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I didn't want to believe it перевод на португальский

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I've felt it ever since I came back... but I didn't want to believe it.
Eu tive o pressentimento logo quando voltei... mas não queria acreditar.
I just didn't want to believe it.
Mas não quis acreditar.
But I didn't want to believe it.
Mas não quis acreditar nisso.
When we heard from you that Gishiro was dead she didn't want to believe it, no matter what I said.
Quando nos contou que Gishiro estava morto... ela não quis acreditar, a não se importar o que dissesse.
I know, I didn't want to believe that... but now they've killed Ruth Mayer... and they could kill you or me, and she wouldn't even be aware of it.
Eu sei, eu não queria acreditar... mas assassinaram a Ruth Mayer... e poderiam matar-nos, a si e a mim, e ela nem se aperceberia.
Who knows, maybe I always knew... but I didn't want to believe that it was him that killed Carlo.
Quem sabe, talvez sempre o tivesse sabido... Mas não queria acreditar que tivesse sido logo ele a matar o Carlo, isso não.
- I really didn't want to believe it.
- Custou-me acreditar que eras tu.
I didn't want to believe it, but I knew.
Não queria acreditar. Mas eu sabia...
I knew his career was taking him away from me. But I didn't want to believe it was over.
Sua carreira estava lhe afastando de mim, mas não queria acreditar que tínhamos terminado.
I didn't want to believe it... until one night I saw his car pulling out of the driveway.
Eu não queria acreditar... Até uma noite em que o vi a sair da garagem.
- Because I didn't want to believe it.
- Porque eu não queria acreditar nisto.
I didn't want to believe it, but it's true.
Eu não queria acreditar, mas é verdade.
I wanted to, but... but I didn't even want to believe it myself, and... the thought of telling him...
nem eu própria queria acreditar, e... eu pensei em contar-lhe...
We didn't want to sell it until the market went back up then we'd split the profits. I can't believe he took a second out on the house.
Só queríamos vender com o mercado aquecido... para dividir o lucro.
Guess I didn't want to believe it.
Parece que não queria acreditar.
I didn't want to believe it but he does.
Não quis acreditar nisso mas ele odeia-te.
I guess I just didn't want to believe it.
Acho que apenas não quis acreditar nisso.
I didn't want to believe it.
Eu não queria acreditar.
I didn't want to believe it, but it's true, she's completely insane.
Não quis acreditar, mas é verdade. Ela é doida varrida.
I didn't want to believe it, i kept... I kept hoping i was wrong about this.
Eu não consigo acreditar, eu tinha... tinha esperança que estivesse errado este tempo todo.
I didn't want to believe it, i kept...
Não queria acreditar nisto, continuava...
Believe it or not, I did this... because I didn't want you to feel bad about yourself.
Só fiz isto porque não queria que te sentisses mal contigo.
I didn't want to believe it, but it's true.
Recusava-me a acreditar, mas era verdade!
And then Zach said he couldn't have sex and I didn't want to explain it, so I made him believe that I still wanted to.
E depois o Zach disse que não podíamos fazer sexo, e eu não queria explicar-lhe, então fiz-lhe acreditar que eu queria.
I just didn't want to believe it.
Eu apenas não quis acreditar.
But I didn't want to believe that I gave it to her.
Mas não queria acreditar que a tinha contagiado.
- l didn't want to believe it, but I knew it.
- Não queria acreditar, mas eu sabia.
I didn't want to believe it either, Mike, but it's the truth, so help me God.
Também não queria acreditar, mas por Deus que é verdade.
Well, I didn't want to believe it either.
Bem, eu também não queria acreditar.
It's-it's not that I didn't want to believe.
Não... não é isso Eu não preciso acreditar.
I knew that, I just didn't want to believe it.
Eu sabia isso, eu... apenas não queria acreditar.
I just didn't want to believe it.
Apenas não queria acreditar.
I didn't want to leave him... please believe that... but it wasn't the place for us.
Não queria deixá-lo, por favor acredite nisso, mas... aquilo não era lugar para nós.
An important cause like this, we didn't want to miss it. I don't believe you know my wife christine.
Uma causa importante como esta, não a queríamos perder.
I didn't want to believe it, and then you quit surgery, so, I guess I just kind of let it go.
Eu não queria acreditar e deixaste de ser cirurgião, acho que deixei de me importar.
I didn't want to believe it. But she... isn't the person I knew.
Não queria acreditar nisto, mas ela já não é a pessoa que eu conhecia.
I didn't want to believe it.
Nem acreditei.
God, I just didn't want to believe it!
Céus, não queria acreditar nisso!
I didn't want to believe it myself.
Eu própria não queria acreditar.
Condom, and i didn't want it getting in the way. You know, i just - - i cannot getting in the way. You know, i just - - i cannot believe that you would have sex you know, i just - - i cannot believe that you would have sex with two guys, back-to-back like believe that you would have sex with two guys, back-to-back like that.
Não acredito que fizeste sexo com dois gajos um a seguir ao outro.
If I didn't believe in God, it would make me want to invent him.
Se não acreditasse em Deus, dava-me vontade de o inventar.
I didn't want to believe it, and then we come back here and there's photos of you with your arm round some guy, and you're cooking!
Não quis acreditar nisso e então viemos para aqui e há fotos de ti com o braço à volta de um tipo, e tu estás a cozinhar!
'Cause I didn't want to believe it was him.
- Não queria acreditar que era ele!
I thought... but I didn't want to believe it was you.
Mas não queria acreditar que tinhas sido tu.
I didn't want to believe it, either.
Eu também não queria acreditar.
I didn't want to believe it, but then I saw you out there. Why would you do that?
Não quis acreditar, mas vi-te lá.
I didn't want to believe it, I fought for you to come here.
Eu não quis acreditar, lutei para que viessem.
Why? Believe it or not, I don't want to talk about it, and I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone.
Acredites ou não, não quero falar sobre isso, e agradecia que não contasses a ninguém.
I didn't want to believe that it could be true, but after tonight happened, I can't keep this to myself anymore.
Não queria acreditar que pudesse ser verdade, mas depois do que aconteceu esta noite, não posso guardar mais isto para mim.
He's convinced she implanted something in him, and I didn't want to believe it was true, but Hal did.
Ele está convencido que ela plantou alguma coisa nele. Eu não quis acreditar ser verdade, mas o Hal acreditou.
Listen, I want to believe that you didn't kill Larry McPhee, but if he raped you and you don't tell me, it makes you look more guilty.
Escute, quero acreditar que não matou o Larry McPhee. Mas, se ele a violou e não me contar, fará com que pareça mais culpada.

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