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I didn't know that перевод на португальский

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I didn't know that was still going on.
Não sabia que ainda não tinha acabado.
- I didn't know that.
- Não sabia disso.
I didn't think there was that much to know on the subject.
Não pensei que houvesse muito a saber nessa área.
So, and the main reason I didn't want to eat any is because I know that once I start, I will eat all of them.
E a razão principal por não ter querido comer nada é porque eu sabia que assim que começasse, iria comer tudo.
You didn't know I knew that one, huh?
Não sabias que eu sabia desta, huh?
You want to know why I didn't take that money?
Quer saber porque não fiquei com o dinheiro?
- Barry Crimmins was this weird mythical force that was a judgmental sage of some kind that you know, I didn't quite get.
O Barry era uma estranha força mítica... COMEDIANTE, "MARC," WTF PODCAST... que acabava por ser um sábio crítico que eu não compreendia.
- I didn't know, I didn't know what made him tick. But that's the way he was.
Não sabia o que o fazia funcionar, mas ele era mesmo assim.
I didn't know that you were supposed to cut them off, so I would bring them to her like clumps with the roots still dangling, all full of dirt.
Não sabia que era preciso cortá-las, por isso, dava-lhas com terra agarrada e as raízes ainda penduradas... Era só terra.
It took me a long time to, you know, come to that, come to those terms and when I did, you know, I called Barry and it wasn't... he didn't say, "I knew it," or anything like that.
Demorei muito tempo a admitir. Quando o fiz, liguei ao Barry. Ele não disse que já sabia, nem nada do género.
I didn't know that he was gonna round up half of Delta Delta Sluta for a dip-the-stick marathon.
Não sabia que ele enganava metade do Delta Delta Puta, por uma maratona estúpida.
All that stuff you said... I didn't know you felt that way.
Tudo o que disseste, eu não sabia que sentias isso.
If I didn't know you better, I'd say that sounded pretty cowardly.
Se não te conhecesse melhor, diria que isso pareceu cobarde.
You know, I didn't know that.
Eu não sabia disso.
- I didn't know that you were...
- Não sabia que estavas...
No, it's just that you're my alibi, man, and I know you had nothing to do with it. I know you didn't because even if you did, man, I wouldn't...
É só porque és o meu álibi, e eu sei que não tiveste nada a ver com isto.
So as long as I didn't know the truth, you were fine with using me, making me feel like you cared about me, but... now that I know the truth, you'd prefer to dump me, move on and use someone else?
Então, desde que eu não soubesse a verdade, usavas-me, fazendo-me sentir que gostavas de mim. Mas, agora que sei a verdade, preferes deixar-me, avançar e usar outra pessoa? - Não.
I know that if it was you that had fainted just before you were to marry me, oh, dear, I'd be absolutely sure that you hated me and that you didn't want anything to do with me.
Eu sei que, se tivesses sido tu a desmaiar mesmo antes de casares comigo, meu Deus, teria a certeza de que me odiavas e que não querias ter nada que ver comigo.
I didn't know that.
Eu não sabia.
You know, and then I didn't tell him whatever it was that he wanted to hear, and he did it.
E depois eu não lhe disse o que quer que fosse que ele queria ouvir, e ele fê-lo.
I didn't even know that he was gay, until he woke me up and told me the next morning.
Eu nem sabia que ele era gay, até ele me acordar e me dizer, na manhã seguinte.
Of course, the Richardsons... or should I say Rawlings... claimed they didn't know that they were related.
Claro que, os Richardsons, ou devo dizer, os Rawlings, afirmaram que não tinham conhecimento que eram parentes.
I didn't know that.
Eu não sabia isso.
Well, I don't know about that. It's just the check you gave me didn't clear.
Isso não sei, mas o cheque que me deste não tinha cobertura.
I didn't know that was happening.
Eu não sabia o que ia acontecer.
I didn't know that was happening.
- Não sabia o que ia acontecer.
I didn't know that Klaus would ask Jack and me to live here, but that...
Não sabia que o Klaus ia convidar-me e ao Jack para vivermos cá, mas isso...
I want you to know that... I didn't marry you for all those people.
Quero que saibas, que não me casei contigo por causa daquelas pessoas todas.
I didn't know where I was or how long I'd been there, let alone that I'd lost 9 months of my life.
Não sabia onde estava, ou há quanto tempo estava lá, muito menos que tinha perdido nove meses da minha vida.
- I didn't know that you were gonna be here.
- Não sabia que estavas aqui. - Onde mais podia estar?
I didn't know he was going to do that.
Não sabia que ele ia fazer isso.
I got mixed up in that by chance, I didn't even know the girl.
Fui envolvido por acaso nessa situação, nem sequer conhecia a rapariga.
First of all, I didn't know he was that sick.
Primeiro, eu não sabia que ele estava tão doente.
I didn't know that.
Não sabia que querias tocar o tema.
When I heard you talk that night, it's like I knew you was talking to me, even though you didn't know you was talking to me.
Quando eu ouvi você falar naquela noite, é como se soubesse que estava falando comigo, mesmo que você não soubesse, você estava falando comigo.
I don't know what you did or didn't do over there, but I know that you saved me.
Eu não sei o que você fez ou deixou de fazer por lá, mas eu sei que você me salvou.
I didn't know that you were- -
Eu não sabia que você estava...
But it turned out There were all these parts of him that i didn't know.
Mas, tinha um lado que eu não conhecia.
And you didn't know that I was hurt.
E não sabias que eu estava ferida.
Y... you didn't know it, but... I had a body in the van that day, too.
Você não sabia mas... mas também tinha um cadáver na carrinha nesse dia.
What if he's, like, a secret millionaire, and he, like, wants to make sure that, like, I love him for him and not his money,'cause he's had problems with other girls in the past wanting him for his money, and he didn't know if their love was pure?
E se secretamente for um milionário e quiser ter a certeza de que o amo por ele e não pelo dinheiro porque já teve problemas com raparigas que só queriam o dinheiro dele e quiser testar-me?
It would shame me for you to see that, if I didn't know that you have suffered the same distortions in the press.
Seria uma vergonha para mim você ver que... Se eu não soubesse que... sofreu as mesmas distorções da imprensa.
I didn't know it had a secret meaning, but we cleared that up now.
Eu não sabia que tinham outro sentido, mas agora já esclarecemos isso.
I would never give the uniform to someone who didn't. You know that.
Jamais daria o uniforme a quem não merecesse, tu sabes!
Well, I didn't know that guy. But the guy sitting across from me isn't so bad.
Bem, eu não conheci esse tipo, mas o que está à minha frente não é assim tão mau.
That's how I know he didn't kill them.
Foi quando soube que não tinha sido ele.
But I didn't even know that you wanted to go to these types of schools.
Mas eu não sabia que tu querias ir para a faculdade.
You really think that anyone would believe that I didn't know what you were doing?
Achas mesmo que iam acreditar que eu não sabia o que estavas a fazer?
Like, she knew that I didn't know what seven times seven was.
Ela sabia que eu não fazia ideia de quanto era sete vezes sete.
I-I didn't know that we had any neighbors over the hill on the South face.
Não sabia que tínhamos vizinhos do lado sul do monte.
Um, it's... You know, it's funny, I, I... I didn't think that I was the type of guy who wanted people to feel bad for me, but...
É... sabes, é engraçado, eu... não pensei que fosse do tipo de homem que quisesse que as pessoas sentissem-se mal por mim, mas...

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