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I heard you were here перевод на португальский

141 параллельный перевод
I didn't. I gathered as much when I heard you were here.
Imaginei quando ouvi que você estava aqui.
I was about to go for dinner when I heard you were here
Deixa-me pensar...
I heard you were here.
- Soube que cá estavas.
I came up from the surface as soon as I heard you were here.
Vim da superfície assim que soube que estava aqui.
I heard you were here.
Soube que estava aqui.
I heard you were here, but I haven't seen you.
Ouvi dizer que cá estavas, mas não te vi.
I heard you were here.
- Soube que já tinhas chegado.. - Olá.
I heard you were here.
Escutei que você estava aqui.
I heard you were here, but I didn't believe it.
Eu soube que estava aqui, mas não acreditei.
I heard you were here.
Ouvi dizer que estavas aqui.
- I heard you were here.
- Ouvi dizer que estava cá.
I was surprised when I heard you were going to be here.
Fiquei surpreendido quando soube que vinha.
When I heard you were coming here, Mr. Johnson, I felt sure you would be an asset to the community.
Quando me disseram que estava aqui, Sr. Johnson, pensei que podia ajudar esta comunidade.
When I heard you were with my husband, I came straight here.
Quando soube que estava aqui, vim direto pra cá.
I heard you were here.
Ouvi dizer que estava aqui.
I heard the two of you were here.
Ouvi dizer que vocês os dois estavam aqui.
I came along for the ride'cause I heard you were gonna be here.
Só aproveitei a boleia porque soube que tu ias cá estar.
And here I heard they were never around when you needed one. Excuse me.
E aqui eu ouvi eles nunca estam em torno quando você necessita um.
- I heard you were here.
- Andrew.
You dog, I heard an ugly rumour you were going to be here.
Viste aquela briga ali fora?
I heard you were going to be here.
Ouvi dizer que ía estar aqui.
Um... I heard you were living up here
Soube que estava aqui a viver.
Hey. I heard you were down here slicing and dicing.
Ouvi dizer que estavas aqui a cortar.
I heard you were out here, taking some meetings, and I was wondering if you could help me out with a technical problem I've been having with one of my assignments.
Soube que está cá, em reuniões, e vinha saber se me pode ajudar com um problema técnico que surgiu num trabalho que me deram.
When I heard that you were with child and that you were finally returning here to stay how could I not come and convey my personal good wishes?
Quando eu ouvi dizer que estavam à espera de um filho... e que iam finalmente regressar para aqui para ficarem... como poderia eu não cá vir para desejar pessoalmente boa sorte?
I heard you're on here 30 seconds before the bullet started flying, and you were the one that jumped on the kid.
Eu ouvi que você estava aqui 30 segundos antes das balas começarem a voar e você saltou sobre a criança.
Heard you were long gone back to the city. I thought you were all through here.
Julguei que estava despachado daqui.
I heard you tellin'Ike you were gonna be shootin'off another rocket up here today.
Ouvi quando disseste ao Ike... que ias lançar outro foguete aqui hoje.
Before I came here, I heard you were a tough, chauvinistic prick.
Antes de vir para cá, diziam-me que você era um machista insuportável.
I heard you were in here.
Soube que estavas aqui.
Yeah, I heard you were down here.
Sim, ouvi dizer que estavas aqui em baixo.
I'm sorry to bother you, but could you point out here where you were when you heard that second shot?
desculpe incomodá-lo, mas pode indicar-me onde estava, quando ouviu o segundo tiro?
I heard you were gonna come by before your shift but I'm a little backed up here.
Hão-me dito que foste vir antes de seu turno mas estou um pouco atada.
Bob! When I heard you were up on the roof I just assumed it was because your evil mission here on planet Earth had finally come to an end, so tell me this.
Quando me disseram que estavas aqui no terraço pensei que era porque a tua missão maléfica aqui na Terra tinha finalmente chegado ao fim, por isso diz-me uma coisa.
I heard you were quite the bad boy before you joined us here in Smallville.
Ouvi dizer que eras um vândalo antes de vires para Smallville.
I heard you, sir... but with all due respect, we were sent out here as a unit.
Ouvi-o, senhor. Mas com todo o respeito enviaram-nos aqui como uma unidade.
I'm in town on business and heard you were here.
Vim à cidade a negócios e soube que estavam cá.
It was probably the best sound I've ever heard in my life, just the fact that you were playing guitar in here.
Foi provavelmente o melhor som que ouvi na minha vida, o facto de estares aqui a tocar guitarra.
And, you know, when I heard that you guys were moving here and all of that, that brought up a lot of fear around :
E, quando soube que vocês iam mudar-se para cá, fiquei com algum medo :
I heard you were getting out of here.
Já soube que tu estás de saída daqui.
I heard you were in here asking about Ray Kaspo.
Sim, eu ouvi dizer que andava a perguntar pelo Kaspo.
If I heard there were goingto be tests on a navy ship, do you think we'd still bestanding here, boss.
Se eu soubesse que ia haver testes num navio da Marinha, acha que ainda aqui estávamos, chefe?
I heard you were still here.
Soube que ainda aqui estava.
I heard you were in here.
Ouvi que você estava aqui.
- Yeah, I heard you were working here. - Yeah.
- Sim, ouvi dizer que trabalhava aqui.
We were only here for a few minutes. Then I heard you coming... and I panicked, and I told him to hide.
Só cá viemos uns minutos e depois ouvimos-te chegar, assustei-me e mandei-o esconder-se.
When I heard you were working with Booth here, I knew you were just what I needed.
Quando soube que trabalhava com o Booth percebi que era o que precisava.
And here I heard you were some kind of brilliant fighter.
Ouvi falar que você é uma lutadora brilhante...
I know I'm... I'm not welcome here, but I heard there was an accident at Luthorcorp, and I wanted to be sure you were all right.
Sei que não sou bem-vindo aqui mas soube que houve um acidente na LuthorCorp e queria saber se estavas bem.
I heard a rumor you were gonna be teaching here in town.
Ouvi dizer que vinhas ensinar para aqui.
But when I heard you guys were actually working here well, I just had to see it for myself.
Mas quando soube que vocês estavam mesmo a trabalhar aqui, bem, tinha de ver com os meus próprios olhos.

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