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I've been thinking about that перевод на португальский

387 параллельный перевод
That's what I've been thinking about.
Pensei nisso, Wade.
I've been thinking about that young man, Stephen.
Eu pensei sobre este jovem, Stephen.
I've been thinking about that Bronson case against me judge.
Tenho pensado no caso Bronson contra mim.
I've been married to my Walt that long and I swear, in all that time, I just lie there thinking about my canning.
Estou casada com o meu Walt há esse tempo e juro, naquelas alturas, fico para lá deitada a pensar nas minhas conservas.
Suit yourself, but I've been thinking about that fall list.
Como queira, mas estive a pensar na lista de Outono.
I've been thinking about that.
Pensei nisso.
That's exactly what I've been thinking about.
É nisso que tenho estado a pensar.
I've been thinking that all my life I've been so busy... snapping to and giving orders and taking orders and being a general's son and doing the job and all that, I just never took time to sit right down and... you know, think about what my reason for living is.
Tenho estado a pensar que tenho passado toda a minha vida ocupado... a receber ordens e a dar ordens e a ser o filho do general e dar conta do recado e tudo isso, que nunca me dei ao trabalho de me sentar e... pensar qual é a minha razão de viver.
Adam... I've been thinking about Pa and that woman.
Adam, estive a pensar no pai e aquela mulher.
I've been thinking about that girl.
Estou a pensar na rapariga do jornal.
There is no reason for you to be pleased... since it is not about you that I've been thinking... but your ridiculous GOD.
Não há razão para ficares contente. Uma vez que não é em ti que tenho pensado, mas nesse teu Deus ridículo.
- I've been thinking about that icebox.
- Estive a pensar no frigorífico.
I've been thinking about the day and the way it has gone and it seems to me that now I need to make a few personal statements for a variety of reasons.
Estive lá fora pensando neste dia, na forma como correu... e parece-me agora... que preciso fazer algumas declarações pessoais... por uma série de razões.
Mr. Mack, I've been thinking over and over about that night.
Sr. Mack, não deixei de pensar naquela noite.
I'm sorry to trouble you, Dr Soaper, but I've been thinking about this camping trip for the girls that remain with us during the holidays.
Desculpe incomodar, Dr. Soaper, mas pensei na viagem de campismo para as meninas que permanecem connosco durante as férias.
You know, I've been thinking of that writer you told me about.
Estive a pensar no autor de que me falou.
- I've been thinking a lot about that...
- Eu estive pensando bastante sobre isso...
I've been thinking about it, and I think that we should get married.
Estive a pensar e acho que nos devemos casar.
I've been thinking about that, too, but I don't want to yet.
Tenho andado a pensar nisso. Mas não quero regressar... ainda.
I've been thinking a lot about that myself :
Também tenho pensado bastante nisso.
I've been thinking about that.
Sim, estive a pensar nisso.
I've been thinking about that letter.
Estive a pensar naquela carta.
I've been thinking about that.
Eu tenho andado a pensar nisso.
" I've been thinking about it, and that poem, that guy that wrote it.
Estive a pensar, e aquele poema, que aquele tipo escreveu.
I've been thinking a lot about that.
Pensei muito nisso.
I've been thinking about that.
Tenho estado a pensar nisso.
I've just think- - been thinking about some things, and that's what I want to do.
Estive só a pensar nalgumas coisas e é o que eu quero fazer.
I've been thinking about that, and I've come to a decision.
Há muito tempo que medito sobre algo e já tomei uma decisão.
I've been thinking. I know this is gonna sound a little weird, but... I've been thinking, and the more I been thinking about it... the more I realize that maybe it wasn't....
Sei que isto vai soar estranho mas quanto mais penso, mais acho que talvez não seja.
I've been thinking about that avocado ranch we talked about.
Tenho pensado sobre aquele rancho de que falámos.
I've been thinking a lot lately about you and me... and I came to a conclusion that I didn't want to deal with.
Ultimamente tenho pensado muito sobre nós... e conclui que não quero lidar com isso.
You know, Al, I've been thinking about that.
Sabe, Al, eu estive a pensar nisso.
- I've been thinking about that too.
Bem, também tenho andado a pensar nisso.
I've been thinking about when that happened.
Eu estive pensar sobre quando isso aconteceu. Sim?
That's precisely what I've been doing... the last couple of days, thinking about that.
Isto é exatamente o que eu fiz nos últimos dias. Pense a respeito disso.
I've been thinking a lot about that, and that really bothers me.
Fiquei a pensar muito nisso. E realmente incomodou-me.
I've been thinking about that.
Tenho andado a pensar nisso.
Look, I know, Uncle Phil, that's all I've been thinking about. I mean, you gotta believe me.
Eu sei, tio Phil, é no que tenho estado a pensar, tem de acreditar em mim.
No, I've been thinking a lot about that lately.
Não, tenho pensado muito acerca disso ultimamente.
Suffice to say that I've been just thinking about dumb stuff like what a nice concept it is to have a godmother and a godfather, wondering who my godparents might be.
Que só tenho pensado em coisas parvas. Que belo conceito é ter uma madrinha. E um padrinho.
Well, I've been thinking about this, and... I've decided that I don't want to go to college a virgin.
Bem, estive a ponderar isto, e decidi que não quero ir para a faculdade uma virgem.
Well, you know, I was thinking about what you said before and you're right, I've never really been a couple, so if that's the rule I'm gonna go by the rule.
Estive a pensar no que tinhas dito antes e tens razão. Nunca fiz parte de um casal, portanto, se essa é a regra, - sigo a regra.
But I've been thinking a lot about that list, Scully.
Mas eu tenho pensado muito nessa lista.
And, Doyle, I ´ ve been thinking about that yogurt thing.
E quanto àquilo do iogurte.
I've been thinking about some of that stuff we're talking about, like the way Evie says that sometimes we really don't know who we are.
Estive a pensar naquelas coisas de que falámos, no que a Evie disse, que às vezes não sabemos quem somos.
I-I've just been thinking about what you told me about needing something else in my life that matters to me.
Pensei no que me disseste, sobre ter outra coisa importante na vida.
Somehow, talking to Jennifer telling her all about the past nine years- - about all the things that happened to me what I've done, what I've been thinking about- - it's like telling Mom.
De alguma forma, ao falar com a Jennifer sobre os últimos nove anos, sobre o que me aconteceu, o que fiz, o que tenho pensado, parecia a mãe.
I've been thinking about what you said... that creating a new Q could bring an era of peace.
Estive a pensar sobre o que você disse... que a criação de um novo Q poderia trazer uma era de paz.
Brian, that is a damn amazing machine you got there... and I've been thinking about all the fun I can have with it.
Brian, aquela é uma máquina surpreendente que ali tens! e eu estive a pensar em todo o divertimento que posso ter com ela.
I've been thinking about what I did, and I don't think that it's right... that I should try getting off.
Eu tenho estado pensando no que eu fiz, e não acho que esteja certo eu tentar escapar a isto.
I've been thinking about that since you brought it up before.
Nunca mais me saiu da cabeça desde que falou nisso.

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