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His grandmother перевод на португальский

348 параллельный перевод
That mayor would hang his grandmother to be reelected.
O presidente da Câmara enforcaria até a sua avó para ser reeleito.
Another guy wanted me to rub out a name in his grandmother's will.
Outro tipo queria tirar o nome de alguém do testamento da avó.
As a matter of fact, Job says she looks like his grandmother.
Na verdade, o Job diz que ela se parece com a avó dele.
The five-year-old kid that was caught stuffing his grandmother in the trunk compartment of the car.
A do miúdo de 5 anos que enfiou a avó na bagageira do carro.
Yes. Tell her what happened... and that I suggested the boy spend the night... at his grandmother's house.
Sim, diga-lhe o que aconteceu e que eu sugeri... que ele fique com a avó esta noite.
- Who cut up his grandmother.
- Que esfaqueou a avó.
Now he enters my sight looking as though he just exhumed his grandmother with his bare hands.
E agora parece ter exumado sua avó com as próprias mãos.
- It was his mother, his grandmother...
- Foi da mäe dele, da avó...
I agree that my wife looks a lot like his grandmother.
- Concordo, a minha mulher é muito parecida com a avó.
Yet the man he called father and the woman who was his grandmother do not come out to greet us!
Mas, o homem a quem ele chamava pai e a mulher que era sua avó, não saem para nos saudar.
His guardian was his grandmother, the Lady Nii.
A sua avó, a senhora Nii, era a sua guardiã.
Sell his grandmother for tuppence - still talk his way to heaven.
Vendia a mãe por 2 tostões e ainda marcava lugar no céu.
Charlie Sloan said that his grandmother saw his grandfather driving the cows home last year.
O Charlie Sloan diz que avó dele viu o avô com as vacas no ano passado.
I don't care if you're his grandmother.
Até podia ser a avó dele.
His grandmother works in one of my halfway houses.
A avó dele trabalha num dos meus lares.
and the linen sheet his grandmother wove.
E, depois, a velha manta de linho que sua avó teceu.
That money was to go toward an operation for his grandmother!
Mas esse dinheiro devia ser para a cirurgia da avó dele!
Just a bit. For his grandmother's operation.
Só um pouco, para cirurgia da avó.
And Littlefoot found his grandmother and grandfather at last- -
E Pésinho encontrou a sua avó e avô por fim- -
In Greenwich visiting his grandmother.
Em Greenwich, visitando a avó.
Hugh Capet, also, who usurped the crown of Charles, the duke of Lorraine, sole heir male of the true line and stock of Charles the great, could not keep quiet in his conscience wearing the crown of France... until satisfied that fair queen Isabel, his grandmother, was lineal of the Lady Ermengare, daughter to Charles, the aforesaid duke of Lorraine, by the which marriage the line of Charles the great... was reunited to the crown of France.
Hugo Capeta também... que usurpou a coroa de Carlos, Duque de Lorena... único herdeiro masculino do trono de Carlos Magno... usou a coroa da França sem paz interior... até ter certeza de que sua avó, a rainha Isabel... era descendente directa de Emengarda, filha de Carlos... o supracitado Duque de Lorena... por cujo casamento a linhagem de Carlos Magno... havia se reunido à coroa da França.
His grandmother was part Italian.
Não. Olhem bem para ele. A prima da avó era italiana.
I sent Frederick to his grandmother's, and I just don't want to go home to that house alone.
Eu mandei o Frederick para a avó dele e eu não quero ir para aquela casa sozinho.
Has he ever told you, Jack, in any of his sessions... that he's been living with his grandmother in Queens?
Ele te falou, em alguma sessão... que vivia com a avó em Queens? Já falou?
I'm his grandmother. Oh.
Sou avó dele.
He may have confided something to her that he didn't tell his grandmother in his last hours.
Ele ter-lhe-á feito uma confidência, que não comunicou à avó nas suas últimas horas.
So it had to be in the house of his grandmother.
- Sim. Só podia estar em casa da avó.
Except Nog is on the homeworld visiting his grandmother.
Mas o Nog foi visitar a avó no nosso planeta.
Tony here drove it to Lake Tahoe for the weekend to go to his grandmother's funeral.
O Tony levou-o no fim de semana para ir ao funeral da avó.
- When I say "go to his grandmother's funeral" I mean "visit his niece".
Quando digo "funeral da avó", quero dizer foi visitar a sobrinha.
He's cute, he treats his grandmother great.
Ele é engraçado, trata a avó bem.
So the kid doesn't know his grandmother is dead?
O quê? ! O miúdo não sabe que a avó morreu?
After 12 phone calls and three e-mails... Stanf ord badgered me into at least meeting his grandmother.
Depois de doze telefonemas e três e-mails, o Stanford convenceu-me a ao menos conhecer a avó dele.
If you please, Herr Baron, we thought that Mr. Henry could do with a glass of his great-grandmother's wine.
Se não se importa, Herr Barão, pensámos que o Sr. Henry podia beber um copo do vinho da bisavó dele.
Today, he's all jade and emeralds and his coat is a most wonderful pattern of pale violet stripes, worked entirely in petit point, just like my grandmother's footstool!
Hoje é todo jade e esmeraldas, e o casaco é do mais maravilhoso padrão com pálidos riscos em violeta, tal como o banquinho da minha avó.
He says he dropped by to pay his respects to your grandmother. Excuse me.
Ele diz que veio cumprimentar a sua avó.
Poupette, his mother, the grandmother of Francoise, she's is more down to earth.
Ele diz que é o seu antepassado. Mas a mãe dele, Poupette... Ela não quer saber.
Schroeder? You're not gonna go on the word of some known sleaze-o-rama... - who'd plea bargain his own grandmother?
Schroeder, não vai acreditar na palavra de um palhaço que até vendia a própria mãe para sair da prisão.
He'd cut off his own grandmother's hand if he caught it in the till.
Era capaz de cortar a mão da avó se a apanhasse a mexer nele.
Hell, he's probably so scared right now, he'd roll over on his own grandmother.
Bolas, deve estar tão assustado, que até entregaria a própria avó.
All that remained of his herd was his mother, grandmother and his grandfather.
Tudo o que se resumia da sua manada Era a sua mãe, avó e avô.
The enthusiastic reception to a heir of the Throne Imperial'it demonstrates clearly what India remains so loyally to the Crown since it it was in the time of his great-grandmother, Queen Vitória.
A recepção entusiasta ao herdeiro do Trono Imperial'demonstra claramente que a Índia permanece tão fiel à Coroa como o era no tempo da sua bisavó, a Rainha Vitória.
His grandmother saw him in the alley right after the shooting.
- Certo...
I was his grandmother.
Era avó dele.
- This is his grandmother.
Fala a avó dele.
We were in the lounge car and he began to talk about him... as a little boy seeing his great-grandmother's ghost.
Estávamos no vagão-restaurante e começou a falar de, em pequeno, ter visto o fantasma da bisavó.
The crow led her to a young man working his acres and my great-grandmother, she knew in her heart that she was supposed to stop right there.
O corvo a levou até um jovem que trabalhava na terra... e minha bisavó sentiu em seu coração... que devia ficar parada bem ali.
I can see him now, sitting with his kids, helping them with their homework, telling them what a cow pie their grandmother is.
Já o estou a ver com as crianças, a ajudá-las com os deveres, a dizer-lhes que tipo de vaca a avó deles é!
Before my great-grandmother died... she had time to see that her baby had the same red hair as his father.
Antes da minha bisavó ter morrido, pôde ver que o bebé dela tinha o mesmo cabelo ruivo do pai dele.
After his grandmother died,
A avó dele morreu.
- He wants to send some to his mother. - Grandmother.
Ele quer mandar algum para a mãe, a irmã e a avó.

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