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I didn't know it перевод на португальский

4,772 параллельный перевод
Mmm, I didn't know it was that good.
Não sabia que era tão bom.
I didn't know it was the CIA's cocaine! And B...
Não sabia que a cocaína era da CIA.
So I got out of the car to take a leak, because I'd been drinking, and I didn't know it was next to a children's park.
Então saí do carro para dar uma mija, porque tinha estado a beber, e... não sabia que era ao lado de um parque infantil.
I didn't know what I was doing, but as horrible as it was, I-I wouldn't trade it for anything, because you're here now, and you're beautiful, and you're a miracle, that someone like you
Eras uma miúda. Não sabia o que fazia. Apesar de ter sido horrível, não trocaria isso por nada, porque estás aqui e és lindo.
I know you didn't. It was an accident.
Eu sei que não.
I didn't know it would end up like this.
Eu não sabia que iria acabar assim.
The ghost how did you know it was me? - I didn't.
- O fantasma - como sabia que era eu?
I knew that something was coming, but I didn't know what it was.
Sabia que algo se aproximava, mas não sabia o quê.
I knew you'd live, but I didn't know if you'd make it back.
Sabia que ia sobreviver, mas não sabia se voltava.
I found a way to force myself into all of your lives. You just didn't know it.
Encontrei formas de forçar a minha entrada em todas as vossas vidas, e nem repararam.
I know I didn't kill it.
Sei que não os matei.
I didn't know what it was when I picked it up.
Não sabia o que era quando a apanhei.
I-I didn't know it was in there.
Eu não sabia que estava ali.
That my sister got everything that I ever desired, that she didn't even have to try, that it was all just handed to her, that she doesn't even know what she has!
a minha irmã tem tudo o que sempre desejei, que nem teve que se esforçar, que tudo foi-lhe dado. Que não dá valor ao que tem!
I didn't know it was, uh... Cool.
Não sabia que... bom.
'Cause I didn't know if it would work or not.
Porque não sabia se ia resultar ou não.
- I was completely convinced. - I didn't know you had it in you.
- Convenceste-me completamente.
I deserve romance, and I didn't know how else to make it happen.
Eu mereço romance, e de outra forma não iria acontecer.
But I know he didn't deserve to die for it.
Mas sei que não merecia morrer por causa disso.
I-I didn't know it was you.
- Para baixo.
I didn't know it was you.
- Eu não sabia. - Mãos no ar.
I know I didn't dream it, Mum. I really didn't.
Eu sei que não sonhei isto, mãe.
I've done it, I've done it, but I didn't know I was doing it. You know, it was...
Já o fiz, já o fiz, mas não sabia que estava a fazê-lo.
I just want to tell you that I love you and you mean absolutely the world to me and I just wanted you to know that time in Cabo when you were passed out, yes, I-I did hook up with the concierge, but it didn't mean anything.
Só queria que soubesses que em Cabo, quando bebeste demais, eu fiquei mesmo com a concierge, mas não significou nada.
They said I did it, but in my heart, I know I didn't.
Disseram que fui eu.. mas lá no fundo, sei que não fui eu.
Look, you know, I'm sorry that I didn't tell you before about the beasts, it's just...
Desculpa por não te ter contado sobre os monstros...
I know you didn't, but when we say stuff we can't decide how people are gonna take it.
- Eu sei que não, mas quando dizemos coisas, não podemos decidir como as ouvem.
I didn't even know it was possible.
Nem sabia que era possível.
I did fin a bag of blood, but I didn't know it was from you.
Encontrei um saco de sangue, mas não sabia que era da tua parte.
I didn't know anything about it.
Não sei nada a esse respeito.
I guess I kinda of can't believe that she didn't tell me about it, you know?
Só não acredito que ela nem sequer me contou, entendes?
It felt so good to confess, and my old man was so proud of me, I didn't even get in any trouble. Y-you know?
Senti-me tão bem em confessar e o meu velhote ficou tão orgulhoso de mim que nem me meti em sarilhos, sabias?
I mean, it was a little bit embarrassing. I didn't even know "she-ro" was a word, And there it was, in icing.
Foi um pouco embaraçoso, nem sabia que "heroína" se aplicava ali, mas lá estava ela escrita no bolo.
Well, you were sick. I didn't know if you could handle it.
Estavas doente, não sabia se ias conseguir fazê-lo.
I didn't know it was an "S". I know.
- Eu não sabia que era um "S".
Well, whoever it was, I'm guessing they didn't know what they were getting into.
Seja quem for, não sabiam com o que se tinham metido.
I didn't want Joanie to find it. She snoops, you know?
Não queria que a Joanie a encontrasse.
Look, I admit that it's odd that Rajesh didn't write to you himself, but if you get to know him, you'll see he's just a sweet, regular guy.
Eu admito que é estranho não ter sido o Rajesh a escrever-te, mas se o conheceres, vais ver que é um homem querido, e normal.
The Hellfire Club had this stone tablet in their lab. I know it has some significance, but the photo didn't turn out right.
Havia uma tábua de pedra no Clube do Inferno, eu sei que tem um significado mas a foto não ajuda.
No, I didn't, but I know what it's like to serve my country.
Não, não tinha, mas sei como é servir o meu país.
"Oh, I didn't know what time it was."
"Eu não sabia que horas eram."
And it felt really awkward for me to bring up the fact that I didn't grow up with one, you know?
E parecia-me estranho falar do facto de eu não ter crescido com um, percebem?
I got his direct info, and, you know, he told me he was going back to Mexico for eight months and he was gonna come back, and he told me I had two sisters that I didn't know about, and I couldn't take it.
Obtive a informação direta dele e, sabem, ele disse-me que ia regressar ao México por oito meses e que ia voltar, que eu tinha duas irmãs que eu desconhecia e não consegui aguentar.
I asked her boyfriend. He didn't know anything about it.
O namorado não sabe de nada.
I don't know. I didn't do it!
- Não sei, não fui eu!
I didn't know I had it! Please!
Não sabia que estava comigo!
I didn't know I had it!
Por favor! Sinto muito!
I've never broken it out before you because, you know, we didn't live together, but... it keeps the top really warm and lets my bottom breathe.
Nunca te tinha mostrado porque, pronto, não vivíamos juntos, mas... Aquece-me bem a parte de cima e deixa a parte de baixo respirar.
And I didn't know what to say, so I-I-I took the bag, the big, smelly trash bag, and I tossed it in the chute.
Eu não sabia o que dizer, então apanhei o saco do lixo e atirei na lixeira.
It means the guy that I know... didn't used to sit around wringing his hands over every decision.
Quer dizer que o tipo que eu conheço... não costumava sentar-se e preocupar-se acima de cada decisão.
Still, I can't believe Daniel had a tail on me and I didn't know it.
- Não consigo acreditar que o Daniel mandou seguir-me e eu não sabia.

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