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Translate.vc / английский → португальский / [ I ] / I've been trying

I've been trying перевод на португальский

3,367 параллельный перевод
I've been trying like hell- - I guess you haven't heard the news.
- Estou farto de tentar... - Ainda não ouviu as notícias.
I've been trying to get a hold of him.
Tentei conversar com ele.
Why do you think I've been trying so hard to get it back?
Por isso é que estou a tentar recuperá-lo.
I've been poisoned, and I'm trying to make myself throw up.
Fui envenenado e estava a tentar vomitar.
I can't. I've been trying so hard, but please, I can't, I can't...
Tenho-me esforçado, mas não posso, não posso...
I've been trying it on myself.
Tenho feito aquilo comigo.
I've been trying to reach him since I heard of an explosion.
Tenho tentado contactá-lo desde que ouvi falar duma explosão.
I've been trying to obtain this combustion efficiency for over a month!
Há meses que tento obter esta combustão!
Ever since, I've been all over the world, trying to find a cure... doctors, healers, you name it. Anyone who could promise a miracle.
Desde então, viajei o mundo todo, à procura de uma cura, médicos, curandeiros, qualquer um que prometesse um milagre.
I've been trying to get in touch with you.
Tenho tentado contactar-te.
I've been trying to avoid him all evening.
Tenho tentado evitá-lo a noite toda.
Which is why I've been trying to reach you.
Por isso tentei ligar.
Damn it! I've been trying to get something going with myself for a full hour.
Estou a tentar ter alguma coisa comigo há uma hora.
I've been trying to meet you for a long time.
Tenho tentado encontrar-te há muito tempo.
And I've been trying to find out who she was, and what she was like.
E tenho tentado descobrir quem ela era e como se parecia.
I-I-I've been trying not to think about it, and...
Estou a tentar não pensar nisso, e... O que podemos fazer?
I guess I've been too busy trying to climb out from under a heavy past.
Acho que estive ocupada a tentar deixar um passado pesado para trás.
I've been trying to get a table at Seize for months and when I finally do, instead of Casteau's world-famous risotto, I have to eat sheep face - -
Há meses que tento conseguir uma mesa no Seize e quando consigo, em vez do famoso risoto do Casteau, tenho de comer cara de ovelha! Espere um minuto...
My whole life, I've been trying to convince people to do what they really don't want to do.
Toda a minha vida, eu convenci as pessoas a fazer o que não querem fazer.
Hey! I've been trying to find you.
Estava a tentar encontrar-te.
I've been trying to find a cure.
Tenho tentado encontrar uma cura.
I've been trying to help, Dean.
Tenho tentado ajudar, Dean.
You think I've been trying to get you to be like me?
Melões, seios. Achas que estava a tentar que fosses como eu?
I've been trying to force myself into situations that I'm not comfortable with.
Tento obrigar-me a situações com as quais não estou à-vontade.
I've been going through all the video we got, trying to see if there's anything that'll tell us where this guy is.
Estou a ver todos os vídeos, a tentar encontrar algo que nos diga onde ele está.
I've been trying for ages. - What's happened?
Há séculos que estou a tentar ligar-te. "
You know how long I've been trying to sign this guy?
Sabes à quanto tempo quero contratar este tipo?
- I've been trying ever since you got back.
Tenho tentado, desde que voltou.
I've just been trying to make do with what little money they give us.
Tento fazer alguma coisa com o pouco dinheiro que nos dão.
I've been trying to do more things that scare me, and coming here was definitely one of them.
Tenho tentado fazer mais coisas que me assustam. Vir cá era uma delas.
I've been trying since yesterday.
- Estou a tentar desde ontem.
I've been trying it nonstop since you told me to
Tenho tentado ligar desde que me pediu.
Robin and I are trying to decide on a caterer. And you've been sitting here all night, staring at a single ticket to Robots vs. Wrestlers because the rest of us couldn't come out.
Eu e a Robin estamos a escolher um caterer e tu passaste aqui a noite, a olhar para um bilhete do Robôs vs. Lutadores porque nenhum de nós pôde sair.
Look, I've been trying to tell you, I got a message from Danny.
Tentei dizer-lhe que recebi uma mensagem do Danny.
But now that I'm here, I realize... I've been trying to figure that out for 15 years.
Mas agora que aqui estou, vejo que estou a tentar perceber isso há 15 anos.
I've been trying to get on the roof, but the door's been jammed.
Quero ir ao telhado, mas a porta está bloqueada. Não te preocupes.
I've been trying to reach Kase, but no luck.
Estou a tentar falar com o Kase, mas não tenho sorte.
I've been trying to get you on the phone.
Andei a chamar-te pelo telemóvel.
I've just been trying to figure out who'd do this.
Fiquei a pensar quem podia faria isto.
I've been looking everywhere for you, trying to find you, but...
Procurei-te por toda a parte.
It's just, I've been trying to make our sex life more exciting for Michael.
É que eu tenho tentado fazer com que a nossa vida sexual seja mais excitante para o Michael.
All right, now, I've been trying to figure out something we can do together, and I think I've found it.
Muito bem, tenho andado a tentar descobrir algo que podemos fazer juntos, e acho que encontrei.
Look, I've been trying to get into Reginald Barrington's inner circle for years.
Ouve, tenho andado a tentar entrar no circulo privado do Reginald Barrington há vários anos.
If I can show her that every crime that you've been involved in, it's been because you've been trying to save someone, then...
Se eu lhe conseguir mostrar que cada crime em que estiveste envolvido, foi por estares a tentar salvar alguém, então...
You know, ever since Ellie's been in Vegas, I've been trying to track her down.
Desde que a Ellie chegou a Vegas, que venho a tentar encontrá-la.
I've been trying to guess what Daryl did before the turn.
Tenho tentado adivinhar o que o Daryl fazia antes disto tudo.
I've been trying to get in touch with you for quite some time.
Tenho tentado entrar em contacto com você já a algum tempo.
You know, I've been riding your senators for months trying to get'em on board with my education bill, so...
Ando atrás dos seus Senadores há meses, a tentar aprovar o meu projecto de educação...
I see that. I've been working like crazy, trying to keep my mind off of my ex.
Tenho trabalhado imenso para não pensar na minha ex.
I've been trying to figure out what I want to do with my life, so I saw online that there were open tryouts,
Estou a tentar saber o que quero fazer da minha vida. Vi online que havia audições abertas e fui lá.
I've been trying to reach remi all morning.
Tentei falar com o Remi a manhã toda.

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