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I didn't want to know перевод на португальский

1,190 параллельный перевод
- I was gonna tell you, I just, you know... didn't want to do it over the phone.
- Eu ia contar para você, eu apenas, você sabe... não queria fazê-lo pelo telefone.
Because I didn't want the students to know I threw the party.
Porque eu não queria que soubessem que tinha sido eu a dar a festa.
I figure he knows something he didn't want anyone to know.
Eu acho que ele sabe algo que ele não quer que ninguém saiba.
- Dad, I didn't want to tell them anything. I just wanted to know who Rancel is, to help you.
Papá, juro-te que não quis contar-lhes nada, só queria saber quem é Rancel, para te-ajudar.
I thought you didn't want to know.
Pensava que não querias saber.
You know, all I wanted... was for him to want to do it right, and he didn't.
Eu só queria que ele tivesse feito tudo como deve ser e isso não aconteceu.
I couldn't imagine why you never told me, unless the commission discovered something it didn't want me to know about.
A não ser que a comissão tivesse descoberto algo que não quisesse que eu soubesse.
I know you didn't want to kiss me, but when I was taking a hit off that bottle before, I backwashed in it.
Sei que não me quiseste beijar, mas quando estava a dar um gole naquela garrafa, bebi para esquecer.
I didn't want anybody to know I'd been with him.
Fui-me embora. Não queria que soubessem que dormira com ele.
I know you want to protect your son but you didn't kill your husband.
Sei que quer proteger o seu filho, mas você não matou o seu marido.
Well, I didn't want to make you mad, you know, you getting so panicky and all...
Não queria que te zangasses, contigo a entrar em pânico e tal...
I look around this place and I don't know if I'm here because I want to be here or because it's the one place he didn't want me to be.
Olho à minha volta e não sei se estou aqui porque quero ou porque o meu pai não queria que estivesse.
I know my mom didn't want me to go, but I'm going to make her proud of me.
Sei que a minha mãe não queria que eu fosse, mas farei com que se orgulhe de mim.
I am grateful, you know, for the ill-conceived and highhanded attempt to defend my honor, although I didn't want you to.
Estou-te grata, sabes, pela mal pensada e arrogante tentativa de defender a minha honra, embora não a quisesse.
- I know. - I didn't wanna upset you and I certainly don't want you to make an important decision off of...
Não te queria chatear e não quero que tomes uma decisão importante...
I didn't want to bother you, but Hannah thought, well, I don't know what Hannah thought.
Não quis incomodá-lo, mas a Hannah achou... bem, não sei o que a Hanna achou.
I decided I didn't want to know after all.
Decidi que afinal não queria saber.
I'm just grateful to be included. Especially since I know you aren't Catholic... and you didn't want to have a christening.
Estou grata por me ter incluído, visto você nem ser católica e nem querer um baptizado.
Lana, Dean didn't want me to say anything until we were all together but, well, you know me, I can never keep a secret.
Lana, o Dean não queria que eu te dissesse sem estarmos juntos mas tu conheces-me, não sei guardar segredo.
- I just want you to know that I tried and I didn't mean to hurt anybody.
- Quero que saibas que tentei e não queria prejudicar ninguém.
That was only because I didn't want to get busted, you know?
Só porque não queria que me descobrissem.
I just didn't want to drop the news in front of all those people, you know?
Só não lhe queria dar as notícias à frente daquela gente toda, percebes?
- No, I know that, but if we didn't want to go to Gosselin's, how would you get us out to 95? .
- Eu sei, mas... se não fôssemos para lá, como é que chegávamos à auto-estrada 95?
I didn't want you to know.
Mas não te deixava saber.
I don't want to know. You must say you didn't tell me anything.
Não quero saber, deve dizer que não... me disse nada.
Hey, do you want to know a secret that I didn't tell anybody ever?
Queres ouvir um segredo que não contei a ninguém?
I didn't want to lose your money for you but the devil of it was I didn't know you were Adam.
Não queria fazê-lo perder dinheiro. Mas o diabo é que não sabia chamar-se Adam.
I didn't want to know,'cause I loved you.
Eu não queria saber porque eu amava você.
I still don't know where you're from. When you asked before, I didn't want to tell you.
Realmente não sou de Tang.
Yes, all right, I did come back, but I didn't want Elinor to know.
Sim, é verdade que voltei, mas não queria que a Elinor soubesse.
No. I didn't know if you'd want me to.
Não sabia se querias que dissesse.
I want you to know we didn't kill your son.
Quero que saiba que não matámos o seu filho.
I want you to know that I didn't know Tony had been shot when I was insensitive earlier.
Queria que soubesses que não sabia que o Tony tinha sido atingido.
If you want me to say you didn't know he'd use it to break out Salazar, I will.
Se queres, eu digo que tu não sabias que ele ia usá-la para libertar o Salazar.
If I told you something you know, that maybe you didn't want to know even you'd trust me, right?
Se eu te dizer uma coisa... que tu talvez não queiras saber confiarias em mim, certo?
I thought we didn't want anyone to know we were here.
Pensava que ninguém devia saber.
I was ashamed. I didn't want people to know what he did to me.
Não queria que as pessoas soubessem o que ele me fazia.
You know... your people must think I'm a real bastard or something. keeping quiet. but I didn't want to lose my financing.
Sabem... o vosso pessoal deve pensar que eu sou um verdadeiro estupor, por me manter em silêncio mas eu não queria perder o meu financiamento.
I just want you to know it wasn't because I didn't care.
Só quero que saibas que não foi por não me importar contigo.
I know you didn't want me to go but your dad said that...
Eu sei que não querias que fosse, mas o teu pai disse que...
I want to be honest with you but it's hard because I didn't even know I wasn't being honest with you until tonight.
Eu quero ser honesto contigo, Laynie, mas é difícil porque eu nem sabia que não estava a ser honesto até esta noite.
I just didn't want you to know how good I was.
Só não queria que... -... soubesses que eu era bom.
I just didn't want you... -... to know how good I was.
Só não queria que soubesses que eu era bom.
He didn't want you to know about it, but I came over here to tell you.
Ele não queria que soubessem, mas vim cá dizer-vos.
I didn't want to know!
Eu não queria saber!
Oh, that's right, you don't know about that because I didn't tell you because I was embarrassed because I didn't wanna be that girl and you don't want me to be that girl, but after the hockey game, I was that girl.
Não sabes disso porque não te contei. Tive vergonha. Não queria ser essa rapariga.
Mom, I know it was wrong, but I'm sure Dad just didn't want to get you upset.
Mãe, sei que foi errado... mas de certeza que o pai só não te quis chatear.
I want to know why you didn't tell me she was in town.
Quero saber porque não me disseste que ela estava na cidade.
Whether I did or didn't have anything to do with your... what's the word I'm looking for there, Glen? "Disability." Know this : A lawyer's gonna be coming around asking questions about the day Li Chen got whacked and unless you want to be dialing with your nose, you'd best tell him what he wants to hear.
Que haja ou não tenha tido nada que ver com você vai vir um advogado a fazer perguntas sobre o dia em que mataram ao Li Chen e a menos que queira discar com seu nariz melhor lhe diz o que ele quer ouvir.
Uh, I didn't want him to know my size.
Não queria que soubessem o meu tamanho.
And, I don't know, I guess, I just didn't want to take it off.
Sei lá, acho que não queria tirá-lo.

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