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I knew it all along перевод на португальский

62 параллельный перевод
I knew it all along.
Soube-o todo o tempo.
I knew it all along.
- Eu sempre o soube.
Oh, I guess I knew it all along.
Acho que sempre o soube.
I knew it all along.
Sempre soube.
I knew it all along!
Eu sempre o soube!
- What! ? I said I knew it all along, that you were fine.
Diz que sempre soube que estava bem.
- I knew it all along!
- Eu sabia! - Porquê, Bart?
I knew it all along.
- Tinha. - Como?
That's right, I knew it all along.
Exactamente, eu já sabia.
- I knew it all along.
Eu sempre soube. - Eu também.
Oh, I knew it all along. Really?
Eu sempre soube.
I knew it all along!
Eu sabia!
I knew it all along.
Sabia desde o princípio.
Oh, I knew it all along.
Eu sempre soube...
No, no, in fact, i knew it all along.
Não, não, de facto, eu sabia todo o tempo.
I knew it all along.
Soube sempre.
- I knew it all along.
- Eu sempre soube.
I knew it all along.
Eu sabia.
I knew it all along, really.
Sempre soube, sério.
I knew it all along, and I tried to warn people.
Eu sempre soube, e tentei avisar as pessoas.
I knew it all along!
Eu sempre o soube.
Perhaps because I knew all along, just wouldn't admit it to myself.
Talvez porque já o soubesse há muito, mas não o quisesse admitir.
I guess I knew it was wrong all along, but... Well, you know we needed the money.
Acho que sabia que era tudo um erro, mas... sabe que precisávamos de dinheiro.
Sebastian knew it all along, was born knowing it, but not I.
O Sebastian sempre o soube, nasceu assim, mas eu näo.
I knew all along. It had to be a mistake.
Sabia que tinha sido um engano.
I knew it was Crutchfield all along.
Eu sabia que tinha sido o Crutchfield.
I knew it was you all along. I did!
Eu sabia que eras tu o tempo todo. Sabia!
Tens razão, René.
You knew all along I was the one that had to do it.
Porque tu soubeste o tempo todo que era eu que tinha que o fazer.
I thought it was necessary to learn more. Among all who knew along the hydrogen bomb,
Eu senti que mais conhecimento era necessário Sobre as pessoas que viam um grande negócio na bomba de hidrogênio.
All along, my whole life, I knew it.
Eu estava certa, toda a minha vida o soube!
- I knew it was you all along Richard Nixon!
- Sempre soube que eras tu Richard Nixon!
I knew about you all along and it was my pleasure to twist you and use you how I saw fit.
Já sabia de ti desde o princípio e foi um prazer manipular-te e usar-te como bem entendi.
He knew all about the corruption in the senate... but he wouldn't have gone along with it if he had learned the truth as I have.
Nunca teria tolerado a corrupção no Senado se tivesse sabido a verdade como eu.
It's all I knew + Along came Victor, he was brilliant, thought he could save my f ather's company +
Apareceu o Victor. Era brilhante e podia salvara empresa do meu pai.
I knew it was you all along.
Sempre soube que eras tu.
See, I may have kissed Todd... but you knew about it all along and didn't tell Michael.
Eu posso ter beijado o Todd... mas tu sabias de tudo e não contaste nada ao Michael.
I knew it. He's been here all along.
Ele sempre esteve aqui.
you know, i thought i knew you, tyr, and it turns out all along you've just been waiting to betray us.
Sabe, pensei que o conhecia, Tyr, e durante todo esse tempo apenas esteve à espera para nos trair.
So... I slog halfway around the world searching for the book. only to find that you knew where it was all along.
Então... trabalho arduamente ao redor do Mundo em busca do livro, só para descobrir que tu sempre soubeste onde estava.
I knew it all along.
Eu já sabia.
Vance, I knew it was you all along.
Vance, sempre soube que tinhas sido tu.
- No, baby. I knew all along it was you.
- Não, sempre soube que eras tu.
I knew he did it all along, you know.
Eu sabia que tinha sido ele.
I knew that you had it all along, I'II get you change right away
Estávamos só a brincar, sabíamos que ia pagar.
I knew it was you all along. I see you didn't learn anything in the null void.
Sabia que eras tu o tempo todo, vejo que não aprendeste nada no vácuo nulo.
I think she knew all along, but... it was easier for her to pretend that she didn't.
Acho que sempre soube, mas... era mais fácil para ela fingir que não sabia.
Why did you go without saying, when I knew all along it was me?
Porque o fizeste às escondidas quando eu sempre soube que era eu?
For the record, I knew you had it in you all along.
Para que conste, sempre soube que a tinhas.
Plus, I pretty much knew it was him all along, so if anyone's cool, it's me!
E mais, desde o início que eu sabia que era ele, portanto, se alguém é fixe, sou eu.
- Well, I never knew Shane was gay, But I met his partner, and he was a very nice guy, And we all liked him and went along fine with it.
Bem, eu nunca soube que o Shane era gay, mas conheci o seu parceiro, e ele era um rapaz muito simpático, e gostamos muito dele e tudo correu bem.

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