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I thought you might like it перевод на португальский

111 параллельный перевод
I had this laying'around, mister. I thought you might like it.
Tinha isto ali, pensei que lhe daria jeito.
I thought you might like it.
Pensei que podias gostar.
I thought you might like it.
Pensei que gostasse da ideia.
And I thought you might like it.
Pensei que fosses gostar.
I thought you might like it, Dad.
Pensei que ia gostar.
I thought you might like it. Okay. What's the catch?
Então a mulher deve ser vista e não ouvida, é isso?
I thought you might like it. You might need it for when you're....
Pode vir a precisar... para quando está...
I thought you might like it.
Pensei que gostasses.
- I thought you might like it.
- Acho que vai gostar.
I thought you might like it.
Pensei que gostarias.
I got you guys something. I thought you might like it.
Trouxe-vos uma coisa que pensei que iriam gostar.
I thought you might like it.
Achei que ias gostar.
I thought you might like it.
Calculei que gostasses.
Well, after our so-called date, I thought you might like it.
Depois da nossa suposta saída, achei que poderias gostar.
I thought you might like it
Eu pensei que você ia gostar
I thought you might like it.
Calculei que vos agradasse. Venham.
You're always running late. I thought you might like it. I do.
Como estás sempre a correr e atrasado, achei que fosses gostar.
I thought perhaps you might like to have it.
Achei que talvez quisesse guardâ-lo.
I thought you might like to see it.
Talvez gostasses de lhe dar uma olhadela.
Like enough it's worth three pounds, but since we're a poor parish, I thought perhaps you might like to take out the difference in the credit to your soul.
Pode ser que valha três libras, mas como somos uma paróquia pobre, achei que talvez você pudesse querer tirar a diferença em crédito da sua alma.
I just thought you might like to know what it's like to be on the other end of a gag.
Pensei que talvez gostasse de saber o que é ter o feitiço virado contra o feiticeiro.
It's one of my favourite things, so I thought you might like to have it.
È um dos meus objectos preferidos. Pensei que talvez o aceitasse.
- Thank you. I have often thought of going blonde myself... but I'm kind of scared to bleach it, on account of it might, you know, get straw-like.
- Também pensei em ficar loira... mas tenho medo do cabelo ficar parecendo uma palha.
I thought the two of you might like it.
Pensei que vocês os dois gostassem.
I thought you might like to have it.
Pensei que gostasses de ficar com ele.
I was gonna save it until... you went off to college, but I thought you might like to have it today.
la guardá-la até... ires à faculdade, mas achei que te agradaria receber hoje.
I thought you might like to talk about it.
Achei que talvez quisesse falar sobre isso.
I thought maybe you or Miss Geist might like it.
Pensei que talvez o Sr. Ou a Sra. Geist gostassem.
I thought you might like to have it.
- Pensei que gostasses de o ter.
- I thought you might like to have it.
- Achei que a quisesses guardar.
So, Rory, your grandfather and I thought it might be nice after dinner... to go around the house and pick out what you'd like us to leave you in our will.
Rory, o teu avô e eu achámos que, depois de jantar, podias... dar uma volta pela casa e escolher o que queres que te deixemos em testamento.
But you didn't even like that I thought it might be fun.
Mas nem gostaste da ideia de eu ter achado graça.
I thought you might like to look at it.
Gostaria de vê-lo.
I thought you might like to have it.
Achei que fosses gostar de ficar com ela.
Delivered to him... he said he was once in the music business but... you know I thought he might like it.
Disse-me que tinha trabalhado no negócio da música mas... sabes, achei que ele pudesse gostar.
It was just an option I thought you might like.
Pensei que seria uma opção que lhe agradaria.
I just thought you might like to see it.
Mas achei que o senhor talvez gostasse de a ver.
You're not inconveniencing anyone, this is a grave day for everyone, I know that! I just thought we must have seemed a might bit ungrateful we should like to thank you properly for what you've done - It'II only take a moment
Você não está sendo inconveniente este é um dia muito importante para todos só quero dizer que não quero ser ingrato e gostaríamos de agradecer pelo que fez só vai levar um momento
- I thought you might like to see it,
- Achei que ias gostar de ver.
- I thought you might like to peruse it.
- Pensei que gostasses de dar uma olhada.
Oh, I thought you might like to help me decorate it tonight.
Pensei que talvez quisesses ajudar-me a decorá-la hoje à noite.
I thought maybe you'd know some lucky girl that might like it.
Pensei que talvez conhecesses uma rapariga sortuda que possa gostar disto.
Because I thought if it looked like you weren't gonna get my baby, that you might be a bit more generous.
Achei que, se parecesse que não teria o meu bebé, talvez fosse mais generosa.
- I don't know, I just kind of thought you might like to sit in on it.
Não há problema. Achei que ias gostar daquela aula.
I thought you might like it.
- Sim, achei que ias gostar.
I thought you might like to hang it up in your room.
Achei que gostasses de a pendurar no teu quarto.
I thought you might like it back.
Achei que gostarias de o ter de volta.
It's about a gang kid, and I thought you might like to read it.
É sobre um miúdo de um gangue, e achei que poderias gostar de o ler.
Now, I daresay some of you might have heard some of the more extravagant rumors about what my plans are, so I just thought you'd like to hear it from me.
Atrevo-me a dizer que alguns de vós terão ouvido boatos extravagantes quanto aos meus planos. Por isso, achei que gostariam de me ouvir a mim.
- Yeah, I thought you might like it.
- Pensei que ias gostar.
I thought you might like to see it.
Pensei que talvez gostasses de ver.

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