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I've been thinking about you перевод на португальский

889 параллельный перевод
You might not believe me, but I've been thinking about coming over and telling you,
Até vossemecê quer crer, até às vezes jà tenho pensado em vir ter consigo e dizer-lhe,
You know what I've been thinking about?
Sabe no que estive a pensar?
You know what I've been thinking about?
Sabes o que é que estive a pensar?
You know, I've been thinking about poor Ernesto.
Sabem, tenho estado a pensar no pobre Ernesto.
I've been thinking about you all day and what you said.
Pensei o dia todo no que me disse.
I've been thinking about a place in administration perhaps, where I can keep an eye on you.
Estou a pensar num lugar na administração, onde possa acompanhar-te pessoalmente.
You know, I've been thinking about home the past couple hours.
Rapazes, tenho pensado na casa, nas últimas horas.
I've been thinking, about you and me, how much alike we are.
Andei pensando em nós duas, como somos parecidas.
I've been thinking about your question, and you're right, Edie.
Estive a pensar na tua pergunta e tens razão.
- I've been thinking about Paris ever since you mentioned it.
- Fazes bem!
I've been thinking, you know, about what you said.
Tenho estado a pensar naquilo que disseste.
Nickie, I've been thinking about you morning, noon and night, and in-between times too.
Penso em ti de manhã, à tarde, à noite, e o resto do tempo.
Oh, I've been thinking about you a great deal lately.
- Tenho pensado muito em ti.
I've been thinking that all my life I've been so busy... snapping to and giving orders and taking orders and being a general's son and doing the job and all that, I just never took time to sit right down and... you know, think about what my reason for living is.
Tenho estado a pensar que tenho passado toda a minha vida ocupado... a receber ordens e a dar ordens e a ser o filho do general e dar conta do recado e tudo isso, que nunca me dei ao trabalho de me sentar e... pensar qual é a minha razão de viver.
You know, I've been thinking so much about the last weeks... when Mark wrote those short, restless letters.
Você sabe, eu tenho pensado tanto sobre as últimas semanas... Quando Mark escreveu aquelas cartas curtas, agitadas.
I've been thinking about you.
Estive a pensar em ti.
I've been thinking it's not safe for you to roam Chicago looking for this George Kaplan you've been telling me about.
Tenho estado a pensar não é seguro para ti ires a Chicago procurar por esse George Kaplan de que tens falado.
What I've been thinking about you since the day you made fun of my play.
Pelo que tenho pensado de si desde que gozou com a minha peça.
There is no reason for you to be pleased... since it is not about you that I've been thinking... but your ridiculous GOD.
Não há razão para ficares contente. Uma vez que não é em ti que tenho pensado, mas nesse teu Deus ridículo.
I've been thinking, I get a furlough in about three months do you think maybe I could come and visit you?
Estive a pensar. Tenho licença daqui a três meses. Acha que posso ir visitá-la?
I've been thinking about him a great deal lately, and you know what?
Tenho pensado muito nele ultimamente, e sabes que mais?
It makes it worth some of the thinking I've been doing about you, the past two years. Yeah.
Isto valoriza um pouco o muito que pensei... sobre ti, nestes últimos dois anos.
I've been thinking about you a lot.
- Tenho pensado muito em si.
I've been thinking about what you said, and I think you're right.
Pensei no que disseste, e acho que tens razão.
All I've been thinking about is you all the time I was in town.
Pensei em si todo o tempo que estive na cidade.
I've been thinking about you all along.
Estive o tempo todo a pensar em ti.
Well, Doctor, I've been thinking about what sort of work I can assign you to.
Bom, doutor, estive a pensar no trabalho que lhe posso dar.
I'm sorry to trouble you, Dr Soaper, but I've been thinking about this camping trip for the girls that remain with us during the holidays.
Desculpe incomodar, Dr. Soaper, mas pensei na viagem de campismo para as meninas que permanecem connosco durante as férias.
I've been thinking about you all the time...
Aliás, só penso em si. Fico feliz em dizer-lhe.
Chris, I've been thinking about you.
- Chris, estive pensado em ti.
You know, I've been thinking of that writer you told me about.
Estive a pensar no autor de que me falou.
You know, since I've been 1 4, I've been thinking about the mother lode.
Sabes, desde os meus 14 anos que ando a pensar no filão principal.
I've been thinking about what you said about... you know, getting things off your chest.
Tenho pensado no que disse sobre... deitar cá para fora o que nos vai no peito.
By the way, Captain, I've been thinking about what you said.
A propósito, comandante. Tenho pensado naquilo que disseste.
Fiver, I've been thinking about what you said.
Fiver, estive pensando no que disse.
I've been sitting here thinking about you all night.
Passei a noite aqui sentado a pensar em ti.
You know, I've been thinking a lot about this... and I'm ready to have kids.
Eu tenho pensado muito acerca disto... e eu estou pronto para ter filhos.
I've been thinking about what you've been saying about Luke...
Tenho estado a pensar no que você disse sobre o Luke...
Um, I've been thinking about what you said.
Estive a pensar no que disseste
I've been thinking about you.
Tenho estado a pensar em ti.
I've been thinking about you.
Estava a pensar em ti.
I've been thinking about you, too.
Também estive a pensar em ti.
I guess because I've been thinking about you so much.
Talvez porque eu tenha pensado tanto em você.
I've been thinking about what you said, Doug, about home.
Tenho andado a pensar no que disseste, Doug, sobre a casa.
You know, I've been doing a lot of thinking about Doug, about Jim.
Sabes, tenho andado a pensar muita coisa sobre o Doug, sobre o Jim.
I've been thinking about it and I don't want you to come to my lecture.
Tenho estado pensando, não quero que assista à minha conferência.
I've been thinking about you ever since we met.
Tenho pensado em ti desde que nos conhecêmos.
I've been thinking, Uncle, about those humans you saw.
Tenho estado a pensar, tio, naqueles humanos que tu viste.
You know, I've been thinking about you and I've been getting bad vibes.
Sabes, tenho estado a pensar em ti e tenho recebido más vibrações.
Dad, I've been thinking about you all night.
Ouve, pai, pensei nisso a noite toda...
I've been thinking about what you said, help me out...
Estive a pensar na vossa oferta para me ajudarem.

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