faria tal coisa.
- You know he would never do that.
- Sabe que ele nunca faria isso.
- He would never do that.
Ele nunca faria tal coisa.
Say what you will about Michael Scott. But he would never do that.
Diga o que quiser sobre o Michael Scott, mas jamais faria uma coisa destas.
You removed Benny's bulletproof vest so the police would never know that he'd been living in fear of his life.
Tirou o colete à prova de bala do Benny para que a Polícia não soubesse que ele temia pela sua vida.
He was far too happy, he knew... ] [... he had achieved his aim, he knew that, after the fright... ] [... he'd had that evening, Peppone would merely regard... ] [... his secretary as a proud comrade in the struggle... ] [... and that he would never slap brilliantine on his hair again. ]
Estava muito feliz, ele sabia... que tinha atingido o seu objectivo, ele sabia que, depois do susto... daquela noite, Peppone passaria simplesmente, a olhar... a sua secretária como uma orgulhosa camarada de luta... e que nunca mais iria empapar a cabeça de brilhantina.
Assuming that Bernard trusted me as implicitly as you say, then I'd never reveal anything he said to me, would I?
Supondo que o Bernard confiava tanto em mim como você diz, então eu nunca lhe revelaria nada do que ele me dissesse, pois não?
You see, Mr. Ford would never ask Bash Brannigan... to do anything that he hadn't already done himself.
O Sr. Ford nunca pediria ao Bash Brannigan que fizesse algo que ele nunca tivesse feito.
First you told me he was retarded. Then that he would be blind and deaf. Then you told me that he'd never be able to do what regular kids do.
Primeiro que era atrasado mental, Depois que ia ficar cego e surdo, depois que nunca ia poder fazer o que fazem as crianças normais.
He used to produce his work every week for tutorial... and, as he never kept any notes... or papers or that sort of thing... on leaving my room, he would normally throw it in my wastepaper basket.
Ele costumava fazer os seus trabalhos todas as semanas para as aulas e como não tinha nenhuns papéis ou notas ou qualquer coisa do género, ao sair da minha sala, normalmente atirava-os para o meu cesto dos papéis.
I mean, we never imagined... that he would do such a thing in front of...
quer dizer, nunca imaginámos... que ele fosse fazer uma coisa destas em frente do...
Not for a moment. The idea never would have entered my mind had we not a witness who says he saw your husband creeping out of the house and making off in haste about an after the compline bell that night.
A ideia nunca me teria surgido se não fosse o testemunho de uma pessoa que diz ter visto o seu marido a esgueirar-se de casa e a ir-se embora cerca de uma hora depois do sino das Completas nessa noite.
That my fiance the man that I love, would... would never do what this woman said he did.
Que o meu noivo o homem que eu amo, jamais, jamais faria o que esta mulher disse.
Just that he felt responsible for Seska, and was determined to stop her, but I never thought he would try to do this alone.
Apenas que ele se sente responsável por Seska, e estava determinado em pará-la, mas eu nunca iria imaginar que ele tentaria fazer isso sozinho.
Do you think, since it's the last night of school and I might never see him again... that maybe he would dance with me?
Achas que... como esta é a última noite e eu nunca mais o vou ver... que ele queira dançar comigo?
When I told you about Jack and how he was always getting hurt,..... and how I would never date anybody like that again,..... you didn't think, "Maybe I should tell her what I do for a living"?
e que eu nunca voltaria a namorar com alguém assim, isso não fez com que se acendesse uma luz na tua cabeça? Não pensaste : "Se calhar, era melhor dizer-lhe agora" "qual é o meu emprego."
He would never betray the Captain the way he does in that story.
Ele nunca trairia a Capitã, do jeito que ele faz na história.
He would ultimately lose both of his hands to frostbite, but he never lost his spirit, never lost his will to live, and it was his remarkable recovery that lifted our spirits.
Acabou por perder as suas mãos, por causa do congelamento, porém nunca perdeu o ânimo, nem a sua vontade de viver. E foi a sua incrível recuperação que nos levantou a moral.
No, he would never do anything that prosaic.
Nunca faria uma coisa tão prosaica.
I thought that he would never do something like this, he'd never want to screw up his carrier like this.
Pensei que ele nunca fizesse uma coisa destas. Ele não iria querer estragar a carreira dele.
While we may never know how the film would've turned out, had Bruce Lee lived we do know with unimpeachable certainty, the vision that he had for the movie during the time he was filming its finale.
Embora possamos nunca vir a saber como o filme acabaria, não tivesse o Bruce morrido, sabemos com certeza indiscutível a visão que ele tinha para o filme quando filmou o final.
Attacking Rome would mean attacking me, and that, he will never do.
Um ataque a Roma seria um ataque à minha pessoa, e isso ele nunca faria.
And if he hadn't saved her, she would never get do the good that will earn her her wings.
E que se ele não a tivesse salvo, ela nunca poderia vir a fazer o Bem que lhe garantiria as asas.
I would have never guessed he flew off that ship.
Eu nunca adivinharia que ele largou do navio!
That in the Middle Ages, one of the knights in King Arthur's court, he laid down his sword between himself and Guinevere and he promised that he would never cross over to the other side of the bed.
Que na Idade Média, um dos cavaleiros da corte do Rei Artur, colocou a espada entre ele mesmo e Guinevere e prometeu-Ihe que nunca passaria para o outro lado da cama.
He thought I was belittling his career... - but I never would do that.
Pensou que eu estava a depreciar a carreira dele, nunca o faria.
And I told him about the baby. And basically he said that he would never consider the baby to be his grandchild.
Sabes, falei-lhe do bebé e, basicamente, ele disse... que nunca o consideraria neto.
And I know he would never do anything... to hurt me like that.
Sei que ele nunca faria nada que pudesse magoar-me dessa maneira.
Father... he never expected that... you would do such a thing for him.
Pai... ele nunca pensou que fizesse tal coisa por ele.
So she thought maybe if she made it look like Andrew had beat her, that that would do it, but that didn't do it because he'd actually never hit her.
Por isso pensou que se parecesse que o Andrew lhe batia... isso seria suficiente, mas não foi... porque ele nunca lhe bateu.
And at no point, he says to you, "Hey, what about the fat guy that just threw me off the roof?" That would never come up.
E nunca diria : "E aquele tipo gordo que me atirou do telhado?" - Isso nunca viria à baila.
Who insists on plowing through strange, stupid women who could never love him the way you do leaving you to stand outside alone in the night wishing with all your heart that he would come to his senses and realize that his true happiness lies with you and no one else but knowing all the while that it will never happen because he's a selfish, immature, heartless jerk.
Que insiste em conseguir mulheres estranhas e estúpidas que nunca o amariam da forma como tu o amas, que o deixariam do lado de fora, sozinho na noite, desejando com todo o teu coração que ele recupere os sentidos e perceba que a sua verdadeira felicidade está contigo e ninguém mais, mas sabendo o tempo todo que isso não vai acontecer porque ele é um egoísta, imaturo, cretino sem coração!
He / she would say that it is more 4 times of Io that we never made.
Diria que é quatro vezes maior do que as anteriores.
If I invited the grandfather I never met and got him to come here two weeks early, my father would be so freaked out that he would stop driving me insane about my bar mitzvah.
Se convidasse o avô que nunca conheci, e conseguisse fazer que viesse duas semanas antes, O meu pai ficava tão histérico que deixaria voltar louco com o do Bar Mitzvá.
While mourning his wife's death the Indian took a blood oath never to look at another squaw and that he would be responsible for Governor Odious's death.
Enquanto chorava a morte da esposa o Indiano fez uma jura de sangue de nunca olhar para outra mulher e que seria responsavel pela morte do Governor Odious.
That day, digby vowed he would never again allow himself to be separated from his Master.
Naquele dia, Digby jurou nunca mais permitir separar-se do seu dono.
He knows I would never do that
Ele sabe que nunca faria uma coisa dessas
He said that if he had known he was engaged to be married, he would never have taken him.
Disse que se soubesse do seu noivado, Nunca o teria chamado.
He knew it wasn't you because you would never do half the freaky stuff that we did!
Ele soube que não eras tu, porque tu nunca farias metade das coisas esquisitas que nós fizemos!
Because Marty told me that he would make sure that I never worked again. And you'll testify to this? Oh, you put me on that stand and I will make that jury cry.
O Melvin não se livrou do corpo entre as três e as quatro da manhã, porque eu estava com o corpo na suite do hotel às quatro e meia.
He said he developed a new skin moisturizer, and if I invested $ 10,000 into his multilevel marketing plan for the product, my commissions would turn that $ 10,000 into $ 100,000... but that never happened.
Disse que desenvolveu um hidratante facial... E que se investisse 10 mil no plano de marketing do produto... as minhas comissões transformariam esses 10.000 em 100.000... Mas isso nunca aconteceu.

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