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I've got it from here перевод на португальский

43 параллельный перевод
I can come back if it's inconvenient, but i've cycled up here from the village and i've got a touch of arthritis.
Posso voltar depois se é inconveniente, mas... vim pedalando desde o povo e tenho um ataque de artrite.
What are you saying? Look here. All morning we've only got 50 signatures out of 300 including my mother and my wife otherwise I told them they'd get it from me.
Ouça, em toda a manhã só conseguimos 50 assinaturas em 300... incluindo a minha mãe e a minha esposa...
Well, I'd like you to tell me. I'd like to hear it from you. Just what the hell do you call this bawdy house thing you've got going down here?
Gostava que me dissesse, da sua própria boca ao que chama a esta casa de prostitutas alojada aqui.
From what I've heard here, you've got it and you're stuck with it.
Pelo que ouvi aqui, tens talento e não podes fugir a isso.
- I've got it from here.
- Eu vou sozinha.
I've got it from here.
Eu continuo agora.
I can do it right from here. I've got the power, man.
Eu tenho poder, fui além dos limites.
Okay, I've got it from here, Sookie.
Está bem, agora trato eu disto, Sookie.
She's lost a lot of blood, but I've got it from here.
Ela perdeu muito sangue, mas vou salvá-la.
Right, the bad smell... the bad smell, it's from the drain... but come back when you've got something more worthwhile... because "mi casa, su casa", and I'll always be here...
Si, o cheiro que sientes... Cheiro. Es do ralo, ralito.
I've got it from here.
Eu continuo sozinha, a partir daqui.
They've been days away from perfecting it Since i got here 30 years ago.
Já passaram muitos dias para a poderem aperfeiçoar, desde que cheguei aqui, há 30 anos.
It's quite a setup you've got here. CHRISTINA : After the attack, I retired from competitive tennis.
Depois do ataque, retirei-me do ténis de alta competição.
I've got it from here.
Eu agora tomo conta disto.
It's got a carbon tip I've never seen before, and the wrap is made from recycled paper manufactured in kentucky, all special order for a company based here in the big city.
Tem uma ponta de carbono que nunca vi antes, e a mortalha é feira em Kentucky, tudo encomendas especiais para uma empresa sediada aqui na cidade.
I've got to get away from here It's killing me just thinking'bout
Tenho que sair daqui É só pensar matar-me'bout
Listen, I've got to run but you can take it from here.
Olha, tenho de ir tens de tomar conta disto a partir daqui.
- I've got it from here.
- Trato de tudo daqui.
- I said I've got it from here, Todd.
- Eu disse que trato disto, Todd.
Lois... I appreciate you trying to help, but I've got it from here, all right?
Lois, agradeço que tentes ajudar, mas eu trato disto a partir de agora, está bem?
- I've got it from here, honey.
- Deixa, querida.
I've got it from here. No.
- Agora eu trato disto.
I've got it from here.
- Deixe isto comigo.
No. I'm good. I've got it from here.
Não. Eu faço isto sozinha.
Call me crazy, but I've got a feeling, from here on out, it's gonna be nothing but blue skies and...
Chama-me louco, mas acho que, de agora em diante, - vai correr tudo sobre rodas e...
No, I've got it from here.
Eu assumo daqui.
- I've got it from here.
- Eu trato disto a partir daqui.
I've got business in Michigan, but I can handle it from here.
Tenho negócios no Michigan, mas posso tratar deles daqui.
Thank you for covering, Russell, but I've got it from here.
Obrigada por me substituir, mas eu continuo.
I've got it from here.
Assumo daqui. Vá lá.
All right, we've got a request here from Mr. rip van winkle, who is looking for something classic to wake up to. - Well, the doctor is in. - I knew it.
Eu sabia.
I've got it from here.
Eu me viro.
If you could just describe it, I've got it from here.
Se a descreveres, eu própria vou lá.
I've got it from here.
Eu me encarrego.
- I think we've got it from here.
- Acho que temos o formulário aqui.
I've got it from here.
Eu faço isto sozinho.
Nick, my friend, I've got some personal business to attend to this afternoon, so I can handle it from here, son.
Nick, meu amigo, tenho uns assunto pessoais para resolver esta tarde, então, irei tratar das coisas a partir daqui.
I've got it from here, Lieutenant.
Eu assumo a partir daqui, Tenente.
- I've got it from here.
- Eu cuido dele agora.
Raimy, I got your mother here, and I've told her everything, and I think she needs to hear it from you.
Raimy, a tua mãe está aqui, eu contei-lhe tudo. Penso que ela precisa ouvir-te.
That's interesting, this, cos I've got the blurb here from Whitby's oldest retailer of the stuff, and it says,
É interessante, porque tenho aqui a descrição do mais antigo retalhista em Whitby disso, e dizem,
I've got it from here.
Eu levo-o.
It took me a very long, long time to get back on my feet after I got fired from Oracle, and... tech firms wouldn't touch me, but I've managed to find a home here, a life.
Demorei muito a arranjar trabalho depois de ser despedido da Oracle, as empresas nem me recebiam. Mas encontrei uma casa aqui, uma vida.

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